How to Nominate

The A. M. Turing Award is ACM's oldest and most prestigious award. It is presented annually presented to an individual who has made lasting contributions of a technical nature to the computing community. The award is presented each June at the ACM Awards Banquet and is accompanied by a prize of $1,000,000 plus travel expenses to the banquet. Financial support for the award is provided by Google Inc.
Next Deadline:  November 30, 2014
Selection Criteria:  Although the long-term influences of the nominee's work are taken into consideration, there should be a particular outstanding and trend-setting technical achievement that constitutes the principal claim to the award.  Successful Turing Award nominations include substantive letters of support from prominent individuals who are broadly representative of the candidate's field or related fields, and that provide clear evidence of the candidate’s lasting impact.
Submissions:  Nominations for the A. M. Turing Award should be submitted using the online nomination form.  Submitted materials should explain the contribution in terms understandable to a non-specialist.   Each nomination involves several components:
    • Name, address, phone number, and email address of nominator (person making the nomination). The most appropriate person to submit a nomination would be a recognized member of the community who is not from the same organization as the candidate and who can address the candidate’s impact on the broader community.
  • Name, address, and email address of the candidate (person being nominated). It is ACM’s policy not to tell candidates who has nominated or endorsed them.
  • Suggested citation if the candidate is selected. This should be a concise statement (maximum of 25 words) describing the key technical or professional accomplishment for which the candidate merits this award. Note that the final wording for awardees will be at the discretion of the Award Committee.
  • Nomination statement (500-1000 words in length) addressing why the candidate should receive this award. This may describe the candidate’s work in general, but should draw particular attention to the contributions that merit the award.
  • Copy of the candidate’s CV, listing publications, patents, honors, service contributions, etc.
  • Supporting letters from at least 4, and not more than 8, endorsers. Endorsers should be chosen to represent a range of perspectives and institutions and provide additional insights or evidence of the candidate’s impact. Each letter must include the name, address, and telephone number of the endorser, and should focus on the accomplishments which that endorser can attest to and place in context.  The nominator should collect the letters and bundle them for submission.

For questions on the above, please contact us at [email protected] , or  Rosemary McGuinness , ACM Awards Committee Liaison.

Full information on the ACM awards program.

Complete listing of A.M. Turing Award Laureates.