2014-2015 Celebrations       2013-2014 Celebrations

ACM-W Celebrations of Women in Computing

The goal of the ACM-W Celebrations of Women in Computing is to bring to women at a local level the positive impact of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC). These conference are shorter, lower cost, and help to build community, breaking down isolation for both students and women in industry. Our goal is to reach the broadest possible population through a network of self-sustaining small conferences, dovetailing when possible with ACM-W chapters.


ACM-W provides $2,000 for each celebration, and also raises and disburses corporate sponsorship. Each celebration organizing committee is responsible for additional fundraising within their conference area. The goal is to keep the costs as low as possible for student attendees, with registration fees in the $0-$50 USD range. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for this project, please contact Valerie Barr for more information.

Microsoft Research currently sponsors the Celebrations project by providing $3,000 for each ACM-W Celebration. We are very grateful for this support!!

Typical Components of an ACM-W Celebration

  • Student presentations
  • Poster session/competition
  • Keynote addresses by leaders in academia and industry
  • Presentation and panels sessions on computer science research, industry, and graduate school
  • Faculty sessions on student recruitment and retention
  • Career Fair with involvement of industry representatives

Benefits of holding an ACM-W affiliated celebration

  • Each year ACM-W provides funding for some celebration coordinators to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration
  • Each year ACM-W provides funding for poster competition winners from the celebrations to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration
  • Use of ACM RegOnLine and PayPal accounts, ACM web site hosting for celebration site. ACM will also hold conference funds and pay invoices.
  • Access to sponsorship funds that have been raised by ACM-W
  • ACM-W coordinates shipment of swag from industry sponsors, from ACM, and from ACM-W

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2014-2015 ACM-W Celebrations

Conference Area Date Website
CWiC - India Goa, India September 25-26, 2014 http://goa.acm.org/acmw_main.html
ONCWiC Ontario October 24-25, 2014 http://www.oncwic.ca/
RMCWiC Rocky Mountain October 23-25, 2014 http://rmcwic.uwyo.edu
MinneWiC Upper Midwest February 20-21, 2015 http://minnewic.cs.umn.edu/
OCWiC Ohio February 20-21, 2015 http://www.ocwic.org
CAPWiC Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC February 27-28, 2015 http://capwic.org
INWiC Indiana March 6-7, 2015 http://inwic.tech.purdue.edu
MICWiC Michigan March 20-21, 2015 http://www.cse.msu.edu/micwic/
CCWiC Cuba March 26-28, 2015
KYCC-WiC Kentucky Community Colleges April 10-11, 2015 http://kycc-wic.com
NYCWiC New York April 17-18, 2015 http://nycwic.acm.org/Site/
NwrWiC Northwest April 18, 2015
ArabWiC Abu Dhabi, UAE May 17-18, 2015 http://nyuad.nyu.edu/en/news-events/conferences/women-in-computing.html

Celebrations Code of Conduct

The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of ACM and ACM-W. These require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group, that fosters dignity, understanding, and mutual respect, and that embraces diversity. For these reasons, the Celebrations project is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience at our events.

Harassment is unwelcome or hostile behavior, including speech that intimidates, creates discomfort, or interferes with a person's participation or opportunity for participation, in a conference or event. Harassment in any form, including but not limited to harassment based on alienage or citizenship, age, color, creed, disability, marital status, military status, national origin, pregnancy, childbirth- and pregnancy-related medical conditions, race, religion, sex/gender, veteran status, or any other status protected by laws in which the conference is being held, will not be tolerated. Harassment includes the use of abusive or degrading language, intimidation, stalking, harassing photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. A response that the participant was "just joking," or "teasing," or being "playful," will not accepted.

Event participants violating these standards may be sanctioned or excluded from further participation at the discretion of the organizers.