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Communications of the ACM



Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the Communications website the same as the monthly Communications magazine?
Q: Does the Communications website replace the monthly Communications magazine?

Q: Can I access Communications from a mobile device?
Q: How do I find an article in the latest issue?
Q: How do I find an article from an archived issue?
Q: Do I have to register for the site?
Q: How do I create an ACM Web Account?
Q: How do I subscribe / unsubscribe to email alerts?
Q: How do I subscribe / unsubscribe to RSS feeds?
Q: Does the Communications website replace the Digital Edition?
Q: Why can't I access all Communications site content?
Q: I've forgotten my Web Account password.
Q: I've forgotten my Member / Client Number.
Q: I don't remember my username or password.
Q: How do I access the ACM Digital Library?
Q: What can I access in the Digital Library?
Q: Who should I contact with questions about the Communications magazine and website?

Q: How do I report a problem with the Communications website?
Q: How do I respond to something I've read online?
Q: What is your policy on user comments?
Q: Will user comments appear elsewhere?
Q: How do I submit a Letter to the Editor?
Q: How do I place a classified ad?
Q: How do I advertise in Communications?
Q: How do I submit an article?

Q: Is the Communications website the same as the monthly Communications magazine?

A: No. The Communications site publishes all the content of the Communications magazine, and more. The News section includes original articles as well as stories from leading computer science and information technology sources each business day. The BLOG@CACM presents original content from the industry's thought leaders. The Opinions section features weblogs, articles, and interviews from Communications, other ACM publications, and syndicated sources. The Careers section features content about the work, achievements, and concerns of our community and its members. The site also publishes videos many articles from the monthly magazine that enhances their online presentation and provides a richer, more immersive multimedia experience.

Q: Does the Communications website replace the monthly Communications magazine?

A: Communications of the ACM remains the flagship publication of ACM and is published monthly, just as it has been for more than 50 years. It is circulated to over 90,000 ACM members. It provides computing industry professionals, leaders, and decision makers with news and in-depth coverage of emerging areas in computer science, new trends in Information Technology, and practical applications. The prestige and reputation of Communications of the ACM is built upon a greater than 50-year commitment to publishing high-quality editorial content and a steadfast dedication to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology.

Q: Can I access Communications from a mobile device?

A:Communications is available on mobile devices through various outlets, including the full website and the mobile website tailored to smaller screens. Users who access the full site from a mobile device may be redirected to the mobile site. Users can switch from the full site to the mobile site, and vice versa, from a link at the bottom of every article and site page.

The magazine's full content and the website's original content is also available via three mobile applications, tailored respectively for Android devices, Apple iPad tablets, and Apple iPhone and iPod Touch devices.

Q: How do I find an article in the latest issue?

A: Articles from the most recent issue of Communications of the ACM can be found on the Communications website. The CURRENT ISSUE link adjacent to the Communications of the ACM logo at the top of the website homepage provides a convenient path to articles. In addition, each page of the latest issue of Communications can be found in the Digital Edition.

Q: How do I find an article from an archived issue?

A: Every article published in Communications of the ACM for over the past 55 years is available in the magazine archive. Click on a cover image or issue date in the online archive to scan the table of contents, which leads to complete articles on the Communications website or in the ACM Digital Library.

Q: Do I have to register for the site?

A: Much of the site's content is accessible without registration. Some features, such as attributed commenting on stories or accessing the ACM Digital Library, require that you sign in to your ACM Web Account.

Q: How do I create an ACM Web Account?

A: ACM members and non-members can set up an ACM Web Account for free. Once you have established a Web Account with a username and password, you may access advanced features of the Communications website such as Question of the Week, or commenting on articles. A Web Account also provides access to table-of-content alerts, binders, and other ACM services. To create a free ACM Web account, go to

Q: How do I subscribe / unsubscribe to email alerts?

A: Communications content is available via dozens of different email alerts, each with material specialized by subject or resource. The periodic alerts include a list of the latest articles on selected areas of interest, notify you when a new issue of Communications is posted online, or provide the latest material from our news, opinions and careers sections. Go to

Q: How do I subscribe / unsubscribe to RSS feeds?

A: Select any topic or source from the RSS feeds page to receive headlines and links in your news reader or personalized Web page. The feeds are refreshed daily.

Q: Does the Communications website replace the Digital Edition?

A: The Digital Edition of Communications of the ACM is published each month independent of the Communications website. Find the latest Digital Edition, which presents each page of the monthly publication in an interactive format, at

Q: Why can't I access all Communications site content?

A: Some content on the Communications site is a privilege of ACM membership. Follow this link to become a member or to renew your membership.

Q: I've forgotten my Web Account password.

A: We can help you retrieve your password if you still remember your username. Go to

Q: I've forgotten my Member / Client Number.

A: We can help you retrieve your member / client number if you still remember your username. Go to

Q: I don't remember my username or password.

A: Please create a new ACM Web Account, at

Q: How do I access the ACM Digital Library?

A: Sign In to the Digital Library at Please enter your Web Account username and password to obtain access.

Q: What can I access in the Digital Library?

A: The ACM Digital Library is a vast collection of citations and full text from ACM journal and newsletter articles and conference proceedings. Access privileges are as follows:

  • All ACM Members who subscribe to the Digital Library get unlimited access to full-text content, plus additional functionality such as Advanced Search and Personalized Services.
  • All ACM Members receive full-text access to all archived Communications of the ACM material in the Digital Library.
  • ACM Special Interest Group (SIG) members receive full-text access to all materials sponsored by their respective SIGs in the Digital Library.
  • Non-members and the general public can access the full citation of articles on Browse by Subject topics from a portion of recently published Digital Library content.
  • Non-members and the general public can utilize the search and browse features on the main Digital Library page.
  • Basic Searching: On the Digital Library main page, type a word or phrase into the Search text box. The search engine will search on each word individually as well as on the whole phrase. Put quotation marks (" ") around a phrase to search the exact phrase.
  • Browsing: May be done by type of ACM publication: journals, magazines, transactions, Special Interest Group (SIG) newsletters, proceedings, and publications by affiliated organizations.
  • Member and non-member subscribers to individual electronic subscriptions receive full-text access to the individual journals to which they subscribe.
  • Computing Reviews appears unbundled in the Digital Library and in The Guide to Computing Literature, a collection of bibliographic citations and abstracts of works published by ACM and other publishers. Individual Computing Reviews are attached to their bibliographic items. ACM member DL subscribers receive access to the Online Computing Reviews Service (OCRS). Others may subscribe to OCRS as a standalone subscription.

Q: Who should I contact with questions about the Communications magazine and website?

A: Editorial and marketing contacts for print and online publications can be found on the Contact Us page.

Q: How do I report a problem with the Communications website?

A: Please send an email describing the problem and including the URL of the page in question to [email protected].

Q: How do I respond to something I've read online?

A: We welcome comments and discussion of all site content. Click on the "Comment" link following any story. Signed comments are welcome.

Q: What is your policy on user comments?

A: All comments are attributed and require a sign-in using an ACM Web Account username and password. Comments submitted to this site are moderated and will appear if they are relevant to the topic and not abusive. Your comment will appear under the name associated with the ACM Web Account used to sign in to the site. Comments should be relevant to the specific post or discussion of same. Comments will be vetted but not edited before they are published online. ACM reserves the right to reject or remove comments deemed abusive, off-topic, potentially libelous, or inappropriate.

Q: Will user comments appear elsewhere?

A: By submitting your comment for distribution, you hereby grant ACM the non-exclusive, perpetual and worldwide rights to publish and redistribute, edit or adapt and archive the blog entry in print or electronic formats published by ACM.

Q: How do I submit a Letter to the Editor?

A: Please email letters to [email protected].

Q: How do I place a classified ad?

A: Contact Jennifer Ruzicka, advertising sales coordinator, at [email protected] or at 212-626-0686.

Q: How do I advertise in Communications?

A: Email questions to [email protected] or find information on print or online opportunities in the ACM Media media kit.

Q: How do I submit an article?

A: Consult the Author Guidelines to determine submission requirements, then go to

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