ACM Books is managed by Editor-In–Chief Tamer Ӧzsu, of the University of Waterloo, and a world renowned editorial board of distinguished Area Editors, collectively representing many of the major areas within computer science. Over time, additional subject areas and Area Editors will be appointed to the Board to complete the Series' coverage of the field.
Area Editors are responsible for inviting members of the community to submit book publication proposals, evaluating invited and unsolicited proposals and manuscripts in their areas, managing and overseeing peer review, and making final publication recommendations to the Editor-In-Chief. For an up-to-date list of all current Area Editors, please click here.
ACM Books will be produced by Morgan & Claypool to high quality standards on timely schedules. Manuscripts will be professionally edited and formatted using LaTeX and other modern formatters incorporating attractive series designs for interiors and covers. ACM Books will be published in several digital formats including downloadable pdfs, reflowable ebook formats and html. Volumes will also be published in economical, attractive print form using cutting edge print-on-demand technology.
ACM Books will be actively marketed to the computing community through multiple vehicles including advertising in ACM magazines, on dozens of ACM Web Sites targeting various segments of the computing community, and at a wide variety of ACM sponsored conferences. ACM Books will receive personalized attention by leveraging the extensive and comprehensive ACM Special Interest Group (SIG) network of niche communities within the computing domain. Individual title publication will be announced on appropriate ACM subscribed lists. The full text of ACM Books will be available for indexing by major search engines to enhance discoverability. MARC records will be produced for inclusion in library catalogs.
ACM Books will be widely distributed through the joint efforts of ACM and Morgan & Claypool working together. ACM Books will be offered as an additional purchase option for ACM’s more than 2,800 academic and corporate libraries worldwide that currently subscribe to the ACM Digital Library, as well as to the hundreds of academic, government, and corporate institutions interested in the computing domain. ACM Books will also be offered to ACM’s 110,000+ individual members from over 100 countries around the world as an additional option to their annual membership dues and individual ACM Digital Library access charge.
Individual titles in print and digital form will be made available for sale from major global print and ebook retailers worldwide, including and Barnes & Noble.
The primary goal of the ACM Books series is to provide a broad distribution outlet for book authors in the computing community. Pricing the series so that it is affordable to ACM members and institutions around the world is a priority for ACM Books. ACM has a longstanding reputation for pricing its publications affordably, and this Series will follow in that tradition. While individual titles in the series will be available for purchase through the most popular online book retailers, such as, Barnes &, and Apple iBooks, the most affordable way for individual readers in the computing community to get access to all of the books published in the series is either through the heavily discounted ACM Membership pricing option ($29 annual price for professional members and $10 annual price for student members). Another option is to make a purchase recommendation to your institution. Bundled pricing for academic, government, and corporate institutions makes it possible for all individual users within their institutions to have free and unrestricted access to all titles published in the ACM Books series. To make such a recommendation, please contact your institution’s librarian or information manager.