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enterprise architecture

James Lapalme École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
Assistant Director, Numerix Research Laboratory


James Lapalme is an enterprise architecture and engineering scholar and consultant. Through his work, he strives to help leaders and workers achieve innovative and sustainable enterprises. Over the years, he has made contributions to various types of organizations within various sectors through innovative thinking and leadership. In the financial sector, his contribution to enterprise architecture yielded results that were qualified as world-class by MIT and covered in a case study by Gartner. His thought leadership has also been recognized by Forrester.

He is Assistant Director of the Numerix Research Laboratory at the l’École de technologie supérieure in Montreal, Canada. He is also a faculty member of the Software and IT Engineering Department in the same university at the Numerix lab. His research team is one of the largest enterprise architecture-focused teams in Canada. James’ primary research interest include enterprise architecture and engineering, organizational transformation, innovation, and information management.

He is the Chair of the EABoK Panel of Advisors; member of the TEAR Workshop steering committee, a delegate for the IEEE Computer Society in the Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations (FEAPO); Founder of the Considerate Enterprise Architecture LinkedIN Group; and a reviewer for a number of academic journals related to enterprise architecture.