Latest Practice
From Communications of the ACM
Crackers discover how to use NTP as a weapon for abuse.
Harlan Stenn
From Communications of the ACM | February 2015
From Communications of the ACM
MBT has positive effects on efficiency and effectiveness, even if it only partially fulfills high expectations.
Robert V. Binder, Bruno Legeard, Anne Kramer
From Communications of the ACM | February 2015
From Communications of the ACM
Designing locking primitives with performance in mind.
Davidlohr Bueso
From Communications of the ACM | January 2015
From Communications of the ACM
Trust, but verify.
Geetanjali Sampemane
From Communications of the ACM | January 2015
From Communications of the ACM
Use the database built for your access model.
Rick Richardson
From Communications of the ACM | January 2015
From Communications of the ACM
Soon every company will be a software company.
Erik Meijer, Vikram Kapoor
From Communications of the ACM | December 2014
From Communications of the ACM
And the belief in such a device is harmful.
David Chisnall
From Communications of the ACM | December 2014
From Communications of the ACM
What happened to the promise of rigorous, disciplined, professional practices for software development?
Ivar Jacobson, Ed Seidewitz
From Communications of the ACM | December 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Looking at the design and benefits of X10.
John T. Richards, Jonathan Brezin, Calvin B. Swart, Christine A. Halverson
From Communications of the ACM | November 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Conditional dependency resolution.
Alex Liu
From Communications of the ACM | November 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Better education needed to develop the discipline.
Ellen Chisa
From Communications of the ACM | November 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Public, verifiable, append-only logs.
Ben Laurie
From Communications of the ACM | October 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Assessing legal and technical solutions to secure HTTPS.
Axel Arnbak, Hadi Asghari, Michel Van Eeten, Nico Van Eijk
From Communications of the ACM | October 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Routing security incidents can still slip past deployed security defenses.
Sharon Goldberg
From Communications of the ACM | October 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Quality social science research and the privacy of human subjects require trust.
Jon P. Daries, Justin Reich, Jim Waldo, Elise M. Young, Jonathan Whittinghill, Andrew Dean Ho, Daniel Thomas Seaton, Isaac Chuang
From Communications of the ACM | September 2014
From Communications of the ACM
An informal survey of real-world communications failures.
Peter Bailis, Kyle Kingsbury
From Communications of the ACM | September 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Preventing script injection vulnerabilities through software design.
Christoph Kern
From Communications of the ACM | September 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Many disparate use cases can be satisfied with a single storage system.
Mark Cavage, David Pacheco
From Communications of the ACM | August 2014
From Communications of the ACM
How to generate funding for free and open source software.
Poul-Henning Kamp
From Communications of the ACM | August 2014
From Communications of the ACM
Addressing the needs of professional software development.
Michael J. Lutz, J. Fernando Naveda, James R. Vallino
From Communications of the ACM | August 2014