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Tech Pack Committees

Ajay Mohindra, Chair and Editor
Doug Terry, Microsoft, Past Chair
Maggie Johnson, Google
Bob McGettrick, Sword Ciboodle
T.S. Mohan, InfoSys
John Oxley, Microsoft
Jon Rolph, British Telecom
Joanne Wong, CISCO
Lutz Ziob, Microsoft

In development

James Lapalme, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Chair

Roy Want, Google, Chair

Rich Gossweiler, Google
Ramesh Govindan, USC
Dave Johnson, Rice University
David Kotz, Dartmouth College
Z. Morley Mao, University of Michigan
Lili Qiu, University of Texas at Austin
Robert Steele, The University of Sydney
Shumin Zhai, Google

Armando Fox, UC Berkeley, Chair

Patricia Cupoli, DAMA, ICCP, Co-Chair
Stephen Petschulat, SAP Co-Chair
Barry Devlin, 9sight Consulting
Raymond Ng, University of British Columbia

John Mitchell, Stanford University, Chair
Dan Boneh, Stanford University
Neil Daswani, Twitter
Mark Zhandry, Stanford University