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Rich Gossweiler
Research Scientist


Rich Gossweiler is a research scientist at Google. His research interests include developing new user experiences, interactive information visualization, and mobile and social computing. Gossweiler has a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Virginia. Contact him at [email protected].

Ramesh Govindan

Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California


Ramesh Govindan received his B. Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology at Madras, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California at Berkeley. He is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Southern California.

Ramesh's research interests include routing and measurements in large internets, wireless sensor networks, and mobile computing systems. He is currently the Secretary of ACM SIGMOBILE and was, until recently, Awards Chair of ACM SIGCOMM. He has also served as Program Co-Chair for the ACM SIGCOMM and ACM MobiCom conferences.

David Johnson
Professor, Department
of Computer Science,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Rice University


David Johnson is a professor of computer science and electrical and computer engineering at Rice University and was previously a member of the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University for eight years. He received the Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1990 from Rice University.

David founded and is leading the Monarch (MObile Networking ARCHitectures) research group at Rice (previously at Carnegie Mellon) and has worked substantially on the problems of Mobile IP and different types of multihop wireless networking, including mobile ad hoc networking, sensor networking, and mesh networking. He has also been very active since 1993 in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the principal protocol standards development body for the Internet. He was one of the main designers of the IETF Mobile IP protocol for IPv4 and is the primary designer of Mobile IP for IPv6, and his group's Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) for wireless ad hoc networks has been published by the IETF as an Experimental protocol for the Internet.

From 2005 through 2009, David served as the Chair of ACM SIGMOBILE, and was previously Treasurer of SIGMOBILE for seven years. He also served two years as a member of the ACM SIG Governing Board Executive Committee (SGB EC). He is currently serving as the General Chair for IEEE MASS 2012 and was previously General Chair for COMSNETS 2011, MSN 2007, VANET 2006, and MobiCom 2003; and Technical Program Chair for VANET 2005, MobiHoc 2002, and MobiCom 1997. He has been a member of the Technical Program Committee for over 40 international conferences and workshops, and has been an editor for six different journals. David received the NSF CAREER Award in 1995 and the ACM SIGMOBILE Distinguished Service Award in 2001.

David Kotz

Champion International Professor, Department of Computer Science,
Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Sciences,
Dartmouth College


David Kotz is the Champion International Professor, in the Department of Computer Science, and Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Sciences, at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. During the 2008-09 academic year he was a Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, and a Fulbright Research Scholar to India. At Dartmouth, he was the Executive Director of the Institute for Security Technology Studies from 2004-07.

David's research interests include security and privacy, pervasive computing for healthcare, and wireless networks. He has published over 100 refereed journal and conference papers. He is an IEEE Fellow, a Senior Member of the ACM, a member of the USENIX Association, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa.

After receiving his A.B. in Computer Science and Physics from Dartmouth in 1986, David completed his Ph.D in Computer Science at Duke University in 1991 and returned to Dartmouth to join the faculty. For more information, seehttp://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/.

Morley Mao

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Michigan


Z. Morley Mao is an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan, having completed her Ph.D. study at U.C. Berkeley on robust routing protocol design and effective network measurement techniques to uncover network properties. She is a recipient of the Sloan Fellowship, the NSF CAREER award, and an IBM Faculty Award. 

Morley's research interests encompass network systems, routing protocols, mobile and distributed systems, and network security.  Her past work includes the investigation of route flap damping's impact on Internet routing convergence and the design of a highly accurate detection and mitigation scheme to defend against IP prefix hijacking attacks. Her recent work on enhancing mobile platform for improved energy efficiency has been widely adopted by both end users and operators.


Lili Qiu
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science,

University of Texas at Austin


Lili Qiu is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Cornell University in 1999 and 2001, respectively. Before joining the University of Texas in 2005, she spent four years Microsoft Research working on Internet and wireless networking projects. Lili received the NSF CAREER Award in 2006. She has published more than 60 papers in leading networking conferences and journals and been issued 16 U.S. patents.

Lili has chaired several networking conferences (including IEEE ICNP, IEEE SECON, and WICON) and served as editor for several networking journals (including IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Computer Networks Journal, and Mobile Computing and Communications Review), as well as on program committees of many conferences. She also serves as Treasurer for ACM SIGMOBILE. Lili is an IEEE senior member.

Robert Steele

Chair and Head of Discipline of Health Informatics,
University of Sydney


Robert James Steele currently serves as Chair and Head of Discipline of the Discipline of Health Informatics at the University of Sydney, NSW, Australia. He has published over 90 refereed papers in the areas of mobile computing, Web systems, and health informatics and holds a Ph.D. in computer science.

Robert's research work has also been successfully commercialized and U.S.-patented. He is the current Vice Chair of ACM SIGMOBILE for the term of 2009-2013.

Roy Want

Research Scientist,
Mobility Tech Pack Committee Chair


Roy Want is currently a research scientist at Google. Prior roles include Senior Principal Engineer at Intel, Editor in Chief of IEEE Pervasive Computing, and Principal Scientist at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).

For Want's significant contributions to mobile and ubiquitous Computing he was awarded the status of IEEE and ACM Fellow in 2005. Some of his best known projects are: Active Badge, an in-building location system; ParcTab, the world's first context-aware computer system; Personal Server, wireless mobile computer interaction through larger nearby infrastructure and computers; and Dynamic Composable Computing (DCC), sharing resources wirelessly to build a logical computer on the fly. With over 65 issued patents, Roy is a recognized top international authority with research interests in mobile computing, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, hardware design, electronic commerce, smart cards, distributed systems, multimedia systems, location-based services, mobile user-interfaces, MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems), and electronic tagging (RFID). He is the elected Chair of ACM SIGMOBILE and Chair of the ACM Mobility Tech Pack Committee (http://www.roywant.com/cs and http://techpack.acm.org/). Roy received his Ph.D from Cambridge University in 1988.

For a complete profile, go to http://www.roywant.com/cs/, where you can find out more about Roy's research interests, professional awards, education, experience, skillset, projects, publications, and professional activities.

Shumin Zhai

Research Scientist,


Shumin Zhai is a Human-Computer Interaction research scientist at Google. Prior to joining Google Research he worked at the IBM Almaden Research Center for 15 years. He is interested in both foundational issues of user interfaces and practical product and service innovations. He originated and led the ShapeWriter project that pioneered the touch screen gesture keyboard paradigm.

Shumin has published over 100 research papers and received 30 patents. He is active in the academic community and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of  ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. He has been a visiting professor and lectured at universities in the US, Europe and China. Shumin is a Fellow of the ACM and a Member of the CHI Academy.