As the second and final day of the 2015 DICE Summit came to a close, Alexey Pajitnov took the stage in a rare public appearance to talk frankly about the history...Ars Technica From ACM Opinion | February 6, 2015
For more than 20 years, Ivan H. Deutsch has struggled to design the guts of a working quantum computer.Quanta Magazine From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2015
Microsoft Research's chief has said he thinks artificial intelligence systems could achieve consciousness, but has played down the threat to human life.BBC News From ACM Opinion | January 28, 2015
Dara Entekhabi, an MIT professor of civil and environmental engineering and of earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences, is the science team leader of NASA's ...;MIT News Office From ACM Opinion | January 26, 2015
In 2010 two physicists at Manchester University in the U.K. shared a Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on a new wonder material: graphene, a flat sheet of carbon...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | January 23, 2015
It's the end of October, when the days have already grown short in Redmond, Washington, and gray sheets of rain are just beginning to let up.Wired From ACM Opinion | January 21, 2015
In an on-camera interview with James Bamford for an upcoming episode of PBS' NOVA, Edward Snowden warned that the U.S. Department of Defense and National Security...Ars Technica From ACM News | January 9, 2015
The leap second is the rare and obscure practice of occasionally adding a second to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) system that most of us use to set our watches...Wired From ACM Opinion | January 9, 2015
It's challenging enough to sustain any scientific study for a decade. Now Eric Horvitz, managing director of the Microsoft Research lab in Redmond, Washington,...Science Magazine From ACM Opinion | January 9, 2015
Lizard Squad. That's the hacker group whose name is suddenly on everyone's lips after it took credit for ruining Christmas for PlayStation and Xbox gamers everywhere...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | December 29, 2014
"The thing to keep in mind," William Gibson tells me when we meet in the quiet lounge of a Victorian-style hotel in Chicago, "is that I’m not actually predicting...Slate From ACM Opinion | December 16, 2014
The MIT Media Lab's Personal Robots Group flanks the soaring atrium on the fourth floor of the Wiesner Building, a wall of metal panels along the southern edge...Re/code From ACM Opinion | December 12, 2014