Edward Albert Feigenbaum
Edward Albert Feigenbaum


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Average citations per article7.26
Citation Count363
Publication count50
Publication years1961-2012
Available for download13
Average downloads per article776.00
Downloads (cumulative)10,088
Downloads (12 Months)2,605
Downloads (6 Weeks)630
A. M. Turing Award Winner ACM Fellow
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1 published by ACM
Human and Machine Intelligence
Barbara Grosz, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Marvin Minsky, Judea Pearl, Raj Reddy
June 2012 ACM-TURING '12: ACM Turing Centenary Celebration
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 392,   Downloads (12 Months): 1,531,   Downloads (Overall): 1,749

Full text available: Mp4Mp4
In his 1950 Mind paper, Alan Turing reframed the question of whether machines could think as an operational or behavioral question: Could a computer be built that was indistinguishable from people in playing the "imitation game," now known as "the Turing Test"? He conjectured that by the end of the ...

Computers And Thought
Edward A. Feigenbaum, Julian Feldman
March 2012
Citation Count: 0

Computers and Thought showcases the work of the scientists who not only defined the field of Artificial Intelligence, but who are responsible for having developed it into what it is today. Originally published in 1963, this collection includes twenty classic papers by such pioneers as A. M. Turing and Marvin ...

3 published by ACM
How the “what” becomes the “how”
January 2007 ACM Turing award lectures
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 254,   Downloads (12 Months): 891,   Downloads (Overall): 1,730

Full text available: PDFPDF

In memorium: Robert Engelmore March 7, 1935-March 25, 2003
Bruce G. Buchanan, Thomas C. Rindfleisch, Edward A. Feigenbaum
June 2003 AI Magazine: Volume 24 Issue 2, Summer 2003
Publisher: American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Citation Count: 0

5 published by ACM
Some challenges and grand challenges for computational intelligence
January 2003 Journal of the ACM (JACM): Volume 50 Issue 1, January 2003
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 12
Downloads (6 Weeks): 4,   Downloads (12 Months): 80,   Downloads (Overall): 3,592

Full text available: PDFPDF

Expert systems
Edward A. Feigenbaum, Philip Klahr
January 2003 Encyclopedia of Computer Science
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1,   Downloads (12 Months): 4,   Downloads (Overall): 70

Full text available: PDFPDF
Most applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are of a type called expert systems . An expert system (ES) is a computer program that reasons , using knowledge , to solve complex problems. Traditionally, computers have solved complex problems by arithmetic calculation (not logical reasoning), and the knowledge needed to solve ...

Knowledge Is Power: The Semantic Web Vision
October 2001 WI '01: Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Web Intelligence: Research and Development
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Citation Count: 6

Good science periodically revisits old results in the context of new discoveries and technologies. In this way, new understanding is gained of the earlier results and, sometimes, new insights can be gained into current work. This in turn can lead to new discoveries, and so the process continues. In this ...

Innovation and Obstacles: The Future of Computing
David D. Clark, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Juris Hartmanis, Robert W. Lucky, Robert M. Metcalfe, Raj Reddy, Mary Shaw
January 1998 Computer: Volume 31 Issue 1, January 1998
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press
Citation Count: 1

In this multidisciplinary glimpse forward, some of this decade's key players offer opinions on a range of topics- from what has driven progress, to where innovation will come from and to obstacles we have yet to overcome. In this excerpt from "Visions for the Future of the Fields," a panel ...

9 published by ACM
How the “what” becomes the “how”
May 1996 Communications of the ACM: Volume 39 Issue 5, May 1996
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 7
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1,   Downloads (12 Months): 27,   Downloads (Overall): 1,195

Full text available: PDFPDF

DENDRAL and Meta-DENDRAL: their applications dimension
Bruce G. Buchanan, Edward A. Feigenbaum
October 1995 Computation & intelligence: collected readings
Publisher: American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Citation Count: 0

The simulation of verbal learning behavior
October 1995 Computers & thought
Publisher: MIT Press
Citation Count: 17

Where's the “Walkman” in Japan's software future?
February 1995 The future of software
Publisher: MIT Press
Citation Count: 0

Knowledge-based systems research and applications in Japan, 1992
Edward A. Feigenbaum, Peter E. Friedland, Bruce B. Johnson, H. Penny Nii, Herbert Schorr, Howard Shrobe, Robert S. Engelmore
June 1994 AI Magazine: Volume 15 Issue 2, Summer 1994
Publisher: American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Citation Count: 1

DENDRAL and Meta-DENDRAL: roots of knowledge systems and expert system applications
Edward A. Feigenbaum, Bruce G. Buchanan
March 1994 Artificial intelligence in perspective
Publisher: MIT Press
Citation Count: 0

Tiger in a cage: the applications of knowledge-based systems (1993)
July 1993 AAAI'93: Proceedings of the eleventh national conference on Artificial intelligence
Publisher: AAAI Press
Citation Count: 1

DENDRAL: a case study of the first expert system for scientific hypothesis formation
Robert K. Lindsay, Bruce G. Buchanan, Edward A. Feigenbaum
June 1993 Artificial Intelligence: Volume 61 Issue 2, June 1993
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.
Citation Count: 4

The Japanese national Fifth Generation Project: introduction, survey, and evaluation
May 1993 Future Generation Computer Systems: Volume 9 Issue 2, July 1993
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
Citation Count: 0

Keywords: logic programming, parallel architecture, FGCS, inference engine
Also published in:
May 1993  Selected papers from the third annual conference on Meik US 92

Excerpts from The Fifth Generation: artificial intelligence and Japan's computer challenge to the world
Edward Feigenbaum, Pamela McCorduck
May 1991 Computerization and controversy: value conflicts and social choices
Publisher: Academic Press Professional, Inc.
Citation Count: 0

Distributed Computing and Cryptography: Proceedings of the DIMACS Workshop
Edward A. Feigenbaum, Joan Feigenbaun, Cook, Hartmann, Michael Merritt
April 1991
Citation Count: 4

On the thresholds of knowledge
Douglas B. Lenat, Edward A. Feigenbaum
February 1991 Artificial Intelligence: Volume 47 Issue 1-3, Jan. 1991
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.
Citation Count: 27

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