Participate in ACM-W

If you think it is important to recruit and retain as many women as possible in the computing field, you should join ACM-W!  Together, we will help celebrate, inform and support women in computing:

  • Celebrate: One of the most popular ways to celebrate women in computing is by starting and/or attending a Regional Celebration of Women in Computing; the accomplishments of women in computing are at the heart of ACM-W's activities. ACM-W encourages recognition of the work of prominent women by making award nominations, including the Athena Lecturer Award and other ACM awards, as well as encouraging women to seek ACM Advanced Grade Membership.
  • Inform: Via ACM-W's student scholarship program, young women are informed about current research, and become acquainted with researchers in their field. Members of ACM-W Student Chapters are informed about the educational and career opportunities available to them.
  • Support: Lend your enthusiasm, inspiration, and support to ACM-W, and help make a difference in the global computing community! 

There are many ways you can participate in ACM-W activities: