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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Pathways to Computing Careers

Accompanying the national discussion about the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), some questions have been raised about whether there really is a "STEM problem" when it comes to filling …

Does Innovation Create or Destroy Jobs?

Do we know whether innovation creates or destroys jobs? The answer is yes to both aspects. What should be fairly obvious is that new jobs created by innovation often require new skills and some displaced workers may not be …
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

On the Significance of Turing's Test

Contrary to what the first sentence of Alan Turing's 1950 paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" might suggest, the paper was not about the question "Can machines think?"

Meeting Student and Teacher Needs in Computing Education

Mark Guzdial reports on the 2014 meeting of the ACM Education Council, where updates from its global representatives led to action plans.

Decoding the Language of Human Movement

Computers that recognize what is happening in moving images can help defend against crime, and revolutionize rehabilitation.

Intelligent Living

After years of false starts, the smart home is gaining momentum.

Sensors for Seniors

In-home technologies are helping seniors stay aware, healthy, and in touch.

ACM's Turing Award Prize Raised to $1 Million

The funding level for the ACM A.M. Turing Award is now $1 million. Google Inc. will provide all funding for this award, recognized as the highest honor in computer science and often referred to as the field's equivalent of …
COLUMN: Global computing

The Internet That Facebook Built

The on-ramp might appear free but exiting takes a toll.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

The Whole Professional

A new book inspires a reflection on what it means to be a whole, competent, and effective professional — and may portend a wave of disruption in education.
COLUMN: Broadening participation

Innovation and Inclusion

What technology companies, especially startups, need to know about building great places to work — for her and him — in the digital age.
COLUMN: Kode vicious

Port Squatting

Do not irk your local sysadmin.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Making the Case for a 'Manufacturing Execution System' for Software Development

Seeking to improve information integration throughout the manufacturing process.
SECTION: Practice

The Responsive Enterprise: Embracing the Hacker Way

Soon every company will be a software company.

No Such Thing as a General-Purpose Processor

And the belief in such a device is harmful.

A New Software Engineering

What happened to the promise of rigorous, disciplined, professional practices for software development?
SECTION: Contributed articles

Computationally Modeling Human Emotion

Computer models of emotion inform theories of human intelligence and advance human-centric applications.

GPUfs: The Case for Operating System Services on GPUs

The GPUfs file system layer for GPU software makes core operating system abstractions available to GPU code.
SECTION: Review articles

Human-Agent Collectives

HACs offer a new science for exploring the computational and human aspects of society.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Rethinking Caches for Throughput Processors

As GPUs have become mainstream parallel processing engines, many applications targeting GPUs now have data locality more amenable to traditional caching. The architecture described in "Learning Your Limits" has a number of …

Learning Your Limit: Managing Massively Multithreaded Caches Through Scheduling

This paper studies the effect of accelerating highly parallel workloads with significant locality on a massively multithreaded GPU.
COLUMN: Last byte

Q&A;: From Esterel to HipHop

This year's CNRS Gold Medal recipient, Gérard Berry, discusses his roots in computer science, why computers are stupid, and how he has helped to simplify programming.
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