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 Dilma Menezes Da Silva

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Publication years1997-2014
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All opportunities are not equal: enabling energy efficient app syncs in diverse networks
Priyanka Tembey, Saumitra Das, Dilma Da Silva, Vrajesh Bhavsar
October 2014 HotPower'14: Proceedings of the 6th USENIX conference on Power-Aware Computing and Systems
Publisher: USENIX Association
Citation Count: 0

Mobile apps connect with counterpart cloud services and pursue data transfer over wireless networks. The amount of mobile data transferred will only increase as app data needs and usage expand. Energy expenditure during periods of data transfer constitutes a significant portion of a mobile's battery usage. At the same time, ...

2 published by ACM
On fault resilience of OpenStack
Xiaoen Ju, Livio Soares, Kang G. Shin, Kyung Dong Ryu, Dilma Da Silva
October 2013 SOCC '13: Proceedings of the 4th annual Symposium on Cloud Computing
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 10
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8,   Downloads (12 Months): 96,   Downloads (Overall): 758

Full text available: PDFPDF
Cloud-management stacks have become an increasingly important element in cloud computing, serving as the resource manager of cloud platforms. While the functionality of this emerging layer has been constantly expanding, its fault resilience remains under-studied. This paper presents a systematic study of the fault resilience of OpenStack---a popular open source ...
Keywords: OpenStack, cloud-management stack, fault injection

SMT Switch: Software Mechanisms for Power Shifting
Priyanka Tembey, Augusto Vega, Alper Buyuktosunoglu, Dilma Da Silva, Pradip Bose
July 2013 IEEE Computer Architecture Letters: Volume 12 Issue 2, July 2013
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Citation Count: 1

Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) as a processor design to achieve higher levels of system and application throughput is a well-accepted and deployed technique in most desktop and server processors. We study the power implications of varying SMT levels i.e., thread counts per core for various multi-threaded applications on a real SMT ...
Keywords: Power system management,Computer architecture,Program processors,Software engineering,Multithreading,Parallel processing,Scheduling,Hardware,Power Management,Computer Systems Organization,Processor Architectures,Other Architecture Styles,Multithreaded processors,Software/Software Engineering,Operating Systems,Process Management

Hardware-in-the-loop simulation for automated benchmarking of cloud infrastructures
Qi Liu, Marcio A. Silva, Michael R. Hines, Dilma Da Silva
December 2012 WSC '12: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference
Publisher: Winter Simulation Conference
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1,   Downloads (12 Months): 3,   Downloads (Overall): 87

Full text available: PDFPDF
To address the challenge of automated performance benchmarking in virtualized cloud infrastructures, an extensible and adaptable framework called CloudBench has been developed to conduct scalable, controllable, and repeatable experiments in such environments. This paper presents the hardware-in-the-loop simulation technique used in CloudBench, which integrates an efficient discrete-event simulation with the ...

Towards an agent-based symbiotic architecture for autonomic management of virtualized data centers
Qi Liu, Dilma Da Silva, Georgios K. Theodoropoulos, Elvis S. Liu
December 2012 WSC '12: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference
Publisher: Winter Simulation Conference
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2,   Downloads (12 Months): 11,   Downloads (Overall): 180

Full text available: PDFPDF
The increasing scale and complexity of virtualized data centers pose significant challenges to system management software stacks, which still rely on special-purpose controllers to optimize the operation of cloud infrastructures. Autonomic computing allows complex systems to assume much of their own management, achieving self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing, and self-protection without external ...

Alleviating scalability issues of checkpointing protocols
Rolf Riesen, Kurt Ferreira, Duma Da Silva, Pierre Lemarinier, Dorian Arnold, Patrick G. Bridges
November 2012 SC '12: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Citation Count: 0

Current fault tolerance protocols are not sufficiently scalable for the exascale era. The most-widely used method, coordinated checkpointing, places enormous demands on the I/O subsystem and imposes frequent synchronizations. Uncoordinated protocols use message logging which introduces message rate limitations or undesired memory and storage requirements to hold payload and event ...

Alleviating scalability issues of checkpointing protocols
Rolf Riesen, Kurt Ferreira, Dilma Da Silva, Pierre Lemarinier, Dorian Arnold, Patrick G. Bridges
November 2012 SC '12: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press
Citation Count: 8
Downloads (6 Weeks): 5,   Downloads (12 Months): 8,   Downloads (Overall): 151

Full text available: PDFPDF
Current fault tolerance protocols are not sufficiently scalable for the exascale era. The most-widely used method, coordinated checkpointing, places enormous demands on the I/O subsystem and imposes frequent synchronizations. Uncoordinated protocols use message logging which introduces message rate limitations or undesired memory and storage requirements to hold payload and event ...

v-Bundle: Flexible Group Resource Offerings in Clouds
Liting Hu, Kyung Dong Ryu, Dilma Da Silva, Karsten Schwan
June 2012 ICDCS '12: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Citation Count: 5

Traditional Infrastructure-as-a-Service offerings provide customers with large numbers of fixed-size virtual machine (VM) instances with resource allocations that are designed to meet application demands. With application demands varying over time, cloud providers gain efficiencies through resource consolidation and over-commitment. For cloud customers, however, this leads to inefficient use of the ...
Keywords: cloud computing, virtualization, v-bundle, bi-section bandwidth, pastry overlay

Switching Optically-Connected Memories in a Large-Scale System
Abhirup Chakraborty, Eugen Schenfeld, Dilma Da Silva
May 2012 IPDPS '12: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Citation Count: 0

Recent trends in processor and memory systems in large-scale computing systems reveal a new "memory wall" that prompts investigation on alternate main memory organization separating main memory from processors and arranging them in separate ensembles. In this paper, we study the feasibility of transferring data across processors by using the ...
Keywords: Memory Switching, Optical Interconnection Fabric, Optically-connected Memory, Memory Segregation

VM Performance Isolation to Support QoS in Cloud
Marcio Silva, Kyung Dong Ryu, Dilma Da Silva
May 2012 IPDPSW '12: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Citation Count: 0

An increasing number of business workloads are being migrated to the cloud. Recently, cloud providers have been improving the stability and consumability of their systems and offering cost efficiency through utility-like pricing model and dynamic resilience. However, providing performance isolation and quality of services for performance-sensitive enterprise workloads remains a ...
Keywords: Quality of Service, Resource Management, Virtualization, Cloud Computing

11 published by ACM
Brazilian symposium on computing system engineering
Antonio Augusto Fröhlich, Leandro Buss Becker, George Lima, Stefan Petters, Dilma M. da Silva, Edna N. Silva Barros
February 2012 ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review: Volume 46 Issue 1, January 2012
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 0,   Downloads (12 Months): 1,   Downloads (Overall): 45

Full text available: PDFPDF

Applications Know Best: Performance-Driven Memory Overcommit with Ginkgo
Michael R. Hines, Abel Gordon, Marcio Silva, Dilma Da Silva, Kyung Ryu, Muli Ben-Yehuda
November 2011 CLOUDCOM '11: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Citation Count: 10

Memory over commitment enables cloud providers to host more virtual machines on a single physical server, exploiting spare CPU and I/O capacity when physical memory becomes the bottleneck for virtual machine deployment. However, over commiting memory can also cause noticeable application performance degradation. We present Ginkgo, a policy framework for ...
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Over-subscription, Overcommittment

13 published by ACM
VII Brazilian workshop on operating systems
Dilma da Silva, Luciano Barreto, Paulo César A. Pereira
February 2011 ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review: Volume 45 Issue 1, January 2011
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 0,   Downloads (12 Months): 3,   Downloads (Overall): 86

Full text available: PDFPDF
This paper reports on the VII Brazilian Workshop on Operating Systems.

RC2-a living lab for cloud computing
Kyung Dong Ryu, Xiaolan Zhang, Glenn Ammons, Vasanth Bala, Stefan Berger, Dilma M. Da Silva, Jim Doran, Frank Franco, Alexei Karve, Herb Lee, James A. Lindeman, Ajay Mohindra, Bob Oesterlin, Giovanni Pacifici, Dimitrios Pendarakis, Darrell Reimer, Mariusz Sabath
November 2010 LISA'10: Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Large installation system administration
Publisher: USENIX Association
Citation Count: 6

In this paper we present our experience in building the Research Compute Cloud (RC2), a cloud computing platform for use by the worldwide IBM Research community. Within eleven months of its official release RC2 has reached a community of 631 users spanning 34 countries, and serves on average 350 active ...

15 published by ACM
Providing a cloud network infrastructure on a supercomputer
Jonathan Appavoo, Amos Waterland, Dilma Da Silva, Volkmar Uhlig, Bryan Rosenburg, Eric Van Hensbergen, Jan Stoess, Robert Wisniewski, Udo Steinberg
June 2010 HPDC '10: Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 9
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2,   Downloads (12 Months): 17,   Downloads (Overall): 602

Full text available: PDFPDF
Supercomputers and clouds both strive to make a large number of computing cores available for computation. More recently, similar objectives such as low-power, manageability at scale, and low cost of ownership are driving a more converged hardware and software. Challenges remain, however, of which one is that current cloud infrastructure ...
Keywords: supercomputer network models, high performance computing, supercomputing infrastructure as a service, high performance cloud computing, user-level networking

16 published by ACM
SOSP diversity workshop
James Mickens, Dilma da Silva
January 2010 ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review: Volume 43 Issue 4, January 2010
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1,   Downloads (12 Months): 7,   Downloads (Overall): 119

Full text available: PDFPDF
In this paper, we report on the activities at the 2009 SOSP Diversity Workshop. The workshop contained a mix of technical presentations and mentoring sessions, providing traditionally underrepresented students with a unique opportunity to get advice from established researchers in academia and industry. Feedback surveys suggest that many attendees received ...
Keywords: diversity, mentoring, career advice

Kittyhawk: enabling cooperation and competition in a global, shared computational system
J. Appavoo, V. Uhlig, A. Waterland, B. Rosenburg, D. Da Silva, J. E. Moreira
July 2009 IBM Journal of Research and Development: Volume 53 Issue 4, July 2009
Publisher: IBM Corp.
Citation Count: 5

Kittyhawk represents our vision for a Web-scale computational resource that can accommodate a significant fraction of the world's computation needs and enable various parties to compete and cooperate in the provisioning of services on a consolidated platform. In this paper, we explain both the vision and the system architecture that ...

Portably solving file TOCTTOU races with hardness amplification
February 2008 FAST'08: Proceedings of the 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies
Publisher: USENIX Association
Citation Count: 15

The file-system API of contemporary systems makes programs vulnerable to TOCTTOU (time of check to time of use) race conditions. Existing solutions either help users to detect these problems (by pinpointing their locations in the code), or prevent the problem altogether (by modifying the kernel or its API). The latter ...

19 published by ACM
Specialized execution environments
Maria Butrico, Dilma Da Silva, Orran Krieger, Michal Ostrowski, Bryan Rosenburg, Dan Tsafrir, Eric Van Hensbergen, Robert W. Wisniewski, Jimi Xenidis
January 2008 ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review: Volume 42 Issue 1, January 2008
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 1
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1,   Downloads (12 Months): 9,   Downloads (Overall): 300

Full text available: PDFPDF
Virtualization has become popular (again) as a means of consolidating multiple operating systems (OSes) onto a smaller set of hardware resources. The roles of OSes in such environments have changed. Whereas normally an OS provides balance between the demands of application and hardware support, in the world of virtualization it ...

20 published by ACM
January 2008 ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review: Volume 42 Issue 1, January 2008
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 0,   Downloads (12 Months): 2,   Downloads (Overall): 162

Full text available: PDFPDF
IBM researchers work at the frontiers of a wide range of areas. Many have very distinguished careers. IBM Research has had five Nobel Laureates and six Turing Award winners, including the latest (and first woman ever), Fran Allen. IBM has eight inductees into the National Inventors Hall of Fame and ...

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