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109 results found
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Result 1 – 20 of 109
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1 published by ACM
Chordet: an efficient and transparent replication for improving availability of peer-to-peer networked systems
Geunyoung Park, Seokhyun Kim, Yookun Cho, Joongjin Kook, Jiman Hong
March 2010 SAC '10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 2
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2,   Downloads (12 Months): 15,   Downloads (Overall): 149

Full text available: PDFPDF
In Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networked systems, participating nodes can be frequently disconnected from the networks because of several reasons such as users' intentions, nodes' failures, and network problems. This may increase the loss-ratio of the data and some other routing information; it may spoil the reliability of the whole P2P networks. ...
Keywords: Chord, replication, DHT, peer-to-peer (P2P)
[result highlights]

2 published by ACM
CompSC: live migration with pass-through devices
Zhenhao Pan, Yaozu Dong, Yu Chen, Lei Zhang, Zhijiao Zhang
March 2012 VEE '12: Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS conference on Virtual Execution Environments
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 5
Downloads (6 Weeks): 4,   Downloads (12 Months): 19,   Downloads (Overall): 388

Full text available: PDFPDF
Live migration is one of the most important features of virtualization technology. With regard to recent virtualization techniques, performance of network I/O is critical. Current network I/O virtualization (e.g. Para-virtualized I/O, VMDq) has a significant performance gap with native network I/O. Pass-through network devices have near native performance, however, they ...
Keywords: live migration, SR-IOV, pass-through device, virtualization
Also published in:
September 2012  ACM SIGPLAN Notices - VEE '12: Volume 47 Issue 7, July 2012
[result highlights]

Guard against data loss with mondo rescue
Hugo Rabson
December 2001 Linux Journal: Volume 2001 Issue 92, December 2001
Publisher: Belltown Media
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1,   Downloads (12 Months): 1,   Downloads (Overall): 152

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Looking for an easy open-source backup method?
[result highlights]

4 published by ACM
Unity: secure and durable personal cloud storage
Beom Heyn Kim, Wei Huang, David Lie
October 2012 CCSW '12: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Workshop on Cloud computing security workshop
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 3
Downloads (6 Weeks): 9,   Downloads (12 Months): 60,   Downloads (Overall): 522

Full text available: PDFPDF
Unity provides secure and durable storage for personal data that does not depend on the security or availability of a central service. Instead, Unity exploits the trend towards users having more personal computing devices and the increasing amounts of storage available on those devices. This motivates the design of Unity, ...
Keywords: unity, cloud, replication, storage
[result highlights]

5 published by ACM
No one needs it, (until they need it) implementing a new desktop backup solution
Melissa E. Rycroft
November 2006 SIGUCCS '06: Proceedings of the 34th annual ACM SIGUCCS fall conference: expanding the boundaries
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2,   Downloads (12 Months): 8,   Downloads (Overall): 385

Full text available: PDFPDF
Faced with upgrading a set of Veritas Netbackup servers that backed up 1000 Windows desktop computers and a Retrospect server that backed up 200 Macintosh desktop computers, Bucknell University embarked on a project to identify and implement a new desktop backup solution. Working together, Technology Support and Systems Integration selected, ...
Keywords: automation, commvault galaxy, data security, desktop backup
[result highlights]

Steeleye lifekeeper for Linux
Sean Tierney
April 2005 Linux Journal: Volume 2005 Issue 132, April 2005
Publisher: Belltown Media
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 0,   Downloads (12 Months): 1,   Downloads (Overall): 131

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[result highlights]

7 published by ACM
On-line consistent backup in transactional file systems
Lipika Deka, Gautam Barua
August 2010 APSys '10: Proceedings of the first ACM asia-pacific workshop on Workshop on systems
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3,   Downloads (12 Months): 24,   Downloads (Overall): 366

Full text available: PDFPDF
A consistent backup, preserving data integrity across files in a file system, is of utmost importance for the purpose of correctness and minimizing system downtime during the process of data recovery. With the present day demand for continuous access to data, backup has to be taken of an active file ...
Keywords: consistency, transactions, file systems, online backup
[result highlights]

8 published by ACM
Docovery: toward generic automatic document recovery
Tomasz Kuchta, Cristian Cadar, Miguel Castro, Manuel Costa
September 2014 ASE '14: Proceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE international conference on Automated software engineering
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 2
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3,   Downloads (12 Months): 37,   Downloads (Overall): 102

Full text available: PDFPDF
Application crashes and errors that occur while loading a document are one of the most visible defects of consumer software. While documents become corrupted in various ways---from storage media failures to incompatibility across applications to malicious modifications---the underlying reason they fail to load in a certain application is that their ...
Keywords: program analysis, symbolic execution, data recovery
[result highlights]

9 published by ACM
Automated disaster plan auditing using knowledge base technology
Jonathan Simon, Aaron Konstam
September 1988 ACM SIGUCCS Newsletter: Volume 18 Issue 3, September 1, 1988
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2,   Downloads (12 Months): 8,   Downloads (Overall): 245

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Management Information System (MIS) disaster and contingency planning are the principal ingredients for the success of a computer center's reorganization pending a system loss but there is is very little information published addressing the details of how to be assured of a proper backup and recovery strategy. Disaster planning is ...
[result highlights]

Mike Diehl
June 2010 Linux Journal: Volume 2010 Issue 194, June 2010
Publisher: Belltown Media
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 0,   Downloads (12 Months): 0,   Downloads (Overall): 21

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[result highlights]

An automated reliable backup solution
Andrew De Ponte
January 2007 Linux Journal: Volume 2007 Issue 153, January 2007
Publisher: Belltown Media
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1,   Downloads (12 Months): 2,   Downloads (Overall): 494

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A super backup solution on the cheap.
[result highlights]

Easy database backups with Zmanda recovery manager for MySQL
Daniel Bartholomew
September 2010 Linux Journal: Volume 2010 Issue 197, September 2010
Publisher: Belltown Media
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2,   Downloads (12 Months): 7,   Downloads (Overall): 87

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[result highlights]

13 published by ACM
SecondSite: disaster tolerance as a service
Shriram Rajagopalan, Brendan Cully, Ryan O'Connor, Andrew Warfield
March 2012 VEE '12: Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS conference on Virtual Execution Environments
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 12
Downloads (6 Weeks): 9,   Downloads (12 Months): 69,   Downloads (Overall): 532

Full text available: PDFPDF
This paper describes the design and implementation of SecondSite, a cloud-based service for disaster tolerance. SecondSite extends the Remus virtualization-based high availability system by allowing groups of virtual machines to be replicated across data centers over wide-area Internet links. The goal of the system is to commodify the property of ...
Keywords: disaster recovery, wide area replication
Also published in:
September 2012  ACM SIGPLAN Notices - VEE '12: Volume 47 Issue 7, July 2012
[result highlights]

Automating remote backups
Michael J. Hammel
June 2010 Linux Journal: Volume 2010 Issue 194, June 2010
Publisher: Belltown Media
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 1,   Downloads (12 Months): 1,   Downloads (Overall): 56

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Save or lose it!
[result highlights]

A Linux-Based Automatic Backup System
Michael O'Brien
November 2000 Linux Journal: Volume 2000 Issue 80es, Nov. 2000
Publisher: Belltown Media
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 0,   Downloads (12 Months): 5,   Downloads (Overall): 304

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A step-by-step procedure for establishing a backup system that will save time and money.
[result highlights]

16 published by ACM
Reducing fragmentation impact with forward knowledge in backup systems with deduplication
Michal Kaczmarczyk, Cezary Dubnicki
May 2015 SYSTOR '15: Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 7,   Downloads (12 Months): 69,   Downloads (Overall): 242

Full text available: PDFPDF
Deduplication of backups is very effective in saving storage, but may also cause significant restore slowdown. This problem is caused by data fragmentation , where logically continuous but duplicate data is not placed sequentially on the disk. Two types of fragmentation introduce high restore penalty: inter-version fragmentation, caused by duplicates ...
Keywords: backup, deduplication, fragmentation, restore
[result highlights]

17 published by ACM
Self-Healing in Modern Operating Systems
Michael W. Shapiro
December 2004 Queue - Programming Languages: Volume 2 Issue 9, December/January 2004-2005
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 7
Downloads (6 Weeks): 388,   Downloads (12 Months): 2,062,   Downloads (Overall): 33,933

Full text available: HtmlHtml  PDFPDF
A few early steps show there's a long (and bumpy) road ahead.
[result highlights]

Logical vs. physical file system backup
Norman C. Hutchinson, Stephen Manley, Mike Federwisch, Guy Harris, Dave Hitz, Steven Kleiman, Sean O'Malley
February 1999 OSDI '99: Proceedings of the third symposium on Operating systems design and implementation
Publisher: USENIX Association
Citation Count: 26

[result highlights]

19 published by ACM
A novel file-level continuous data protection mechanism oriented service application
Jiangjiang Wu, Jiangchun Ren, Yong Cheng, Songzhu Mei, Zhiying Wang
August 2011 ICIMCS '11: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3,   Downloads (12 Months): 8,   Downloads (Overall): 101

Full text available: PDFPDF
Continuous Data Protection (CDP) technology is a good schema for ensuring the continuity and survival capability of the service applications. However, the existing continuous data protection technology is difficult to meet the requirements, which means more fine-grained, closely associated with the upper applications and efficient failure recovery capabilities. We have ...
Keywords: reconstruct the sectors, file-level, continuous data protection, no-copy data recovery, sub-fragment
[result highlights]

20 published by ACM
Using free web storage for data backup
Avishay Traeger, Nikolai Joukov, Josef Sipek, Erez Zadok
October 2006 StorageSS '06: Proceedings of the second ACM workshop on Storage security and survivability
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 2
Downloads (6 Weeks): 6,   Downloads (12 Months): 41,   Downloads (Overall): 1,059

Full text available: PDFPDF
Backing up important data is crucial. A variety of causes can lead to data loss, such as disk failures, administration errors, virus infiltration, theft, and physical damage to equipment. Users and businesses have important information that is difficult to replace, such as financial records and contacts. Reliable backups are crucial ...
Keywords: backup, web services
[result highlights]

Result 1 – 20 of 109
Result page: 1 2 3 4 5 6

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