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MOBILE SENSING: Retrospectives and Trends
July 2016
GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications: Volume 20 Issue 1, January 2016
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 4, Downloads (12 Months): 59, Downloads (Overall): 59
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It is difficult to think back to a time before smartphones existed, with their ubiquitous computing and communication capabilities, and with detailed location sensing easily available from Global Positioning Systems (GPS). In the late 1990s, when my research group began work on mobile sensing, smartphones had not yet been invented. ...
COATCheck: Verifying Memory Ordering at the Hardware-OS Interface
March 2016
ASPLOS '16: Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 17, Downloads (12 Months): 194, Downloads (Overall): 194
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Modern computer systems include numerous compute elements, from CPUs to GPUs to accelerators. Harnessing their full potential requires well-defined, properly-implemented memory consistency models (MCMs), and low-level system functionality such as virtual memory and address translation (AT). Unfortunately, it is difficult to specify and implement hardware-OS interactions correctly; in the past, ...
computer architecture, virtual memory, address translation, verification, memory consistency models
Also published in:
June 2016
ACM SIGPLAN Notices - ASPLOS '16: Volume 51 Issue 4, April 2016 June 2016
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review - SIGOPS Member Plus: Volume 50 Issue 2, June 2016 July 2016
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News - ASPLOS'16: Volume 44 Issue 2, May 2016
DeSC: decoupled supply-compute communication management for heterogeneous architectures
December 2015
MICRO-48: Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8, Downloads (12 Months): 90, Downloads (Overall): 130
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Today's computers employ significant heterogeneity to meet performance targets at manageable power. In adopting increased compute specialization, however, the relative amount of time spent on memory or communication latency has increased. System and software optimizations for memory and communication often come at the costs of increased complexity and reduced portability. ...
accelerators, decoupled architecture, DeSC, communication management
CCICheck: using µhb graphs to verify the coherence-consistency interface
December 2015
MICRO-48: Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 6, Downloads (12 Months): 84, Downloads (Overall): 126
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In parallel systems, memory consistency models and cache coherence protocols establish the rules specifying which values will be visible to each instruction of parallel programs. Despite their central importance, verifying their correctness has remained a major challenge, due both to informal or incomplete specifications and to difficulties in scaling verification ...
ArMOR: defending against memory consistency model mismatches in heterogeneous architectures
June 2015
ISCA '15: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 2
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8, Downloads (12 Months): 136, Downloads (Overall): 313
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Architectural heterogeneity is increasing: numerous products and studies have proven the benefits of combining cores and accelerators with varying ISAs into a single system. However, an underappreciated barrier to unlocking the full potential of heterogeneity is the need to specify and to reconcile differences in memory consistency models across layers ...
Also published in:
January 2016
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News - ISCA'15: Volume 43 Issue 3, June 2015
Ali JavadiAbhari,
Shruti Patil,
Daniel Kudrow,
Jeff Heckey,
Alexey Lvov,
Frederic T. Chong,
Margaret Martonosi
May 2015
Parallel Computing: Volume 45 Issue C, June 2015
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
We present ScaffCC, written in LLVM, as a scalable compiler for quantum applications.We use a modified output format and dynamic code generation to keep overhead low.We integrate entanglement, critical-path and resource analysis passes in ScaffCC.We discuss methods for tradeoff of accuracy and speed in quantum code analysis. We present ScaffCC, ...
Compilers, Reversible logic, Quantum computation
GPU Performance and Power Tuning Using Regression Trees
May 2015
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO): Volume 12 Issue 2, July 2015
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 1
Downloads (6 Weeks): 7, Downloads (12 Months): 90, Downloads (Overall): 274
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GPU performance and power tuning is difficult, requiring extensive user expertise and time-consuming trial and error. To accelerate design tuning, statistical design space exploration methods have been proposed. This article presents Starchart, a novel design space partitioning tool that uses regression trees to approach GPU tuning problems. Improving on prior ...
GPGPU, Design space exploration, decision tree, statistical modeling
Compiler Management of Communication and Parallelism for Quantum Computation
Jeff Heckey,
Shruti Patil,
Ali JavadiAbhari,
Adam Holmes,
Daniel Kudrow,
Kenneth R. Brown,
Diana Franklin,
Frederic T. Chong,
Margaret Martonosi
March 2015
ASPLOS '15: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 1
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8, Downloads (12 Months): 74, Downloads (Overall): 217
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Quantum computing (QC) offers huge promise to accelerate a range of computationally intensive benchmarks. Quantum computing is limited, however, by the challenges of decoherence: i.e., a quantum state can only be maintained for short windows of time before it decoheres. While quantum error correction codes can protect against decoherence, fast ...
cached memories, design languages, performance metrics
Also published in:
May 2015
ACM SIGPLAN Notices - ASPLOS '15: Volume 50 Issue 4, April 2015 May 2015
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News - ASPLOS'15: Volume 43 Issue 1, March 2015
CommGuard: Mitigating Communication Errors in Error-Prone Parallel Execution
March 2015
ASPLOS '15: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 2
Downloads (6 Weeks): 7, Downloads (12 Months): 52, Downloads (Overall): 159
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As semiconductor technology scales towards ever-smaller transistor sizes, hardware fault rates are increasing. Since important application classes (e.g., multimedia, streaming workloads) are data-error-tolerant, recent research has proposed techniques that seek to save energy or improve yield by exploiting error tolerance at the architecture/microarchitecture level. Even seemingly error-tolerant applications, however, will ...
high-level programming languages, parallel computing, application-level error tolerance
Also published in:
May 2015
ACM SIGPLAN Notices - ASPLOS '15: Volume 50 Issue 4, April 2015 May 2015
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News - ASPLOS'15: Volume 43 Issue 1, March 2015
Power-Efficient Computer Architectures: Recent Advances
December 2014
As Moore's Law and Dennard scaling trends have slowed, the challenges of building high-performance computer architectures while maintaining acceptable power efficiency levels have heightened. Over the past ten years, architecture techniques for power efficiency have shifted from primarily focusing on module-level efficiencies, toward more holistic design styles based on parallelism ...
PipeCheck: Specifying and Verifying Microarchitectural Enforcement of Memory Consistency Models
December 2014
MICRO-47: Proceedings of the 47th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Citation Count: 5
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8, Downloads (12 Months): 48, Downloads (Overall): 110
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We present PipeCheck, a methodology and automated tool for verifying that a particular microarchitecture correctly implements the consistency model required by its architectural specification. PipeCheck adapts the notion of a "happens before" graph from architecture-level analysis techniques to the microarchitecture space. Each node in the "micro architecturally happens before" (μhb) ...
ScaffCC: a framework for compilation and analysis of quantum computing programs
Ali JavadiAbhari,
Shruti Patil,
Daniel Kudrow,
Jeff Heckey,
Alexey Lvov,
Frederic T. Chong,
Margaret Martonosi
May 2014
CF '14: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computing Frontiers
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 5
Downloads (6 Weeks): 9, Downloads (12 Months): 35, Downloads (Overall): 204
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Quantum computing is a promising technology for high-performance computation, but requires mature toolflows that can map large-scale quantum programs onto targeted hardware. In this paper, we present a scalable compiler for large-scale quantum applications, and show the opportunities for reducing compilation and analysis time, as well as output code size. ...
compilers, quantum computation, reversible logic
Starchart: hardware and software optimization using recursive partitioning regression trees
October 2013
PACT '13: Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation techniques
Publisher: IEEE Press
Citation Count: 4
Downloads (6 Weeks): 20, Downloads (12 Months): 43, Downloads (Overall): 167
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Graphics processing units (GPUs) are in increasingly wide use, but significant hurdles lie in selecting the appropriate algorithms, runtime parameter settings, and hardware configurations to achieve power and performance goals with them. Exploring hardware and software choices requires time-consuming simulations or extensive real-system measurements. While some auto-tuning support has been ...
auto-tuning, regression tree, GPU, decision tree, design space exploration
TLB Improvements for Chip Multiprocessors: Inter-Core Cooperative Prefetchers and Shared Last-Level TLBs
March 2013
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO): Volume 10 Issue 1, April 2013
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 5
Downloads (6 Weeks): 7, Downloads (12 Months): 55, Downloads (Overall): 510
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Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs) are critical to overall system performance. Much past research has addressed uniprocessor TLBs, lowering access times and miss rates. However, as Chip MultiProcessors (CMPs) become ubiquitous, TLB design and performance must be reevaluated. Our article begins by performing a thorough TLB performance evaluation of sequential and ...
simulation, Translation lookaside buffer, TLB prefetching, performance evaluation, shared last-level TLB
Extracting useful computation from error-prone processors for streaming applications
March 2013
DATE '13: Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe
Publisher: EDA Consortium
Citation Count: 3
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2, Downloads (12 Months): 20, Downloads (Overall): 103
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As semiconductor fabrics scale closer to fundamental physical limits, their reliability is decreasing due to process variation, noise margin effects, aging effects, and increased susceptibility to soft errors. Reliability can be regained through redundancy, error checking with recovery, voltage scaling and other means, but these techniques impose area/energy costs. Since ...
Human mobility characterization from cellular network data
December 2012
Communications of the ACM: Volume 56 Issue 1, January 2013
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 21
Downloads (6 Weeks): 37, Downloads (12 Months): 530, Downloads (Overall): 35,202
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Anonymous location data from cellular phone networks sheds light on how people move around on a large scale.
Adaptive usage of cellular and WiFi bandwidth: an optimal scheduling formulation
August 2012
CHANTS '12: Proceedings of the seventh ACM international workshop on Challenged networks
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 3
Downloads (6 Weeks): 6, Downloads (12 Months): 49, Downloads (Overall): 243
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Worldwide, mobile data connectivity is now widespread, but not yet ubiquitous due to coverage limits and cost concerns. Mobile data offloading to WiFi---where available---could greatly decrease the usage of cellular data networks. In delay-tolerant applications, one could delay network communication in order to exploit free WiFi connections expected to appear ...
wireless, cellular, optimal scheduling formulation, dtn
Characterizing and improving the use of demand-fetched caches in GPUs
June 2012
ICS '12: Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Supercomputing
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 31
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3, Downloads (12 Months): 44, Downloads (Overall): 388
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Initially introduced as special-purpose accelerators for games and graphics code, graphics processing units (GPUs) have emerged as widely-used high-performance parallel computing platforms. GPUs traditionally provided only software-managed local memories (or scratchpads) instead of demand-fetched caches. Increasingly, however, GPUs are being used in broader application domains where memory access patterns are ...
GPU cache, compiler optimization, CUDA, GPGPU
Human mobility modeling at metropolitan scales
June 2012
MobiSys '12: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 45
Downloads (6 Weeks): 18, Downloads (12 Months): 140, Downloads (Overall): 979
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Models of human mobility have broad applicability in fields such as mobile computing, urban planning, and ecology. This paper proposes and evaluates WHERE , a novel approach to modeling how large populations move within different metropolitan areas. WHERE takes as input spatial and temporal probability distributions drawn from empirical data, ...
human mobility patterns, call detail records
Leveraging Smartphone Cameras for Collaborative Road Advisories
April 2012
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing: Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2012
Publisher: IEEE Educational Activities Department
Ubiquitous smartphones are increasingly becoming the dominant platform for collaborative sensing. Smartphones, with their ever richer set of sensors, are being used to enable collaborative driver-assistance services like traffic advisory and road condition monitoring. To enable such services, the smartphones' GPS, accelerometer, and gyro sensors have been widely used. On ...
Smartphone, camera, intelligent transportation systems, services, traffic signal, detection, filtering, prediction, collaboration.