ICPS logoACM International Conference Proceeding Series
AAA-IDEA: Advanced Architectures and Algorithms for Internet Delivery and Applications ACCICI : Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics ACE: Autonomic Computing in Economics ACET: Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology ACI: Animal-Computer Interaction ACL2: ACL2 Theorem Prover and its Applications ACM TUR-C: ACM Turing 50th Celebration Conference - China ACPIS: Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software ACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications Conference ACSAC '01: Proceedings of the 6th Australasian conference on Computer systems architecture ACSC: Australasian Conference on Computer Science ACSE: Australasian Conference on Computing Education ACSW: Australasian Computer Science Week ACSW '07: Proceedings of the fifth Australasian symposium on ACSW frontiers - Volume 68 ACSW Frontiers '03: Proceedings of the Australasian information security workshop conference on ACSW frontiers 2003 - Volume 21 ACSW Frontiers '04: Proceedings of the second workshop on Australasian information security, Data Mining and Web Intelligence, and Software Internationalisation - Volume 32 ACSW Frontiers '05: Proceedings of the 2005 Australasian workshop on Grid computing and e-research - Volume 44 ACSW Frontiers '06: Proceedings of the 2006 Australasian workshops on Grid computing and e-research - Volume 54 ACWR: Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humantiarian Relief ACySE: Agents and CyberSecurity AD: Array Databases ADAPT: Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems ADC: Australasian Database Conference ADCS: Australasian Document Computing Symposium ADPUC: Advanced Data Processing in Ubiquitous Computing AH: Augmented Human AICTC: Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing AIDM '07: Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Integrating artificial intelligence and data mining - Volume 84 AIIP: Automated Software Engineering AIR: Advances In Robotics AIRWeb: Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web AISC '08: Proceedings of the sixth Australasian conference on Information security - Volume 81 AISTECS: Advanced Interconnect Solutions and Technologies for Emerging Computing Systems AIUCD: AIUCD Annual Conference ALICE: Alice Symposium AM: Audio Mostly AMECSE: Africa and Middle East Conference on Software Engineering AND: Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data AOMD: Aspect Oriented Middleware Development AOSD: Aspect-Oriented Software Development AOW '05: Proceedings of the 2005 Australasian Ontology Workshop - Volume 58 AOW '06: Proceedings of the second Australasian workshop on Advances in ontologies - Volume 72 APBC '03: Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific bioinformatics conference on Bioinformatics 2003 - Volume 19 APBC '04: Proceedings of the second conference on Asia-Pacific bioinformatics - Volume 29 APCCM '04: Proceedings of the first Asian-Pacific conference on Conceptual modelling - Volume 31 APCCM '05: Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific conference on Conceptual modelling - Volume 43 APCCM '06: Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific conference on Conceptual modelling - Volume 53 APCCM '07: Proceedings of the fourth Asia-Pacific conference on Comceptual modelling - Volume 67 APCCM '08: Proceedings of the fifth Asia-Pacific conference on Conceptual Modelling - Volume 79 APCHI: Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction APCHIUX: Asia Pacific Symposium of HCI and UX Design APGV: Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization APVis '01: Proceedings of the 2001 Asia-Pacific symposium on Information visualisation - Volume 9 APVis '03: Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific symposium on Information visualisation - Volume 24 APVis '04: Proceedings of the 2004 Australasian symposium on Information Visualisation - Volume 35 APVis '05: proceedings of the 2005 Asia-Pacific symposium on Information visualisation - Volume 45 APVis '06: Proceedings of the 2006 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation - Volume 60 ARM: Adaptive and Reflective MIddleware ARMOR: Approaches to Mobiquitous Resilience ASBD: Architectures and Systems for Big Data ASE BigData: Academy for Science and Engineering BigData ASWEC: Australasian Software Engineering Conference ATACCS: Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems AUIC: User Interface AcessNets: Access Networks AfriCHI: African Conference for Human Computer Interaction AlMoDEP: Algorithms and Models for Distributed Event Processing AsianPLoP: Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs AusDM '06: Proceedings of the fifth Australasian conference on Data mining and analystics - Volume 61 AusDM '07: Proceedings of the sixth Australasian conference on Data mining and analytics - Volume 70 AusGrid: Grid Computing and e-Research Autonomics: Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems BCI: Balkan Conference in Informatics BDAW: Big Data and Advanced Wireless Technologies BELIV: Beyond Time and Errors: Novel evaluation Methods for Information Visualization BEWEB: Business intelligence and the WEB BIONETICS: Bio Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems BM-FA: Behaviour Modelling BM-MDA: Behaviour Modelling in Model-Driven Architecture BMAS '00: Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE/ACM international workshop on Behavioral modeling and simulation BMFA: Behavioural Modelling - Foundations and Applications BSN '05: Proceedings of the IEEE EEE05 international workshop on Business services networks BWAN: Broadband Wireless Access for Ubiquitous Networking Baltic Sea: Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research Beowulf: 20 Years of Beowulf BigDAS: Big Data Applications and Services BigDataScience: Big Data Science and Computing BigMDE: BigMDE - Scalable Model Driven Engineering British HCI '15: Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference C&T: Communities and Technologies C3S2E: C* Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering CAC: Cloud and Autonomic Computing CAMRa: Context-aware Movie Recommendation CAMS: Context-Aware Middleware and Services CARS: Critical Automotive Applications CASA: Computer Animation and Social Agents CASEMANS: Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems CATS: Theory of Computing CC: Critical Computing CCSEIT: Computational Science, Engineering CEAS: Collaboration, Electronic messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam Conference CEE-SECR: Software Engineering Conference in Russia CERI: Conference in Information Retrieval CFI: Future Internet Technologies CGI: Computer Graphics International CGO: Code Generation and Optimization CHINZ: ACM SIGCHI New Zealand Chapter's International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction CHItaly: Facing complexity CHIuXiD: CHIuXiD CIAO: Context, Information and Ontologies CIC: Computing in Context CISR: Cyber and Information Security Research CISRC: Cyber and Information Security Research CLIHC: Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction COM.Geo: Computing for Geospatial Research & Application COMPUTE: COMPUTE COSMIC: Code Optimisation for Multi and Many Cores CRPIT '00: Selected papers from the second Australian Institute conference on Computer ethics CRPIT '02: Proceedings of the 2002 conference on Pattern languages of programs - Volume 13 CRPIT '03: Proceedings of the 3.1 and 3.3 working groups conference on International federation for information processing: ICT and the teacher of the future - Volume 23 CRPIT '14: Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on Privacy, security and data mining - Volume 14 CS2: Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems CS2 : Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems CSBio: Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics CSIIRW: Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research CSSSIA: Context Enabled Source and Service Selection, Integration and Adaption CUBE: CUBE CVDB: Computer Vision Meets Databases CVMP: Conference on Visual Media Production CWIT: Women and ICT CaRR: Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation Casemans: Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems ChileCHI : Chilean Conference on Human - Computer Interaction Chinese CHI: Chinese CHI ChineseCHI: Chinese CHI Cloud-I: Cloud Intelligence CoDS: Conference on Data Sciences CogART: Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management CompSysTech: Computer Systems and Technologies CyberGames '06: Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Game research and development DAR: Document Analysis and Recognition DAS: Document Analysis Systems DASCCA: WICSA 2014 Companion Volume DATeCH: Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage DBRank: Ranking in Databases DChanges: (Document) Changes DD4LCCI: Data Dissemination for Large Scale Complex Critical Infrastructures DEBS: Distributed Event-Based Systems DEECS: Data Enginering issues in E-commerce and Services DH: Digital Health DH-CASE: Collaborative Annotations in Shared Environments DIMEA: Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts DISCCO: Dependability Issues in Cloud Computing DLRS: Deep Learning for Recommender Systems DLfM: Digital Libraries for Musicology DMSN: Data Management for Sensor Networks DPG: Design Patterns in Games DPRMA: Digital Preservation of Research Methods and Artefacts DSAI: Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion DSM: Doctoral Symposium on Middleware DUI: Distributed User Interfaces and Multimodal Interaction DUX: Designing for User eXperiences DYADEM-FTS: Dependeability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems DaMaP: Data Management in Peer-to-Peer Systems Data4U: Bringing the Value of Big Data to Users DataX: Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web Dutch HCI: Dutch directions in HCI EACE '05: Proceedings of the 2005 annual conference on European association of cognitive ergonomics EANN: Engineering Applications of Neural Networks EASC: Exascale Applications and Software Conference EASE: Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering EAST: Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies EATIS: Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems ECCE: European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics ECMFA-TW: ECMFA Traceability Workshop ECSA: European Conference on Software Architecture ECSAW: European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops ECSAW : European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops EDB : Emerging Databases EDBT: Extending Database Technology EDT: Emerging Displays Technologies EGOSE: Electronic Governance and Open Society EGPGV: Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization EGRW: Eurographics Workshop on Rendering EGRW '03: Proceedings of the 14th Eurographics workshop on Rendering EGVE: Virtual Environments EMPIRE: Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems EOOLT: Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages and Tools ER '07: Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th international conference on Conceptual modeling - Volume 83 ES4CPS: Engineering Simulations for Cyber-Physical Systems ETSA: Eye Tracking South Africa EUSAI: European Union symposium on Ambient intelligence EWDC: European Workshop on Dependable Computing EWDCC: European Workshop on Dependable Cloud Computing EXADAPT: Adaptive Self-Tuning Computing Systems for the Exaflop Era Ergo'IA: Ergonomie et Informatique Avancee Conference ErgoIHM: Ergonomie et Interaction homme-machine EuroMPI: European MPI Users's Group Meeting EuroMPI/ASIA: European MPI Users' Group Meeting EuroPLoP: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs ExtremeCom: Extreme Conference on Communication FAA: Facial Analysis and Animation FIRE: Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation FOAL: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages FOSD: Feature-Oriented Software Development FabLearn: Creativity and Fabrication in Education FnG: Fun and Games Fun and Games: Fun and Games GIR: Geographic Information Retrieval GJH&GC: Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events GPCE: Generative Programming and Component Engineering GPGPU: General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units GRADES: Graph Data management Experiences and Systems GTIP: Governance of Technology, Information, and Policies GameNets: Game Theory for Communications and Networks GamifIR: Gamification for Information Retrieval Gamification: Gameful Design, Research, and Applications Gender IT '14: Proceedings of Gender and IT Appropriation. Science and Practice on Dialogue - Forum for Interdisciplinary Exchange GenderIT: The Third Conference on GenderIT HASP: Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy HCBDR: Human Centered Big Data Research HCCE: Human-Centered Computer Environments HCIR: Human-Computer Information Retrieval Symposium HDKM '08: Proceedings of the second Australasian workshop on Health data and knowledge management - Volume 80 HIP: Historical Document Imaging and Processing HotSoS: Science of Security HotTopiCS: Hot Topics in Cloud Services I-CARE: IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange I-SEMANTICS: Semantic Systems IAT4SIS: Intelligent Agents and Technologies for Socially Interconnected Systems ICAIR-CACRE: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ICARCSET: Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering & Technology ICAT: Augmented Tele-existence ICBBB: Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics ICBBE: Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering ICBCB: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology ICC: Internet of things and Cloud Computing ICCC: Innovative Computing and Cloud Computing ICCCNT: International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies ICCCS: International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security ICCCT: International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology ICCIP: Communication and Information Processing ICCIS: Communication and Information Systems ICCMA: Control, Mechatronics and Automation ICCNS: Communication and Network Security ICCSP: Cryptography, Security and Privacy ICDCN: Distributed Computing and Networking ICDL: International Conference on Dynamic Languages ICDSC: Distributed Smart Cameras ICDT: Database Theory ICE: Information and Computation Economies ICEC: International Conference on Electronic Commerce ICEC '03: Proceedings of the second international conference on Entertainment computing ICEGOV: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance ICEMIS: International Conference on Engineering & MIS ICGJ: Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events ICHIT: International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology ICIA: International Conference on Informatics and Analytics ICICS: Information and Communication Systems ICIET: Information and Education Technology ICIIP: Intelligent Information Processing ICIMCS: Internet Multimedia Computing and Service ICIME: Information Management and Engineering ICINS: Information and Network Security ICIS: International Conference on Computer and Information Science ICMCE: Mechatronics and Control Engineering ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning ICMLSC: Machine Learning and Soft Computing ICMSCE: Mechatronics Systems and Control Engineering ICMSS: Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences ICNCC: Network, Communication and Computing ICONIAAC: Interdisciplinary Advances in Applied Computing ICPW: International Conference on Pragmatic Web ICSCA: Software and Computer Applications ICSPS: Signal Processing Systems ICSS: Industrial Control System Security ICSSP: International Conference on Software and System Process ICTCS: Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies ICTD: Information and Communication Technologies and Development ICTIR: Theory of Information Retrieval ICVGIP: Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing ICWE: Web Engineering IDC: Interaction Design and Children IDEAS: International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium IDEE: Interaction Design in Educational Environments IDTRUST: Identity and Trust on the Internet IE: Interactive Entertainment IE '05: Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment IFL: Application of Functional Languages IFMT: Next-Generation Multicore/Manycore Technologies IHC: Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems IHCI: India HCI IHM: International Conference on Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine IITM: Intelligent Interactive Technologies and Multimedia IIWeb: International Workshop on Information Integration on the Web IIiX: Information Interaction in Context IKDD: IKDD Conference on Data Sciences ILC: International Lisp Conference IMA-OCMC: Interconnection Network Architecture: On-Chip, Multi-Chip IMDM: In-Memory Data Mangement and Analytics INA-OCMC: Interconnection Network Architecture: On-Chip, Multi-Chip INFOS: Informatics and Systems INSERTech '07: Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on INnovative SERvice Technologies INTERACCION: Interaccion Persona-Ordenador INTERNETWARE: Internetware INTL-DPIF: International Digital Preservation Interoperability Framework Symposium IPAC: Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication ISABEL: International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies ISDOC: Information Systems and Design of Communication ISEC: India Software Engineering Conference ISICT '03: Proceedings of the 1st international symposium on Information and communication technologies ISICT '04: Proceedings of the 2004 international symposium on Information and communication technologies ISWSA: Intelligent Semantic Web — Services and Applications ITAP: Interactive Technology and Ageing Populations ITVE '01: Proceedings of the workshop on Information technology for virtual enterprises IUCS: International Universal Communication Symposium IVCNZ: Image and Vision Computing New Zealand IWDE: Digital Engineering IWMCP: Model Comparison in Practice IWOCL: OpenCL IWPSE-EVOL: Software Evolution and Principles of Software Evolution IWWISS: International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart Sensing IndiaHCI: India Human Computer Interaction InfoScale: Scalable Information Systems InfoSecu: Information Security Inputs-Outputs: Inputs-Outputs Conference InterSense: Integrated Internet Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Interaccion: International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Interacción: International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Internetware: Internetware Interperf: Interdisciplinary Systems Approach in Performance Evaluation and Design of Computer & Communications Systems IoT: Internet of Things IwS: Interacting with Sound- A Workshop Exploring Context-aware, Local and Social Audio Applications JIWES: Joint International Workshop on Entity-oriented and Semantic Search JTRES: Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems KMO: Knowledge Management in Organizations Koli Calling: Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research LADIS: Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware LAK: Learning Analytics and Knowledge LASER: Learning from Authoritative Security Results LCR: Languages, Compilers, and Run-time Support for Scalable Systems LFMTP: Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages LID: Logic in Databases LIMITS: Computing within Limits LOCWEB: Location and the Web LWDM: Linked Web Data Management MAASC: Middleware and Architectures for Autonomic and Sustainable Computing MAB: Media Architecture Biennale Confernece MAI: Middleware Application Interaction MALETS: Machine Learning Technologies in Software Engineering MANPU: Comics Aanalysis, Processing and Understanding MB: Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research MDAC: Massive Data Analytics on the Cloud MDI: Model-Drive Interoperability MDS: Middleware Doctoral Symposium MEDEA: Memory Performance: Dealing with Applications, Systems and Architecture MEMSYS: Memory Systems MES: Many-Core Embedded Systems MG: Mardi Gras Conference MGC: Middleware for Grids, Clouds and e-Science MIDI: Multimedia, Interaction, Design and Innovation MIRAGE: Computer Vision / Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques and Applications MIS: Metainformatics MISNC: Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference MLIS: Machine Learning for Interactive Systems MLPA: Modules and Libraries for Proof Assistants MLSDA: Machine Learning for Sensory Data Analysis MMUI '05: Proceedings of the 2005 NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop - Volume 57 MOBILWARE: Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems, and Applications MOBIQUITOUS: Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems MOCO: Movement and Computing MOCR: Multilingual OCR MOCR_AND: Multilingual OCR and Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data MODDM: Model Driven Development for Middleware MODULARITY: International Conference on Modularity MONA: Monitoring, Adaptation and Beyond MORSE: Model-Driven Robot Software Engineering MORSE/VAO: Model-Driven Robot Software Engineering and View-based Software-Engineering MPAC: Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing MSCCC '04: Proceedings of the 2nd annual conference on Mid-south college computing MUM: Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia MWSOC: Middleware for Service Oriented Computing Mashups: Web APIs and Services Mashups MedPRAI: Mediterranean Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence MexIHC: Mexican HCI Conference MidSens: Middleware Tools, Services and Run-Time Support for Sensor Networks Middleware: Middleware MoDeVVa: Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation MoMM: Mobile Computing and Multimedia MobiMedia: Mobile Multimedia Communications MobileHCI: Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Mobility: Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems NGCA: Novel Gaze-Controlled Applications NRS: News Recommender Systems NSEC: National Software Engineering Conference NSPW: New Security Paradigms and Workshop NTSS: New Trends in Similarity Search NoCArc: Network on Chip Architectures NordiCHI: Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction NordiCloud: Nordic Symposium on Cloud Computing & Internet Technologies OBI: Ontology-supported Business Intelligence ODES: Optimizations for DSP and Embedded Systems OSDOC: Workshop on Open Source and Design of Communication OZCHI: Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group: Design OZCHI '05: Proceedings of the 17th Australia conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Citizens Online: Considerations for Today and the Future P2P-Dep: P2P and Dependability PAIS: Privacy and Anonymity in Information Society PARMA: Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures PARMA-DITAM: Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures PASCO: Parallel Symbolic Computation PCAR: Practical Cognitive Agents and Robots PCGames: Procedural Content Generation in Games PCI: Panhellenic Conference on Informatics PCK: Principles of Computing & Knowledge PDC: Participatory Design PEICS: Pattern-Driven Engineering of Interactive Computing Systems PERSUASIVE: Persuasive Technology PETRA: Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments PGAS: Partitioned Global Address Space Programing Models PLoP: Pattern Languages of Programs PLoP '12: Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs PMLDC: Programming Models and Languages for Distributed Computing PPPJ: Principles and Practice of Programming in Java PPPJ '02/IRE '02: Proceedings of the inaugural conference on the Principles and Practice of programming, 2002 and Proceedings of the second workshop on Intermediate representation engineering for virtual machines, 2002 PPPJ '03: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Principles and practice of programming in Java PPPJ '04: Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on Principles and practice of programming in Java PPREW: Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop PROFES: Product Focused Software PROMISE: Predictor Models in Software Engineering PSOSM: Privacy and Security in Online Social Media PST: Privacy, Security and Trust PUI: Perceptive User Interfaces PX: Programming Experience ParaPLoP: Parallel Programming Patterns PerDis: Pervasive Displays PerMIn: Perception and Machine Intelligence Persuasive: Persuasive Technology Ph.D.: EDBT Ph.D. workshop PhD: Joint EDBT/ICDT Ph.D. Workshop PrAISe: AI for Privacy and Security Profes: Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement QASBA: Quality Assurance for Service-based applications QShine: Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness QTNA: Queueing Theory and Network Applications QUASOSS: Quality of Service-Oriented Software Systems RAPIDO: Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation: Methods and Tools REHAB: Rehabilitation Research Techniques RTNS: Real-Time and Network Systems RWDSL: Real World Domain Specific Languages RecSys Challenge: RecSys Challenge RecSysChallenge: Recommender Systems Challenge RepSys: Reproducibility and Replication in Recommender Systems Evaluation RoboComm '07: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Robot communication and coordination S&D4RCES;: Security and Dependability for Resource Constrained Embedded Systems S-BPM ONE : Subject-orientied Business Process Management S-BPMONE: Subject-Oriented Business Process Management SADPI: Semantically Aware Document Processing and Indexing SAICSIT: South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists SAICSIT '02: Proceedings of the 2002 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on Enablement through technology SAICSIT '03: Proceedings of the 2003 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on Enablement through technology SAICSIT '05: Proceedings of the 2005 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on IT research in developing countries SAICSIT '06: Proceedings of the 2006 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on IT research in developing countries SAST: Systematic and Automated Software Testing SBES: Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering SBPM: Semantic Business Process Management SCE: Summit on Computing Education SCOPES: Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems SCS '01: Proceedings of the Sixth Australian workshop on Safety critical systems and software - Volume 3 SCS '02: Proceedings of the seventh Australian workshop conference on Safety critical systems and software 2002 - Volume 15 SCS '03: Proceedings of the 8th Australian workshop on Safety critical systems and software - Volume 33 SCS '04: Proceedings of the 9th Australian workshop on Safety critical systems and software - Volume 47 SCS '05: Proceedings of the 10th Australian workshop on Safety critical systems and software - Volume 55 SCS '06: Proceedings of the eleventh Australian workshop on Safety critical systems and software - Volume 69 SCS '07: Proceedings of the twelfth Australian workshop on Safety critical systems and software and safety-related programmable systems - Volume 86 SD4RCES: Security and Dependability for Resource Constrained Embedded Systems SEARCC '05: Proceedings of the 2005 South East Asia Regional Computer Science Confederation (SEARCC) Conference - Volume 46 SEEDA-CECNSM : SouthEast European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media SEKE: Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering SEM: Software Engineering and Middleware SEMANTICS: Semantic Systems SEMSEARCH: Semantic Search SETMDM: Software Engineering for Tailor-Made Data Management SETN: Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence SGP: Symposium on Geometry Processing SGP '07: Proceedings of the fifth Eurographics symposium on Geometry processing SIMPLEX: Simplifying Complex Network for Practitioners SIN: Security of Information and Networks SMARTGRAPH: Smart Graphics SMCtools: Tools for Solving Structured Markov Chains SMSociety: Social Media & Society SMT: Satisfiability Modulo Theories SOUPS: Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security SPLAT: Software Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies SPLC: Software Product Line Conference SPLC '09: Proceedings of the 13th International Software Product Line Conference SS@: Semantic Search Over the Web SSDBM: Scientific and Statistical Database Management SSPREW: Software Security, Protection, and Reverse Engineering Workshop SSPS: Scalable Stream Processing System SSW: Semantic Search over the Web SWAT4LS: Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences SWEET: Scalable Workflow Enactment Engines and Technologies SYSTOR: Experimental Systems Conference SeceS: Security and Privacy Preserving in e-Societies SecurIT: Security of Internet of Things SenseCam: SenseCam & Pervasive Imaging SoD: Science of Design SoICT: Information and Communication Technology SocialCom: Social Computing SugarLoafPLoP: Pattern Languages of Programs TADDS: Theoretical Aspects on Dynamic Distributed Systems TAMODIA: Task Models and Diagrams TAPAS: Technology and Policy for Accessing Spectrum TARK: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge TEEM: Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality TEEM : Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality TSAA: Time Series Analytics and Applications TempWeb: Temporal Web Analytics Workshop UAI '04: Proceedings of the 20th conference on Uncertainty in artificial intelligence URB-IOT: IoT in Urban Space US-DPIF: US Workshop on Roadmap for Digital Preservation Interoperability Framework UXTV: Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV and Video UbiComp: Ubiquitous Computing UbiMob: Mobility and Ubiquity Computing VAHC : Visual Analytics in Healthcare VAO: View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling VG: Volume Graphics VIGTA: Visual Interfaces for Ground Truth Collection in Computer Vision Applications VINCI: Visual Information Communication - International Symposium VIP '00: Selected papers from the Pan-Sydney workshop on Visualisation - Volume 2 VIP '01: Proceedings of the Pan-Sydney area workshop on Visual information processing - Volume 11 VIP '02: Selected papers from the 2002 Pan-Sydney workshop on Visualisation - Volume 22 VIP '05: Proceedings of the Pan-Sydney area workshop on Visual information processing VISSYM: Symposium on Data Visualisation VISSYM '02: Proceedings of the symposium on Data Visualisation 2002 VRIC: Virtual Reality International Conference VaMoS: Variability Modeling of Software-intensive Systems ValueTools: Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools VikingPLoP: Pattern Languages of Programs VisHCI '06: Proceedings of the HCSNet workshop on Use of vision in human-computer interaction - Volume 56 VisionNet: Computer Vision and the Internet VizSec: Visualization for Cyber Security WA: Web Accessibility WBIA: Workshop on Binary Instrumentation and Applications WCI: Women in Computing and Informatics WCTT: Worst-case Traversal Time WEWST: Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies WIC: Web Intelligence & Communites WICON: Wireless internet WICON '08: Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Wireless Internet WIMS: Web Intelligence, Mining WIR: Women in Research WISB '06: Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on Intelligent systems for bioinformatics - Volume 73 WISICT '04: Proceedings of the winter international synposium on Information and communication technologies WISICT '05: Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Information and communication technologies WMPI: Memory Performance Issues WMUPS: Middleware for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Systems WNS: Workshop on NS-2: the IP Network Simulator WOAR: Activity Recognition and Interaction WOD: Workshop on Open Data WPMVP: Programming Models for SIMD/Vector Processing WRAITS: Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems WRT: Refactoring Tools WS-REST: RESTful Design WebDB: Web and Databases WebMedia: Multimedia and the Web WebQuality: Web Quality WiPSCE: Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education WiPSE: Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education WiTMeMo: Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling WoT: Web of Things XP: Scientific Workshops Proceedings XSEDE: eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment dg.o: Digital Government Research e-Energy: Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking eCrime: eCrime Researchers Summit eclipse: eclipse Technology eXchange i-KNOW: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies iConference: iConference iWOAR: Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction iiWAS: Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services sOc-EUSAI: Smart Objects and Ambient Intelligence Proceedings of the workshop on Student research

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