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J. Craig Venter on DNA and Life's Mysteries
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J. Craig Venter on DNA and Life's Mysteries

J. Craig Venter is in the life business.

Nanotech Pioneer Langer Wins Award by Thinking Small
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Nanotech Pioneer Langer Wins Award by Thinking Small

Bioengineer Robert Langer has spent his career looking for the next not-so-big thing.

Tetris Creators Talk Virtual Reality, Touch Screens, History, E-Sports
From ACM Opinion

Tetris Creators Talk Virtual Reality, Touch Screens, History, E-Sports

As the second and final day of the 2015 DICE Summit came to a close, Alexey Pajitnov took the stage in a rare public appearance to talk frankly about the history...

The Biggest Hole in the FCC's New Internet Rules
From ACM Opinion

The Biggest Hole in the FCC's New Internet Rules

The people clamoring for tough, new regulations for Internet service—everyone from net neutrality activists and a few blue-chip companies to President Obama and ...

Quantum Computing Without Qubits
From ACM Opinion

Quantum Computing Without Qubits

For more than 20 years, Ivan H. Deutsch has struggled to design the guts of a working quantum computer.

Tim O'Reilly Explains the Internet of Things
From ACM Opinion

Tim O'Reilly Explains the Internet of Things

Tim O'Reilly has been at the cutting edge of the Internet since it went commercial.

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler: This Is How We Will Ensure Net Neutrality
From ACM Opinion

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler: This Is How We Will Ensure Net Neutrality

After more than a decade of debate and a record-setting proceeding that attracted nearly 4 million public comments, the time to settle the Net Neutrality question...

Google Brain's Co-inventor Tells Why He's Building Chinese Neural Networks
From ACM Opinion

Google Brain's Co-inventor Tells Why He's Building Chinese Neural Networks

To chat with Andrew Ng I almost have to tackle him.

Televised Football Is Looking More Like a Video Game—in Subtle Ways
From ACM Opinion

Televised Football Is Looking More Like a Video Game—in Subtle Ways

It is impossible to consider American football without considering television.

NASA Has Its Sights Set on Europa
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NASA Has Its Sights Set on Europa

Yesterday, NASA announced its Fiscal Year 2016 budget request.

15 Predictions for Tech and Design in 2015
From ACM Opinion

15 Predictions for Tech and Design in 2015

It's our favorite time of year, when frogs from around the world examine the state of technology's future.

A Future Segregated by Science?
From ACM Opinion

A Future Segregated by Science?

Few women and minorities are getting STEM degrees, although STEM jobs are multiplying and pay more than many other careers. Will our future be delineated by who...

How, and Why, Apple Overtook Microsoft
From ACM Opinion

How, and Why, Apple Overtook Microsoft

When Microsoft stock was at a record high in 1999, and its market capitalization was nearly $620 billion, the notion that Apple Computer would ever be bigger—let...

In the Future, Your Touchscreens Will Touch You Back
From ACM Opinion

In the Future, Your Touchscreens Will Touch You Back

You comfort your grieving friend online over chat, but you can't reach out and touch their shoulder.

Netflix's Secret Special Algorithm Is a Human
From ACM Opinion

Netflix's Secret Special Algorithm Is a Human

On the opening night of this year's Sundance Film Festival, two films, as usual, had their premières, gaining maximum exposure to reporters and critics.

AI Will Not Kill Us, Says Microsoft Research Chief
From ACM Opinion

AI Will Not Kill Us, Says Microsoft Research Chief

Microsoft Research's chief has said he thinks artificial intelligence systems could achieve consciousness, but has played down the threat to human life.

In Defense of Soundiness
From Communications of the ACM

In Defense of Soundiness: A Manifesto

Soundy is the new sound.

Do-It-Yourself Textbook Publishing
From Communications of the ACM

Do-It-Yourself Textbook Publishing

Comparing experiences publishing textbooks using traditional publishers and do-it-yourself methods.

Too Big to Fail
From Communications of the ACM

Too Big to Fail

Visibility leads to debuggability.
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