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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Coming Boom In Brain Medicines
From ACM News

The Coming Boom In Brain Medicines

Tony Coles could have had any job he wanted in the drug industry.

Jupiter Glimpsed As Aliens Would See It
From ACM News

Jupiter Glimpsed As Aliens Would See It

Astronomers have observed Jupiter for centuries.

European Languages Linked to Migration from the East
From ACM News

European Languages Linked to Migration from the East

A mysterious group of humans from the east stormed western Europe 4,500 years ago—bringing with them technologies such as the wheel, as well as a language that...

NASA Rides Artificial Intelligence to the Moon and Mars
From ACM TechNews

NASA Rides Artificial Intelligence to the Moon and Mars

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration will use artificial intelligence to schedule research opportunities for its many probes and rovers.

With Google Glass App Developed at UCLA, Scientists Can Analyze Plants' Health in Seconds
From ACM TechNews

With Google Glass App Developed at UCLA, Scientists Can Analyze Plants' Health in Seconds

A new Google Glass application enables the wearer to quickly analyze the health of a plant without damaging it. 

Data Storage for Eternity
From ACM TechNews

Data Storage for Eternity

ETH Zurich researchers say they have found a way to store information for more than a million years. 

How to Interest Girls in Computer Science and Engineering? Shift the Stereotypes
From ACM TechNews

How to Interest Girls in Computer Science and Engineering? Shift the Stereotypes

A University of Washington study identifies inaccurate, negative stereotypes as the key culprits in the underrepresentation of women in computer science and engineering...

Vint Cerf Warns of 'Digital Dark Age'
From ACM TechNews

Vint Cerf Warns of 'Digital Dark Age'

Former ACM president Vint Cerf worries a forthcoming "digital Dark Age" will leave behind mountains of data people will no longer be able to access. 

Robots Can Build Cars; Now They Learn Not to Crush You
From ACM News

Robots Can Build Cars; Now They Learn Not to Crush You

Robots long ago earned a place in factories, where their pneumatic pumps and steel welding arms help manufacture everything from cars to planes.

Computer Algorithm Can Accurately Identify Jackson Pollock Paintings
From ACM News

Computer Algorithm Can Accurately Identify Jackson Pollock Paintings

Like his work or hate it, it's clear that the painter Jackson Pollock pioneered a distinctive visual style with his drip paintings.

A Crypto Trick That Makes Software Nearly Impossible to Reverse-Engineer
From ACM News

A Crypto Trick That Makes Software Nearly Impossible to Reverse-Engineer

Software reverse engineering, the art of pulling programs apart to figure out how they work, is what makes it possible for sophisticated hackers to scour code for...

DOE Pilots Big Data Infrastructure Projects
From ACM TechNews

DOE Pilots Big Data Infrastructure Projects

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers recently demonstrated what could be gained when facilities and tools are linked to complete specialized research...

How Moore's Law Made Google Possible
From ACM Opinion

How Moore's Law Made Google Possible

Gordon Moore's famous calculation of the gains in power and economy that would drive chip production continues to have profound implications for every enterprise...

Google Study Shows Users Fail to Understand Security Warnings
From ACM TechNews

Google Study Shows Users Fail to Understand Security Warnings

Researchers found changes to the text and graphics used in security warnings can help prompt users to take corrective action. 

A Computer Model to Understand the Genetic Basis of Disease
From ACM TechNews

A Computer Model to Understand the Genetic Basis of Disease

Splicing-based Analysis of variants (SPANR) is a computer model that can predict the effects mutations in the human genome would have on splicing. 

Thermal Management a Hot Topic in Microelectronic Devices
From ACM TechNews

Thermal Management a Hot Topic in Microelectronic Devices

Researchers say they have achieved a breakthrough in the effort to accurately measure temperature at the scale of individual microelectronic devices. 

Making AI Robust and Beneficial
From ACM News

Making AI Robust and Beneficial

A call for proposals on maximizing the social benefits of AI.

Taking the Robot Dog for a Walk
From ACM News

Taking the Robot Dog for a Walk

It's a video which is bound to go viral. Spot sets off down an office corridor, and then out into the open air.

Facebook, LinkedIn Join to Help Women in Tech
From ACM TechNews

Facebook, LinkedIn Join to Help Women in Tech

Facebook and LinkedIn have launched a collaborative initiative to boost the shrinking numbers of women studying engineering and computer science. 

Watching the Universe in Real Time
From ACM Careers

Watching the Universe in Real Time

Even though the sky looks about the same every night to those of us here on Earth, cataclysmic things happen in outer space constantly.
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