Protecting Our Shorelines: Modeling the Effects of Tsunamis and Storm Waves
November 2015
Computer: Volume 48 Issue 11, November 2015
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press
Predicting the complex behavior and aftermath of coastal tsunamis and storm surges is inherently difficult. Real-time disaster warning requires rapid computation with reliable accuracy and effective output presentation. The authors present two ways to leverage high-performance computing resources to address these challenges.
Web-based spatiotemporal simulation modeling and visualization of tsunami inundation and potential human response
May 2014
International Journal of Geographical Information Science - Space-Time Research: Volume 28 Issue 5, May 2014
Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Inc.
spatiotemporal data modeling, web GIS, geocomputation, geovisualization, simulation
Usability research challenges for cyberinfrastructure and tools
April 2006
CHI EA '06: CHI '06 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 6
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3, Downloads (12 Months): 7, Downloads (Overall): 452
Full text available:
We summarize the motivation and aims for this workshop on usability research challenges for cyberinfrastructure and tools, and outline workshop preparations and program.
cyberinfrastructure, grid, virtual organizations, e-science, usability, collaboration, cybertools
Protecting personal data with various granularities: a logic-based access control approach
Bat-Odon Purevjii,
Masayoshi Aritsugi,
Sayaka Imai,
Yoshinari Kanamori,
Cherri M. Pancake
December 2005
CIS'05: Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Computational Intelligence and Security - Volume Part II
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
In this paper, we present a rule-based approach to fine-grained data-dependent access control for database systems. Authorization rules in this framework are described in a logical language that allows us to specify policies systematically and easily. The language expresses authorization rules based on the values, types, and semantics of data ...
The Tracefile Testbed: a community repository for identifying and retrieving HPC performance data
Ken Ferschweiler,
Scott Harrah,
Dylan Keon,
Mariacarla Calzarossa,
Daniele Tessera,
Cherri Pancake
November 2005
International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking: Volume 3 Issue 2/3, November 2005
Publisher: Inderscience Publishers
HPC programmers utilise tracefiles, which record program behaviour in great detail, as the basis for many performance analysis activities. The lack of generally accessible tracefiles has forced programmers to develop their own testbeds in order to study the basic performance characteristics of the platforms they use. Because tracefiles serve as ...
performance monitoring, database management systems, high performance computing, computer science, data communication, performance tuning, tracefiles
Challenges in Location-Aware Computing
April 2003
IEEE Pervasive Computing: Volume 2 Issue 2, April 2003
Publisher: IEEE Educational Activities Department
This invited, non-peer-reviewed piece summarizes a report entitled IT Roadmap to a Geospatial Future, which was recently published by the US National Research Council. The lead author, Cynthia Patterson, was the NRC study director for the report. Dick Muntz chaired the committee that produced the report, and committee member Cherri ...
"Humane" Interfaces to Improve the Usability of Data Clearinghouses
September 2002
GIScience '02: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Geographic Information Science
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Web-based metadata clearinghouses and catalogs are intended to help users locate and access geospatial data that may be spread across many physical locations. Their specialized thesauri and query interfaces can be a significant help to users who are already familiar with the subject area and know specifically what they are ...
Virtual Oregon: seamless access to distributed environmental information
July 2002
JCDL '02: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1, Downloads (12 Months): 6, Downloads (Overall): 334
Full text available:
Virtual Oregon is a new data coordination center established at Oregon State University (OSU) in order to: (1) archive environmental and other place-based data on Oregon and associated areas; (2) make those data accessible to a broad spectrum of agencies and individuals via innovative web interfaces; (3) identify key data ...
data access, map servers, distributed databases, data coordination, web GIS, distributed computing
Interview with Cherri M. Pancake on Usability Engineering
June 2002
Ubiquity: Volume 2002 Issue June, June 18, 2002
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8, Downloads (12 Months): 395, Downloads (Overall): 1,880
Full text available:
Performance tools for today's HPC: are we addressing the right issues?
October 2001
Parallel Computing - Clusters and computational grids for scientific computing: Volume 27 Issue 11, October 2001
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
performance analysis tools, program portability, parallel programming tools
High-performance Java
October 2001
Communications of the ACM: Volume 44 Issue 10, Oct. 2001
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 2
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1, Downloads (12 Months): 10, Downloads (Overall): 1,376
Full text available:
A Community Databank for Performance Tracefiles
Ken Ferschweiler,
Mariacarla Calzarossa,
Cherri M. Pancake,
Daniele Tessera,
Dylan Keon
September 2001
Proceedings of the 8th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting on Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Tracefiles provide a convenient record of the behavior of HPC programs, but are not generally archived because of their storage requirements. This has hindered the developers of performance analysis tools, who must create their own tracefile collections in order to test tool functionality and usability. This paper describes a shared ...
The ubiquitous beauty of user-aware software
March 2001
Communications of the ACM: Volume 44 Issue 3, March 2001
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1, Downloads (12 Months): 9, Downloads (Overall): 581
Full text available:
A debugging standard for high-performance computing
April 2000
Scientific Programming: Volume 8 Issue 2, April 2000
Publisher: IOS Press
Throughout 1998, the High Performance Debugging Forum worked on defining a base level standard for high performance debuggers. The standard had to meet the sometimes conflicting constraints of being useful to users, realistically implementable by developers, and architecturally independent across multiple platforms. To meet criteria for timeliness, the standard had ...
debugging, parallel debuggers, parallel programming, standards, debuggers, high performance computing
‘Split personalities’ for scientific databases: targeting database middleware and interfaces to specific audiences
November 1999
Future Generation Computer Systems: Volume 16 Issue 1, Nov. 1999
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
Lichen, query languages, human interfaces, databases, ecology
Applying Human Factors to the Design of Performance Tools
August 1999
Euro-Par '99: Proceedings of the 5th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
After two decades of research in parallel tools for performance tuning, why are users still dissatisfied? This paper outlines the human factors issues that determine how performance tools are perceived by users. The information provides insight into why current performance visualizations are not as well received as they should be ...
Exploiting Visualization and Direct Manipulation to Make Parallel Tools More Communicative
June 1998
PARA '98: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing, Large Scale Scientific and Industrial Problems
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Can Users Play an Effective Role in Parallel Tools Research?
June 1997
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications: Volume 11 Issue 2, June 1997
Publisher: Sage Publications, Inc.
Commercial experiences have shown that involving users in the software design cycle is a cost-effective way of improving both the quality and the acceptability of tool products. This paper addresses the issue of whether users also should be involved in the research activities that lay the foundation for parallel tool ...
HyperSQL: Web-based Query Interfaces for Biological Databases
January 1997
HICSS '97: Proceedings of the 30th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: Information Systems Track—Internet and the Digital Economy - Volume 4
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
HyperSQL is an interoperability layer that enablesdatabase administrators to rapidly construct browserbasedquery interfaces to remote Sybase databases.Current browsers (i.e., Netscape, Mosaic, InternetExplorer) do not easily interoperate with databaseswithout extensive "CGI" (Common Gateway Interface)programming. HyperSQL can be used to create formsandhypertext-based database interfaces for non computerexperts (e.g., scientists, business users). Such ...
Improving quality through user-centered design
January 1997
Proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG2.5 working conference on Quality of numerical software: assessment and enhancement
Publisher: Chapman & Hall, Ltd.
usability, user interface, software design, software engineering, user-centered design