Alphabetical Listing of ACM SIGs
SIGs Listing
- SIGACCESS - Special Interest Group on Accessibility and Computing
- SIGACT - Special Interest Group on Algorithms & Computation Theory
- SIGAda - Special Interest Group on Ada Programming Language
- SIGAI - Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence
- SIGAPP - Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
- SIGARCH - Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture
- SIGBED - Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems
- SIGBio - Special Interest Group on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology
- SIGCAS - Special Interest Group on Computers and Society
- SIGCHI - Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction
- SIGCOMM - Special Interest Group on Data Communication
- SIGCSE - Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education
- SIGDA - Special Interest Group on Design Automation
- SIGDOC - Special Interest Group on Design of Communication
- SIGecom - Special Interest Group on Economics and Computation
- SIGEVO - Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
- SIGGRAPH - Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics
- SIGHPC - Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing
- SIGIR - Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval
- SIGITE - Special Interest Group on Information Technology Education
- SIGKDD - Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- SIGLOG - Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation
- SIGMETRICS - Special Interest Group on Measurement and Evaluation
- SIGMICRO - Special Interest Group on Microarchitecture
- SIGMIS - Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems
- SIGMM - Special Interest Group on Multimedia Systems
- SIGMOBILE - Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data & Comp
- SIGMOD - Special Interest Group on Management of Data
- SIGOPS - Special Interest Group on Operating Systems
- SIGPLAN - Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (Online)
- SIGSAC - Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control
- SIGSAM - Special Interest Group on Symbolic & Algebraic Manipulation
- SIGSIM - Special Interest Group on Simulation
- SIGSOFT - Special Interest Group on Software Engineering
- SIGSPATIAL - Special Interest Group on Spatial Information
- SIGUCCS - Special Interest Group on University & College Computing Services
- SIGWEB - Special Interest Group on Hypertext, Hypermedia and Web
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