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nuKernel: MicroKernel for multi-core DSP SoCs with load sharing and priority interrupts
Chi-Sheng Shih,
Hsin-Yu Lai
March 2013
SAC '13: Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8, Downloads (12 Months): 83, Downloads (Overall): 193
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The demands of modern embedded systems are hastening the adoption of multicore SoCs. Although multicore SoCs can be conceptually viewed as distributed systems, the resources on multicore SoCs including interrupts and scheduling are mostly, if not all, managed by the operating systems on general purpose CPU on SoC in a ...
operating systems
Operating systems
operating systems
... and scheduling are mostly, if not all, managed by the operating systems on general purpose CPU on SoC in a centralized manner. ...
S. Boyd-Wickizer, H. Chen, R. Chen, Y. Mao, F. Kaashoek, R. Morris, A. Pesterev, L. Stein, M. Wu, Y. Dai, Y. Zhang, and Z. Zhang. Corey: an operating system for many cores. In OSDI'08: Proceedings of the 8th USENIX conference on Operating systems design and implementation, pages 43--57, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2008. USENIX Association.
M. Liu, Z. Shao, M. Wang, H. Wei, and T. Wang. Implementing hybrid operating systems with two-level hardware interrupts. Real-Time Systems Symposium, IEEE International, 0:244--253, 2007.
M. A. Rivas and M. G. Harbour. Evaluation of new posix real-time operating systems services for small embedded platforms. In Proceedings of the 15th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 2003.
Qingbo Yuan, Jianbo Zhao, Mingyu Chen, and Ninghui Sun. Generos: An asymmetric operating system kernel for multi-core systems. In Parallel Distributed Processing (IPDPS), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on, pages 1--10, April 2010.
Tong Li, Dan Baumberger, David A. Koufaty, and Scott Hahn. Efficient operating system scheduling for performance-asymmetric multi-core architectures. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 2007.
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... interrupts and scheduling are mostly, if not all, managedby the operating systems on general purpose CPU on SoC in a cen-tralized manner. ... MemoryLocal MemoryBusFigure 1: System Architecture of Multicore DSP SoC.eral purpose operating system is deployed to handle computer userinteraction, network access, and execute ...
... increase enormously. Although this mech-anism is abandoned in most modern operating systems, , it is stilladopted in the operating systems for resource limited embeddedplatforms. Two-level interrupt handling [1] schedules high ... effectiveness and application perfor-mance.2. RELATEDWORKIn last thirty years, embedded real-time operating systems havebeen designed for mission critical systems, avionics systems, con-sumer electronic ... systems, con-sumer electronic systems, automatic control machinery, etc. Manyembedded real-time operating systems are redesigned for multi-core processors. QNX, Embedded Linux, RTLinux, ThreadX, ... microprocessors such as DSP and micro-controllers, only few embedded real-time operating systems forcommercial products and research projects are available. VSP-Works from WindRiver ...
... on multi-core platforms. Similarly, Yuan andZhao [14] propose an asymmetric operating system for multi-coresystems called GenerOS. Applications, kernel services and inter-rupt handlers ... resource limited heterogeneous multicore DSP cores, webelieve that having single operating system to manage all the re-sources is not a scalable solution ... (SMP) andasymmetric multiprocessor (AMP) architecture. On GPP, a gen-eral purpose operating system is deployed to manage its local re-sources, and global resources ...
... M. Wu, Y. Dai, Y. Zhang,and Z. Zhang. Corey: an operating system for many cores. InOSDI?08: Proceedings of the 8th USENIX conference ... Z. Shao, M. Wang, H. Wei, and T. Wang.Implementing hybrid operating systems with two-levelhardware interrupts. Real-Time Systems Symposium, IEEEInternational, 0:244?253, 2007.[12] M. ... A. Rivas and M. G. Harbour. Evaluation of new posixreal-time operating systems services for small embeddedplatforms. In Proceedings of the 15th Euromicro ... Yuan, Jianbo Zhao, Mingyu Chen, and Ninghui Sun.Generos: An asymmetric operating system kernel formulti-core systems. In Parallel Distributed Processing(IPDPS), 2010 IEEE International ...
... Tong Li, Dan Baumberger, David A. Koufaty, and ScottHahn. Ef n?A?cient operating system scheduling forperformance-asymmetric multi-core architectures. InProceedings of the 2007 ACM/IEEE conference ...
Factored operating systems (fos): the case for a scalable operating system for multicores
April 2009
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review: Volume 43 Issue 2, April 2009
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 80
Downloads (6 Weeks): 13, Downloads (12 Months): 136, Downloads (Overall): 1,909
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The next decade will afford us computer chips with 100's to 1,000's of cores on a single piece of silicon. Contemporary operating systems have been designed to operate on a single core or small number of cores and hence are not well suited to manage and provide operating system services ...
multicore operating systems, factored operating system
Factored operating systems (fos): the case for a scalable operating system for multicores
Operating systems
multicore operating systems
factored operating system
... 1,000's of cores on a single piece of silicon. Contemporary operating systems have been designed to operate on a single core or ... and hence are not well suited to manage and provide operating system services at such large scale. If multicore trends continue, the ... If multicore trends continue, the number of cores that an operating system will be managing will continue to double every 18 months. ... will be capable of redesigning subsystems. The fundamental design of operating systems and operating system data structures must be rethought to put scalability as the ... This work begins by documenting the scalability problems of contemporary operating systems. . These studies are used to motivate the design of ... studies are used to motivate the design of a factored operating system (fos). fos is a new operating system targeting manycore systems with scalability as the primary design constraint, ... manner, out of a collection of Internet inspired services. Each operating system service is factored into a set of communicating servers which ... the scalability challenge of future multicores and discuss how traditional application-operating systems
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems
A. Agarwal, J. Hennessy, and M. Horowitz. Cache performance of operating systems and multiprogramming workloads. ACM Transaction on Computer Systems, 6(4):393--431, Nov. 1988.
J. Appavoo, M. Auslander, M. Burtico, D.M. da Silva, O. Krieger, M.F. Mergen, M. Ostrowski, B. Rosenburg, R.W. Wisniewski, and J. Xenidis. K42: an open-source linux-compatible scalable operating system kernel. IBM Systems Journal, 44(2):427--440, 2005.
S. Boyd-Wickizer, H. Chen, R. Chen, Y. Mao, F. Kaashoek, R. Morris, A. Pesterev, L. Stein, M. Wu, Y.D.Y. Zhang, and Z. Zhang. Corey: An operating system for many cores. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Dec. 2008.
E. Bugnion, S. Devine, and M. Rosenblum. Disco: Running commodity operating systems on scalable multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, pages 143--156, 1997.
J. Chapin, M. Rosenblum, S. Devine, T. Lahiri, D. Teodosiu, and A. Gupta. Hive: Fault containment for shared-memory multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, pages 12--25, 1995.
P. Dasgupta, R. Chen, S. Menon, M. Pearson, R. Ananthanarayanan, U. Ramachandran, M. Ahamad, R.J. LeBlanc, W. Applebe, J.M. Bernabeu-Auban, P. Hutto, M. Khalidi, and C.J. Wileknloh. The design and implementation of the Clouds distributed operating system. USENIX Computing Systems Journal, 3(1):11--46, 1990.
B. Gamsa, O. Krieger, J. Appavoo, and M. Stumm. Tornado: Maximizing locality and concurrency in a shared memory multiprocessor operating system. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, pages 87--100, Feb. 1999.
S. Ghemawat, H. Gobioff, and S.-T. Leung. The Google file system. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, Oct. 2003.
K. Govil, D. Teodosiu, Y. Huang, and M. Rosenblum. Cellular Disco: Resource management using virtual clusters on sharedmemory multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, pages 154--169, 1999.
J. Kubiatowicz, D. Bindel, Y. Chen, S. Czerwinski, P. Eaton, D. Geels, R. Gummadi, S. Rhea, H. Weatherspoon, W. Weimer, C. Wells, and B. Zhao. Oceanstore: An architecture for global-scale persistent storage. In Proceedings of the Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 190--201, Nov. 2000.
J. Liedtke. On microkernel construction. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, pages 237--250, Dec. 1995.
J.K. Ousterhout, A.R. Cherenson, F. Douglis, M.N. Nelson, and B.B. Welch. The Sprite network operating system. IEEE Computer, 21(2):23--36, Feb. 1988.
A.S. Tanenbaum, M.F. Kaashoek, R.V. Renesse, and H. E. Bal. The Amoeba distributed operating system-a status report. Computer Communications, 14:324--335, July 1991.
A.S. Tanenbaum, S.J. Mullender, and R. van Renesse. Using sparse capabilities in a distributed operating system. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pages 558--563, May 1986.
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Inside front cover 20081209Factored Operating Systems (fos): The Case for a ScalableOperating System for MulticoresDavid Wentzlaff ... scale. If multicore trendscontinue, the number of cores that an operating system will bemanaging will continue to double every 18 months. The ... design-ers will be capable of redesigning subsystems. The fundamentaldesign of operating systems and operating system data structuresmust be rethought to put scalability as the prime ... constraint.This work begins by documenting the scalability problems of con-temporary operating systems. . These studies are used to motivatethe design of a ... These studies are used to motivatethe design of a factored operating system (fos). fos is a new operat-ing system targeting manycore systems ... messagepassing manner, out of a collection of Internet inspired services.Each operating system service is factored into a set of commu-nicating servers which ... can be redesigned to improve scalability.Categories and Subject Descriptors D.4.7 [Operating Systems] ]:Organization and DesignGeneral Terms Operating System Design, Multicore ComputersKeywords Multicore Operating Systems, , Factored OperatingSystem1. IntroductionThe number of processor cores which fit ... one or two processors that the en-tire design of an operating system must be rethought. This workinvestigates why simply scaling up traditional ... rethought. This workinvestigates why simply scaling up traditional symmetric multipro-cessor operating systems is not sufficient to attack this problem andproposes how to ... to attack this problem andproposes how to build a factored operating system (fos) which em-braces the 1,000 core multicore chip opportunity.The growing ...
... is a qualitative change which drasticallychanges the playing field for operating system design. The primarychallenge of multicore operating system design is one of scalability.Current symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) operating systems havebeen designed to manage a relatively small number of cores. ... of cores will be expandingat an exponential rate therefore any operating system designed torun on multicores will need to embrace scalability and ... un-der heavy load. We also study the cache performance interferencewhen operating system and application code are executed on thesame core.We use these ... these scalability studies to motivate the design of a fac-tored operating system (fos). fos is a new scalable operating systemtargeted at 1000+ ...
... to the scalability of modern day operatingsystems is that the operating system interfaces provided to applica-tions are inherently non-scalable. One way to ... hardware and a QEMUsimulation of up to 255 processors. The operating system is underactive development and currently consists of a bootloader and ... results of these studies are utilized tomake recommendations for future operating systems. .2.1 LocksContemporary operating systems which execute on multi-processorsystems have evolved from uni-processor operating systems. . The77most simplistic form of this evolution was the addition ... kernel at a time greatly simplifies the extension of auni-processor operating system to multiple processors. By allowingonly one thread in the kernel ... kernel and hence the scalability.The traditional manner to further scale operating system perfor-mance has been to successively create finer-grain locks thus reduc-ing ... to increase the concurrencyavailable in the kernel.Adding locks into an operating system is time consuming anderror prone. Adding locks can be error ... and locks,as most programming languages, especially those commonly usedto write operating systems, , do not have a formal way to expresslock and ... lockscan introduce circular dependencies and hence cause deadlocks tooccur. Many operating systems
... a vacuum. Instead, it is typical forentire sub-systems of the operating system to be redesigned whenlock granularity needs to be adjusted.In previous ... to maintain performance parity. Thus thislock granularity change may require operating system ... sub-systemsto be redesigned with each new chip generation. Unfortunately forthe operating system programmer, it is very difficult to redesignsub-systems with this speed ... with number of transistors. Hence we believe that traditionallock based operating systems need to be rethought in light of themulticore era.Whenever discussing ... too often can cause inefficiencies on low core-count sys-tems. Future operating systems will have to directly attack findingthe correct lock granularity as ... is possible. By touching the first byte in every page,the operating system is forced to demand allocate the memory. Thenumber of cores ...
... Locality AliasingOperating systems have large instruction and data working sets.Traditional operating systems time multiplex computation re-78sources. By executing operating system code and application codeon the same physical core, implicitly shared ... accommodate the shared working set ofboth the application and the operating system code and data. Thisreduces the hit rates in these cache ... to evaluate the cache system performance degradation dueto executing the operating system and application code on the samecore, we created a cache ... operat-ing system, the application, and the interference misses caused bythe operating system and application contending for cache space.This was accomplished by simulating ... seen that for small cache sizes,the miss rates for the operating system far surpass the miss ratesfor the application. Second, the miss ... interfer-ence is sizable. This interference can be removed completely whenthe operating system and application is executed in different cores.Also, by splitting the ... in different cores.Also, by splitting the application away from the operating system, ,it allows the easy utilization of more parallel caches, a ... the results found in [3], but with a modernapplication and operating system. .????????????????????t????r??????????t????r???????????t????r??????????rr??t??r????t??????r???????????tFigure 2. Cache miss rates for Apache2 running on Linux2.6.18.8. ... rate for a two-way set-associative cache.2.3 Reliance on Shared MemoryContemporary operating systems rely on shared memory for com-munication. Largely this is because ...
... multicore field which future multicore proces-sors will extend. Because contemporary operating systems rely onshared memory for communication, it is not possible to ... memory support. In order to have the widest applicability,future multicore operating systems should not be reliant on a sharedmemory abstraction.It is also ... a few recommenda-tions in order to improve scalability for future operating systems, ,namely:? Avoid the use of hardware locks.? Separate the operating system execution resources from theapplication execution resources.Reduces implicit resource sharing (Caches/TLBs).Utilizes ... Design of a Factored Operating SystemIn order to create an operating system ... to tackle the 1,000+ coreera, we propose designing a factored operating system (fos). fosis an operating system which takes scalability as the first orderdesign constraint. Unlike most ... takes scalability as the first orderdesign constraint. Unlike most previous operating systems wherea subsystem scales up to a given point and beyond ... needs to be redesigned, fos ventures to developtechniques to build operating system services which scale, up anddown, across a large range (> ... of processes for good performancewill be the challenge that future operating systems will face andone that fos tackles.Spatial multiplexing is taken further ... When an application needs to access aservice provided by the operating system, , the application messagesthe closest core providing that service. The ... by querying a name server.In order to build a scalable operating system,
... shared, which will leadto more scalability.3.2 Structure of fosA factored operating system environment is composed of threemain components. A thin microkernel, a ... themicrokernel as shown in Figure 4.fos is a full featured operating system which provides many ser-vices to applications such as resource multiplexing, ... OS layer is composed of fleets offunction specific servers. Each operating system function is pro-vided by one or more servers. Each server ...
... challenges set forth in Section 2. The first challengethat traditional operating systems face is their utilization of locksto protect access to data ... with a multipronged approach.First, fos is an inherently message passing operating system, , there-fore there are no shared memory locks between cores. ... system and exclusive operations provided by the hard-ware.Applications and the operating system have largely differentworking sets. To address this problem and avoid ... such as caches and translation lookasidebuffers (TLBs), fos executes the operating system on separate pro-cessing cores from the application. Also, different portions ... do not need to be synchronized likein the L4 [15] operating system. . fos provides large buffers whichlive in the receiving client?s ... of large inputmailboxes decouples send and receive synchronization.3.4 Challengesfos executes operating system code on disparate processing coresfrom the application code. This introduces ... coresfrom the application code. This introduces core-to-core commu-nication latency to application-operating system communication.Conversely, when the operating system and application execute onthe same core, a context switch is ...
... that the low communications cost of local core-to-corecommunication motivates separating operating system code fromapplication code.One open question for fos is whether structures ... may dwarf the performance wins of removingtraditional locks from the operating system. . We believe that thecost of using notional locks will ... hardware and a QEMUsimulation of up to 255 processors. The operating system is underactive development and currently consists of a bootloader, micro-kernel, ... can be roughly grouped into three cate-gories: traditional microkernels, distributed operating systems, , anddistributed Internet-scale servers.A microkernel is a minimal operating system kernel whichtypically provides no high-level operating system services in themicrokernel, but rather provides mechanisms such as low ... management and inter-thread communication which canbe utilized to construct high-level operating system services. High-level operating system services are typically constructed insideof servers which utilize the microkernel?s ...
... thus the optimizations made and trade-offsare quite different.The Tornado [11] operating system which has been extendedinto the K42 [5] operating system is a microkernel operating sys-tem and is one of the ... of1000+ processors which fos is being designed for.The Hive [9] operating system utilizes a multicellular kernelarchitecture. This means that a multiprocessor is ... inside of the cell like atraditional OS. Between cells the operating system shares resourcesby having the different cells message and allowing safe ... cells as a manner to communicate.Another approach to building scalable operating systems is theapproach taken by Disco [8] and Cellular Disco [13]. ... Cellular Disco [13]. Disco andCellular Disco run off the shelf operating systems in multiple vir-tual machines executing on multiprocessor systems. By dividinga ... Disco and Cellular Disco can leverage the design of pre-existing operating systems. . They also leverage the level of scalabil-ity already designed ... also leverage the level of scalabil-ity already designed into pre-existing operating systems. . Disco andCellular Disco also allow for sharing between the ... mechanisms which break the virtual machine abstractionto allow two client operating systems to communicate faster thancommunicating via a virtualized network-like interface. VMWarehas ... the base of hierarchy. Disco and Cellular Disco argueleveraging traditional operating systems as an advantage, but thisapproach likely does not reach the ...
... datais shared between cores.fos bears much similarity to a distributed operating system, , ex-cept executing on a single chip. In fact much ... from the ideas developed for distributed op-erating systems. A distributed operating system is an operatingsystem which executes across multiple computers or workstationsconnected ... executes across multiple computers or workstationsconnected by a network. Distributed operating systems provide ab-stractions which allow a single user to utilize resources ... computers or workstations. The level of integrationvaries with some distributed operating systems providing a singlesystem image to the user, while others provide ... scaling problems mo-tivate a rethinking of the manner in which operating systems arestructured. In order to address these problems we propose a ... In order to address these problems we propose a fac-tored operating system (fos) which targets 1000+ core multicoresystems and replaces traditional time ... OS as a collection of Internetinspired services we believe that operating systems can be scaledfor 1000+ core single-chip systems and beyond allowing ...
... 1986.[3] A. Agarwal, J. Hennessy, and M. Horowitz. Cache performanceof operating systems and multiprogramming workloads. ACMTransaction on Computer Systems, 6(4):393?431, Nov. 1988.[4] ... Anoperating system for many cores. In Proceedings of the Symposiumon Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Dec. 2008.[8] E. Bugnion, S. Devine, and ... 2008.[8] E. Bugnion, S. Devine, and M. Rosenblum. Disco: Runningcommodity operating systems on scalable multiprocessors. InProceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles,pages 143?156, 1997.[9] J. Chapin, M. Rosenblum, S. Devine, T. ... clusters on shared-memory multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposiumon Operating System Principles, pages 154?169, 1999.[14] J. Kubiatowicz, D. Bindel, Y. Chen, ... Proceedings of the Conference on Architectural Supportfor Programming Languages and Operating Systems, , pages 190?201,Nov. 2000.[15] J. Liedtke. On microkernel construction. In ... Liedtke. On microkernel construction. In Proceedings of the ACMSymposium on Operating System Principles, pages 237?250, Dec.1995.[16] G. E. Moore. Cramming more components ... Douglis, M. N. Nelson, andB. B. Welch. The Sprite network operating system. . IEEE Computer,21(2):23?36, Feb. 1988.[18] M. Satyanarayanan. Scalable, secure, and ... Kaashoek, R. V. Renesse, and H. E. Bal.The Amoeba distributed operating system- -a status report. ComputerCommunications, 14:324?335, July 1991.[20] A. S. Tanenbaum, ... Mullender, and R. van Renesse. Using sparsecapabilities in a distributed operating system. . In Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ...
K42: building a complete operating system
Orran Krieger,
Marc Auslander,
Bryan Rosenburg,
Robert W. Wisniewski,
Jimi Xenidis,
Dilma Da Silva,
Michal Ostrowski,
Jonathan Appavoo,
Maria Butrico,
Mark Mergen,
Amos Waterland,
Volkmar Uhlig
April 2006
EuroSys '06: Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Conference on Computer Systems 2006
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 43
Downloads (6 Weeks): 14, Downloads (12 Months): 121, Downloads (Overall): 895
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K42 is one of the few recent research projects that is examining operating system design structure issues in the context of new whole-system design. K42 is open source and was designed from the ground up to perform well and to be scalable, customizable, and maintainable. The project was begun in ...
customizable operating systems, operating system design, scalable operating systems
Also published in:
September 2006
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review - Proceedings of the 2006 EuroSys conference: Volume 40 Issue 4, October 2006
Operating systems
customizable operating systems
operating system design
scalable operating systems
... one of the few recent research projects that is examining operating system design structure issues in the context of new whole-system design. ...
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems
A. Baumann, J. Appavoo, D. da Silva, O. Krieger, and R. W. Wisniewski. Improving operating system availability with dynamic update. In Workshop of Operating System and Architectural Support for the On-demand IT Infrastructure (OASIS), pages 21--27, Boston Massachusetts, October 9, 2004 2004.
A. Baumann, J. Appavoo, D. D. Silva, J. Kerr, O. Krieger, and R. W. Wisniewski. Providing dynamic update in an operating system. In USENIX Technical Conference, pages 279--291, Anaheim, CA, April 2005.
B. N. Bershad, S. Savage, P. Pardyn, E. G. Sirer, M. E. Fiuczynski, D. Becker, C. Chambers, and S. Eggers. Extensibility, safety and performance in the SPIN operating system. In ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, 3--6 December 1995.
J. Bruno, E. Gabber, B. Ozden, and A. Silberschatz. The Eclipse operating system: Providing quality of service via reservation domains. In USENIX Technical Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 1998.
J. Chapin, M. Rosenblum, S. Devine, T. Lahiri, D. Teodosio, and A. Gupta. Hive: Fault containment for shared-memory multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pages 12--25, 1995.
D. da Silva, L. Soares, and O. Krieger. KFS: Exploring flexilibity in file system design. In Proc. of the Brazilian Workshop in Operating Systems, Salvador, Brazil, August 2004.
D. R. Engler, S. K. Gupta, and M. F. Kaashoek. Avm: application-level virtual memory. In Hot Topics in Operating Systems, pages 72--77. IEEE Computer Society, May 1995.
D. R. Engler, M. F. Kaashoek, and J. O'Toole Jr. Exokernel: an operating system architecture for application-level resource management. In ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, pages 251--266, 3--6 December 1995.
B. Ford, G. Back, G. Benson, J. Lepreau, A. Lin, and O. Shivers. The Flux OSKit: a substrate for kernel and language research. In SOSP '97: Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, pages 38--51, New York, NY, USA, 1997. ACM Press.
B. Gamsa, O. Krieger, J. Appavoo, and M. Stumm. Tornado: maximizing locality and concurrency in a shared memory multiprocessor operating system. In Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, pages 87--100, February 22--25 1999.
G. C. Hunt, J. R. Larus, D. Tarditi, and T. Wobber. Broad new OS research: Challenges and opportunities. In Proc. of the 10th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, Santa Fe, NM, June 2005. USENIX.
F. L. R. III. Experience with the development of a microkernel-based, multi-server operating system. In HotOS - Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, pages 2--7, 1997.
I. M. Leslie, R. B. D. McAuley, T. Roscoe, P. Barham, D. Evers, and R. F. E. Hyden. The design and implementation of an operating system to support distributed multimedia applications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas In Communications, 17(7), May 2005.
J. Liedtke. On micro-kernel construction. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pages 237--250. ACM Press, 1995.
R. Unrau, O. Krieger, B. Gamsa, and M. Stumm. Hierarchical clustering: A structure for scalable multiprocessor operating system design. Journal of Supercomputing, 9(1/2):105--134, 1995.
R. W. Wisniewski and B. Rosenburg. Efficient, unified, and scalable performance monitoring for multiprocessor operating systems. In Supercomputing, Phoenix Arizona, November 17--21 2003.
K42: building a complete operating system
Thermostat: Application-transparent Page Management for Two-tiered Main Memory
April 2017
ASPLOS '17: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 32, Downloads (12 Months): 32, Downloads (Overall): 32
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The advent of new memory technologies that are denser and cheaper than commodity DRAM has renewed interest in two-tiered main memory schemes. Infrequently accessed application data can be stored in such memories to achieve significant memory cost savings. Past research on two-tiered main memory has assumed a 4KB page size. ...
operating systems, cloud computing
Operating systems
operating systems
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems
N. Agarwal, D. Nellans, M. Stephenson, M. O'Connor, and S. W. Keckler. Page Placement Strategies for GPUs within Heterogeneous Memory Systems. In International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 607--618, March 2015
S. Eranian. What Can Performance Counters Do for Memory Subsystem Analysis? In International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 26--30, Mar. 2008.
M. Ferdman, A. Adileh, O. Kocberber, S. Volos, M. Alisafaee, D. Jevdjic, C. Kaynak, A. D. Popescu, A. Ailamaki, and B. Falsafi. Clearing the Clouds: A Study of Emerging Scale-out Workloads on Modern Hardware. In International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 37--48, Mar. 2012.
F. X. Lin and X. Liu. Memif: Towards Programming Heterogeneous Memory Asynchronously. In International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 369--383, Apr. 2016.
C. A. Waldspurger. Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server. SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 36 (SI): 181--194, Dec. 2002.
P. Zhou, V. Pandey, J. Sundaresan, A. Raghuraman, Y. Zhou, and S. Kumar. Dynamic Tracking of Page Miss Ratio Curve for Memory Management. In International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 177--188, Oct. 2004.
Full Text:
... Systems. In International Confer-ence on Architectural Support for Programming Languagesand Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 607?618, March2015.[10] N. Agarwal, D. Nellans, E. Ebrahimi, ...
... Hardware. In International Con-ference on Architectural Support for Programming Languagesand Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 37?48, Mar. 2012.[26] J. Gandhi, A. Basu, M. ... Asynchronously. In International Con-ference on Architectural Support for Programming Languagesand Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 369?383, Apr. 2016.[37] C.-K. Luk, R. Cohn, R. ... C. A. Waldspurger. Memory Resource Management inVMware ESX Server. SIGOPS Operating Systems Review,36(SI):181?194, Dec. 2002.[43] T. Walsh. Generating Miss Rate Curves with ...
Eudaemon: involuntary and on-demand emulation against zero-day exploits
March 2008
Eurosys '08: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Conference on Computer Systems 2008
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 5
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2, Downloads (12 Months): 25, Downloads (Overall): 466
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Eudaemon is a technique that aims to blur the borders between protected and unprotected applications, and brings together honeypot technology and end-user intrusion detection and prevention. Eudaemon is able to attach to any running process, and redirect execution to a user-space emulator that will dynamically instrument the binary by means ...
operating systems, security, honeypots
Also published in:
April 2008
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review - EuroSys '08: Volume 42 Issue 4, May 2008
Operating systems security
operating systems
... been proposed, but require access to source code or explicit operating system support, and often induce significant performance penalties We believe that ...
Primary CCS:
Operating systems security
ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems
M. Costa, J. Crowcroft, M. Castro, A Rowstron, L. Zhou, L. Zhang and P. Barham. Vigilante: End-to-end containment of internet worms. In In Proc. of the 20th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Brighton, UK, October 2005.
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... also been proposed, but require access to source codeor explicit operating system support, and often induce sig-nificant performance penalties. We believe that ... taint analysiswithin reach of the average user.Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.4.6 [Operating Systems] ]: Security and Protection?In-vasive software; C.2.0 [Computer-Communication Net-works]: General?Security and ...
... used, thethread identifier (TID) can be used instead.For safety, the operating system ensures that only a pro-gram running under the same or ...
... internet worms. In In Proc. of the 20thACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles(SOSP), Brighton, UK, October 2005.[25] A. Moshchuk, T. Bragin, S. ...
Hands-on operating systems made easy
Juan Carlos Guzmán,
Patrick O. Bobbie
March 2007
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges: Volume 22 Issue 4, April 2007
Publisher: Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges
Citation Count: 1
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3, Downloads (12 Months): 40, Downloads (Overall): 338
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This paper presents the experience that the authors have had in an Operating Systems course with a semester long project. This project allows students to implement major concepts taught in an O/S course with the help of a simple hypothetical machine. The machine has been implemented in Java, and in ...
simulator, operating systems
Hands-on operating systems made easy
Operating systems
operating systems
... presents the experience that the authors have had in an Operating Systems course with a semester long project. This project allows students ...
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
Ontko, R and Reeder, A., Modern Operating Systems Simulators, (10/Jan/2007).
Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed., Willey & Sons, 2005. ISBN: 0-47-169466-5.
Tanembaum, A., Modern Operating Systems, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2001. ISBN: 0-13-031358-0.
Full Text:
... copy otherwise, or to republish, requires afee and/or specific permission.145HANDS-ON OPERATING SYSTEMS MADE EASY*Juan Carlos Guzm n, Patrick O. BobbieSouthern Polytechnic State University1100 ... be used in a DistributedComputing course. Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.4.0 [Operating Systems] ]: General General TermsAlgorithms, Theory.KeywordsOperating Systems, Simulator1. INTRODUCTIONEvery Computer Science ... interface. The approach taken has been to designand implement the operating system outside the machine it controls. This means thatthe operating system code and data structures are not expected to be in ... instructions (read & write from disk) thatconsume 10 ticks.3 BASIC OPERATING SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATIONWith this simple machine, the students can write an operating system that caneither execute a single program, or can execute several ... is no virtual memory capability. Students areresponsible for creating the operating system from the machine and the suggested datastructures. The operating system implemented is based on the textbook fromSilberschatz [3] or Tanenbaum ... the students get morefrom the course if they implement their operating system, , rather than testing onewritten by others.CCSC: South Central Conference147Students ...
... all relevant information about aprocess) and implement a simple batch operating system? ?one that can hold a queueof processes, and executes them ... machineCPU Memory DiskRegistersClockJCSC 22, 4 (April 2007)148modification is localized. Modern Operating Systems require that these modificationsbe made. We will not go into ... the modifications to the hardware, and theyare to implement the operating systems structures that code the different concepts inthe area.5. DISCUSSIONWe have ...
... here our experience with a simple software machineimplementation for an Operating Systems course project. The project has been devisedin such a way ... received by our students. They are able to focus onimplementing operating systems concepts, rather than machine architecture details.We plan on continuing this ... Anderson, T., Nachos, Ontko, R and Reeder, A., Modern Operating Systems Simulators, (10/Jan/2007).JCSC 22, 4 (April 2007)1503. Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed., Willey & Sons,2005. ISBN: 0-47-169466-5. 4. Tanembaum, ... Ed., Willey & Sons,2005. ISBN: 0-47-169466-5. 4. Tanembaum, A., Modern Operating Systems, , 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2001. ISBN:0-13-031358-0.CCSC: South Central Conference151?? ...
SRC: FenixOS - a research operating system focused on high scalability and reliability
Stavros Passas,
Sven Karlsson
May 2011
ICS '11: Proceedings of the international conference on Supercomputing
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 5, Downloads (12 Months): 59, Downloads (Overall): 221
Full text available:
Computer systems keep increasing in size. Systems scale in the number of processing units, memories and peripheral devices. This creates many and diverse architectural trade-offs that the existing operating systems are not able to address. We are designing and implementing, FenixOS, a new operating system that aims to improve the ...
performance, operating systems, reliability
SRC: FenixOS - a research operating system focused on high scalability and reliability
Operating systems
operating systems
... This creates many and diverse architectural trade-offs that the existing operating systems are not able to address. We are designing and implementing, ... to address. We are designing and implementing, FenixOS, a new operating system that aims to improve the state of the art in ... careful re-design of the programming interface and structure of the operating system.
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
A. Baumann, P. Barham, P.-E. Dagand, T. Harris, R. Isaacs, S. Peter, T. Roscoe, A. Schüpbach, and A. Singhania. The {Multikernel: A new OS} architecture for scalable multicore systems. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd Symposium on Operating systems principles (SOSP '09)}, pages 29--44, 2009.
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SRC: FenixOS - a research operating system focused on high scalability and reliabilitySRC: FenixOS - A Research ... de-vices. This creates many and diverse architectural trade-o?sthat the existing operating systems are not able to address.We are designing and implementing, FenixOS, ... programming interface and structure of the operatingsystem.Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.4.7 [Operating Systems] ]: Organization and DesignGeneral TermsDesignKeywordsOperating systems, Performance, Reliability1. INTRODUCTIONComputer systems ... scalability and reliability challenges for the operat-ing system designers.The existing operating systems are designed to scale fortraditional server-based, high-performance workloads. How-ever, we ... varied purposes. Current workloads on systems are lesspredictable and more operating system intensive than thehigh performance benchmarks that we traditionally use asa ... the requirements of a particular system.For the above reasons, existing operating systems are notdesigned to e?ciently handle state-of-the-art and complexsystems.Copyright is held ... we careful re-design the program-ming interface and structure of the operating system. . Weaim to minimize the amount of code that runs ... of in-kernel drivers.We aim to improve system?s performance, compared tostate-of-the-art operating systems [1, 2, 3]. Barrel?sh [1]forces cores to use explicit messages ... locality and process scheduling.This will enable us to run our operating system on manydi?erent platforms. It will also allow us to perform ...
Achieving Performance Isolation with Lightweight Co-Kernels
June 2015
HPDC '15: Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 9
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8, Downloads (12 Months): 88, Downloads (Overall): 200
Full text available:
Performance isolation is emerging as a requirement for High Performance Computing (HPC) applications, particularly as HPC architectures turn to in situ data processing and application composition techniques to increase system throughput. These approaches require the co-location of disparate workloads on the same compute node, each with different resource and runtime ...
exascale, operating systems, virtualization
Operating systems
operating systems
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
J. Appavoo, V. Uhlig, and A. Waterland. Project Kittyhawk: Building a Global-Scale Computer. ACM Sigops Operating System Review, Jan 2008.
P. Beckman, K. Iskra, K. Yoshii, S. Coghlan, and A. Nataraj. Benchmarking the Effects of Operating System Interference on Extreme-scale Parallel Machines. Cluster Computing, 11(1):3--16, 2008.
Boyd-Wickizer, A. Clements, Y. Mao, A. Pesterev, F. Kaashoek, and N. Morris, Robert amd Zeldovich. An Analysis of Linux Scalability to Many Cores. In Proc. 9th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), 2010.
M. Ferdman, A. Adileh, O. Kocberber, S. Volos, M. Alisafaee, D. Jevdjic, C. Kaynak, A. D. Popescu, A. Ailamaki, and B. Falsafi. Clearing the Clouds: a Study of Emerging Scale-out Workloads on Modern Hardware. In Proc. 17th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2012.
B. Kocoloski and J. Lange. Better Than Native: Using Virtualization to Improve Compute Node Performance. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS), 2012.
J. Lange, K. Pedretti, T. Hudson, P. Dinda, Z. Cui, L. Xia, P. Bridges, A. Gocke, S. Jaconette, M. Levenhagen, and R. Brightwell. Palacios and Kitten: New High Performance Operating Systems For Scalable Virtualized and Native Supercomputing. In Proc. 24th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2010.
S. R. Wheat, A. B. Maccabe, R. Riesen, D. W. van Dresser, and T. M. Stallcup. PUMA : An Operating System for Massively Parallel Systems. Scientific Programming, 3:275--288, 1994.
R. Wisniewski, T. Inglett, P. Keppel, R. Murty, and R. Riesen. mOS: An Architecture for Extreme-Scale Operating Systems. In Proc. 4th International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS), 2014.
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... we claimthat these workloads cannot be e?ectively managed by asingle Operating System/ /Runtime (OS/R). Therefore, wepresent Pisces, a system software architecture that ... Oregon, USA.Copyright c 2015 ACM 978-1-4503-3550-8/15/06 ...$15.00. and Subject DescriptorsD.4.7 [Operating Systems] ]: Organization and DesignKeywordsOperating Systems, Virtualization, Exascale1. INTRODUCTIONPerformance isolation has ... HPC systems have converged to useLinux as the preferred node operating system. . This hasled Linux to emerge as the dominant environment ...
... separate philosophies have emerged over recent yearsconcerning the development of operating systems for super-computers. On the one hand, a series of projects ...
... and can execute avariety of applications built for Linux.Deploying multiple operating systems on the same nodehas been explored previously with SHIMOS [27], ... Uhlig, and A. Waterland. ProjectKittyhawk: Building a Global-Scale Computer. ACMSigops Operating System Review, Jan 2008.[4] P. Beckman, K. Iskra, K. Yoshii, S. ...
... of Linux Scalability to Many Cores. InProc. 9th Symposium on Operating Systems Designand Implementation (OSDI), 2010.[6] J. Dean and L. A. Barroso. ... Improve Compute NodePerformance. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop onRuntime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers(ROSS), 2012.[17] B. Kocoloski and J. Lange. XEMEM: E?cient ...
... for Extreme-ScaleOperating Systems. In Proc. 4th InternationalWorkshop on Runtime and Operating Systems forSupercomputers (ROSS), 2014.[31] K. Yoshii, K. Iskra, P. Broekema, H. ...
A secure networked laboratory for kernel programming
Jean Mayo,
Phil Kearns
July 1998
ITiCSE '98: Proceedings of the 6th annual conference on the teaching of computing and the 3rd annual conference on Integrating technology into computer science education: Changing the delivery of computer science education
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 6
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3, Downloads (12 Months): 13, Downloads (Overall): 177
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Recently, several flavours of UNIX have appeared which run on inexpensive personal computers. Further, the source code for these operating systems is freely available. This makes offering courses that include realistic kernel programming feasible in an academic environment. However, root access is required in order to modify a system's kernel. ...
operating systems, education
Also published in:
August 1998
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin: Volume 30 Issue 3, Sept. 1998
Operating systems
Operating systems security
operating systems
... on inexpensive personal computers. Further, the source code for these operating systems is freely available. This makes offering courses that include realistic ...
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
Chapman, R., and Carlisle, W. H. A linux-based lab for operating systems and network courses. The Linux Journal, 41 (September 1997), 60-65.
Full Text:
... on inexpensive personal computers. Further, the source code for these operating systems is freely available. This makes offering courses that include realistic ... unique to our implementation. 3. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY 1 .l Keywords Operating systems; ; education. 2. INTRODUCTION Recently, several versions of UNIX have ...
... a wealth of free software available that runs over this operating system. . Additionally, the required hardware is both inexpensive and conventional. ...
... Chapman, R., and Carlisle, W. H. A linux-based lab for operating systems and network courses. The Linux Journal, 4 1 (September 1997), ...
Bridging the Divide Between HPC and Commodity System Software
John R. Lange
June 2015
VTDC '15: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3, Downloads (12 Months): 30, Downloads (Overall): 53
Full text available:
Cloud computing holds great promise for High Performance Computing (HPC) users and applications. Accordingly a large amount of work has gone into exploring and enabling the use of current cloud service architectures to support HPC applications. While the allure of cloud based HPC systems is very compelling, there are still ...
exascale, operating systems, virtualization
Operating systems
operating systems
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
Full Text:
... of dynamic resource partitioningand isolated management layers.Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.4.7 [Operating Systems] ]: Organization and DesignGeneral TermsDesign, Performance, ExperimentationKeywordsOperating Systems, Virtualization, ExascalePermission ...
An operating system architecture for network processors
October 2005
ANCS '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Architecture for networking and communications systems
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 4, Downloads (12 Months): 25, Downloads (Overall): 912
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Network devices have become significantly more complex in recent years, with the most sophisticated current devices incorporating one or more general-purpose CPUs as part of their hardware. The need for such processing capability is motivated by the desire to move greater amounts of functionality, of ever-increasing complexity, from the host ...
network processors, operating systems
operating system architecture for network processors
Operating systems
operating systems
... many general-purpose systems, and thus requires the same management infrastructure--an
operating system for network processors.In this paper we describe an architecture for ...
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
H. Bos, W. de Bruijn, M. Cristea, T. Nguyen, and G. Portokalidis. FFPF: Fairly Fast Packet Filters. In Proc. of the 6th Symp. on
Operating Systems Design and Implementation, pages 347--362, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2004.]]
I. Leslie et al. The design and implementation of an
operating system to support distributed multimedia applications. IEEE/ACM Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 14(7):1280--1297, Sept. 1996.]]
E. M. Nahum et al. Performance issues in parallelized network protocols. In Proc. of the 1st Symp. on
Operating Systems Design and Implementation, pages 125--137, Nov. 1994.]]
D. P. Olshefski, J. Nieh, and E. Nahum. ksniffer: Determining the Remote Client Perceived Response Time from Live Packet Streams. In Proc. of the 6th Symp. on
Operating Systems Design and Implementation, pages 333--346, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2004.]]
T. Spalink, S. Karlin, L. Peterson, and Y. Gottlieb. Building a Robust Software-Based Router Using Network Processors. In Proc. of the 18th ACM Symp. on
Operating Systems Principles, pages 216--229, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 2001.]]
M. M. Swift, B. N. Bershad, and H. M. Levy. Improving the reliability of commodity
operating systems. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 22(4), Nov. 2004.]]
T. von Eicken et al. U-Net: A user-level network interface for parallel and distributed computing. In Proc. of the 15th ACM Symp. on
Operating Systems Principles, pages 40--53, Dec. 1995.]]
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Operating System Architecture for Network ProcessorsSteve MuirPrinceton
[email protected] Smith ?University of
[email protected] ... with many general-purpose systems, and thus requires the same managementinfrastructure?an
operating system for network processors.In this paper we describe an architecture for ... a novel user-spaceinterface to a network device.Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.4.7 [
Operating Systems] ]: Organization and DesignGeneral TermsDesign, Experimentation, PerformanceKeywordsOperating Systems, Network Processors?Jonathan ...
... to conclude that such devices have reached a pointwhere an
operating system is not only required to managecomplexity, but can also provide ...
... many ofthe same benefits to NIC software developers that general-purpose
operating systems provide, while still remainingsimple and streamlined. Our prototype implementation ofthis ... Fairly Fast Packet Filters. InProc. of the 6th Symp. on
Operating Systems Designand Implementation, pages 347?362, San Francisco,CA, Dec. 2004.[3] Compaq Computer ...
... from Live Packet Streams. In Proc. of the 6thSymp. on
Operating Systems Design andImplementation, pages 333?346, San Francisco, CA,Dec. 2004.[25] V. S. ... Router UsingNetwork Processors. In Proc. of the 18th ACM Symp.on
Operating Systems Principles, pages 216?229,Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 2001.[29] D. Stenberg et ...
Windows 7 planning and implementation
Gale D. Fritsche
October 2010
SIGUCCS '10: Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM SIGUCCS fall conference: navigation and discovery
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2, Downloads (12 Months): 37, Downloads (Overall): 343
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Lehigh University began planning for the arrival of Windows 7 in the fall of 2009. As with any operating system upgrade, there are many steps that need carefully planned and many questions answered in order to reduce problems for the technical staff as well as end users. What does the ...
operating systems, windows 7
Operating systems
operating systems
... Windows 7 in the fall of 2009. As with any operating system upgrade, there are many steps that need carefully planned and ...
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
Full Text:
... Windows 7 in the fall of 2009. As with any operating system upgrade, there are many steps that need carefully planned and ... Descriptors K.8.3 [MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE]: GENERAL C.5.3 MICROCOMPUTERS, General Terms Operating Systems, , Upgrade, Windows Keywords Windows 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Lehigh University ... and faculty desktops are running some version of the Windows operating system; ; most of these are Windows XP. The remaining 10% ... Macintosh computers or desktops running some form of the Linux operating system. . As for Windows Desktops, Lehigh has a Microsoft campus ... Windows computers on campus to the newest version of the Operating System. . This agreement allows students to upgrade to Windows 7, ... of supported platforms. This means that in most cases, the operating systems lifecycle in higher education is longer than the corporate environment. ... students are arriving each year bringing the latest hardware and operating systems. . Therefore, technical support consultants need to be up to ... new software offerings at the early stages. The Windows 7 Operating System has been available to the general public since October 2009. ... Windows was to be used and what type of the operating system was to be supported (64 bit or 32 bit). 2.1 ...
... vs. 32 bit In order to run a 64 bit operating system, , a computer?s CPU (Central Processing Unit) must be 64 ... 7. There are many advantages of using a 64 bit operating system ... over 32 bit. One significant advantage of a 64 bit operating system is that it will address much more than 4 Gigabytes ... ? which is the current limitation of the 32 bit operating system. . Diagram #1 indicates that the 64 bit version of ... driver incompatibility. Many software manufacturers do not support 64 bit operating systems at this point in time and some hardware manufacturers do ...
... that we need to image each computer with a new operating system. . 5. NEW WINDOWS FEATURES Upgrading to Windows 7 may ...
Contention-aware scheduler: unlocking execution parallelism in multithreaded java programs
Feng Xian,
Witawas Srisa-an,
Hong Jiang
October 2008
OOPSLA '08: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems languages and applications
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 9
Downloads (6 Weeks): 2, Downloads (12 Months): 21, Downloads (Overall): 687
Full text available:
In multithreaded programming, locks are frequently used as a mechanism for synchronization. Because today's operating systems do not consider lock usage as a scheduling criterion, scheduling decisions can be unfavorable to multithreaded applications, leading to performance issues such as convoying and heavy lock contention in systems with multiple processors. Previous ...
scheduling, java, operating systems
Also published in:
October 2008
ACM SIGPLAN Notices: Volume 43 Issue 10, September 2008
Operating systems
operating systems
... are frequently used as a mechanism for synchronization. Because today's operating systems do not consider lock usage as a scheduling criterion, scheduling ...
T. E. Anderson, B. N. Bershad, E. D. Lazowska, and H. M. Levy. Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level Management of Parallelism. In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), pages 95--109, New York, NY, 1991.
B. D. Marsh, M. L. Scott, T. J. LeBlanc, and E. P. Markatos. First-Class User-Level Threads. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), pages 110--121, New York, NY, 1991.
R. Rajwar and J. R. Goodman. Transactional Lock-Free Execution of Lock-Based Programs. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 5--17, San Jose, CA, 2002.
C. J. Rossbach, O. S. Hofmann, D. E. Porter, H. E. Ramadan, B. Aditya, and E. Witchel. TxLinux: Using and Managing Hardware Transactional Memory in an Operating System. In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), pages 87--102, New York, NY, 2007.
Silberschatz and Galvin and Gagne. Operating System Concepts, 7th Edition. Addison Wesley, 2007.
D. Tam, R. Azimi, and M. Stumm. Thread Clustering: Sharing-Aware Scheduling on SMP-CMP-SMT Multiprocessors. SIGOPS Operating System Review, 41(3):47--58, 2007.
A. Tucker and A. Gupta. Process Control and Scheduling Issues for Multiprogrammed Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), pages 159--166, New York, NY, 1989.
V. Uhlig. The Mechanics of In-Kernel Synchronization for a Scalable Microkernel. SIGOPS Operating System Review, 41(4):49--58, 2007.
T. Yang, E. D. Berger, S. F. Kaplan, and J. E. B. Moss. CRAMM: Virtual Memory Support for Garbage-Collected Applications. In Proceedings of the USENIX Conference on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI), pages 103--116, Seattle, WA, November 2006.
Full Text:
... application server benchmark.Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.4 [ProgrammingLanguage]: Processors?Run-time Environments; D.4.1[Operating System] ]: Process Management?Concurrency,Scheduling, Synchronization, ThreadsGeneral Terms Experimentation, Languages, PerformancePermission to ... bottlenecks.Yet, such information has rarely been exploited by the un-derlying operating systems to create more efficient environ-ments for high-level language executions. To ...
... due to time quantum expi-ration. This means that if the operating system schedulesother threads that need to access the same critical section,they ... shown inthis paper, our implementation effort to extend a widely-adopted operating system (OS) and a commercial JavaVirtual Machine (JVM) to achieve our ... As a result, the integration of our proposedsolution into commercial operating systems is worth con-templating.3. There are many deployed Java and .NET ...
... proposed CA-SchedulerWe believe that this runtime information is also valuableto operating systems. ... . However, there have been very few ef-forts that allow operating systems to exploit such informa-tion. Two notable examples are efforts by ... results of these efforts, we see a greatopportunity to make operating systems exploit runtime in-formation generated by virtual machines in order to ... Theclustering and thread-to-CPU mapping information is thenmade available to the operating system kernel for the ac-tual CPU assignment (more information about this ...
... Our approach is unique becauseit achieves the same goal through operating system augmen-tation instead of (i) relying on programmers to provide lock-free ...
... for theUser-Level Management of Parallelism. In Proceedings ofACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP),pages 95?109, New York, NY, 1991.[3] M. Arnold, A. ...
... P. Markatos.First-Class User-Level Threads. In Proceedings of the ACMSymposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), pages110?121, New York, NY, 1991.178[20] Microsoft Corp. Using ... Proceedings ofthe International Conference on Architectural Support forProgramming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS),pages 5?17, San Jose, CA, 2002.[25] C. J. Rossbach, O. ... and M. Stumm. Thread Clustering:Sharing-Aware Scheduling on SMP-CMP-SMT Multipro-cessors. SIGOPS Operating System Review, 41(3):47?58,2007.[33] A. Tucker and A. Gupta. Process Control and ...
... Uhlig. The Mechanics of In-Kernel Synchronization fora Scalable Microkernel. SIGOPS Operating System Review,41(4):49?58, 2007.[36] F. Xian, W. Srisa-an, and H. Jiang. Allocation-Phase ...
Operating system virtualization: practice and experience
May 2010
SYSTOR '10: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Haifa Experimental Systems Conference
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 6
Downloads (6 Weeks): 16, Downloads (12 Months): 76, Downloads (Overall): 1,158
Full text available:
Operating system (OS) virtualization can provide a number of important benefits, including transparent migration of applications, server consolidation, online OS maintenance, and enhanced system security. However, the construction of such a system presents a myriad of challenges, even for the most cautious developer, that if overlooked may result in a ...
operating systems, virtualization
Operating system virtualization: practice and experience
Operating systems
operating systems
Operating system (OS) virtualization can provide a number of important benefits, including ...
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
P. Barham, B. Dragovic, K. Fraser, S. Hand, T. Harris, A. Ho, R. Neugebauer, and I. P. A. Warfield. Xen and the Art of Virtualization. In Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP), Bolton Landing, NY, Oct. 2003.
A. Berman, V. Bourassa, and E. Selberg. TRON: Process-Specific File Protection for the UNIX Operating System. In Proceedings of 1995 USENIX Winter Conference, New Orleans, LA, Jan. 1995.
S. Bhattiprolu, E. W. Biederman, S. Hallyn, and D. Lezcano. Virtual Servers and Checkpoint/Restart in Mainstream Linux. SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 42(5), July 2008.
T. Boyd and P. Dasgupta. Process Migration: A Generalized Approach using a Virtualizing Operating System. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Vienna, Austria, July 2002.
P. Dasgupta and T. Boyd. Virtualizing Operating System for Seamless Disributed Environments. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS), Nov. 2000.
D. P. Ghormley, D. Petrou, S. H. Rodriguez, and T. E. Anderson. SLIC: An Extensibility System for Commodity Operating Systems. In Proceedings of the 1998 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Berkeley, CA, June 1998.
S. Ioannidis and S. Bellovin. Sub-Operating Systems: A New Approach to Application Security. Technical Report MS-CIS-01-06, University of Pennsylvania, Feb. 2000.
M. Jones. Interposition Agents: Transparently Interposing User Code at the System Interface. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Asheville, NC, Dec. 1993.
O. Laadan and J. Nieh. Transparent Checkpoint-Restart of Multiple Processes on Commodity Operating Systems. In Proceedings of the 2007 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Santa Clara, CA, June 2007.
M. McKusick, K. Bostic, M. J. Karels, and J. S. Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System. Addison-Wesley, 1996.
S. Osman, D. Subhraveti, G. Su, and J. Nieh. The Design and Implementation of Zap: A System for Migrating Computing Environments. In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), Boston, MA, Dec. 2002.
D. Price and A. Tucker. Solaris Zones: Operating Systems Support for Consolidating Commercial Workloads. In Proceedings of the 18th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA), Atlanta, GA, Nov. 2004.
C. P. Sapuntzakis, R. Chandra, B. Pfaff, J. Chow, M. S. Lam, and M. Rosenblum. Optimizing the Migration of Virtual Computers. In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), Boston, MA, Dec. 2002.
A. Whitaker, M. Shaw, and S. D. Gribble. Scale and Performance in the Denali Isolation Kernel. In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), Boston, MA, Dec. 2002.
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Operating system virtualization: practice and experienceOperating System Virtualization: Practice and ExperienceOren LaadanComputer ... toprovide fine-grain virtualization with very low overhead.Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.4.1 [Operating Systems] ]: Process Management; D.4.7[Operating Systems] ]: Organization and Design; D.4.8[Operating Systems] ]: Performance?MeasurementsGeneral TermsDesign, Experimentation, PerformanceKeywordsOperating Systems, Virtualization1. INTRODUCTIONComputers have become ... main approaches for providingapplication transparent virtualization are hardware virtual-ization and operating system (OS) virtualization. Hardwarevirtualization techniques [3, 29, 33, 36] virtualize the ... virtualizationcan be used to migrate the critical applications to anotherrunning operating system instance. By decoupling applica-tions from the OS instance, OS virtualization ... functionality since it ties applications to an OS instance,and commodity operating systems inevitably incur down-time due to necessary maintenance and security updates.Given ...
... provided to translate between the pod?s resource identi-fiers and the operating system resource identifiers. For everyresource accessed by a process in a ... Similarly, any time a process passesa virtual name to the operating system, , the virtualizationlayer catches and replaces it with the corresponding ...
... 2.4 and 2.6 kernels. Our implementation avoids mod-ifications to the operating system kernel, and aims to buildstrictly on its exported interface as ... the cost of translating between pod names-paces and the underlying operating system namespace, weassociate with each native process data structure a direct ...
... data for Linux 2.6 on SMP due to space constraints.The operating system configuration used was Debian Stable.We conducted the measurements on an ... benchmark. Comparing With and Pod with Base,the measurements show that operating system virtualizationoverhead is quite small in all cases, generally 2-4% and ...
... and E. Selberg. TRON: Process-Specific File Protection for the UNIX Operating System. . InProceedings of 1995 USENIX Winter Conference, NewOrleans, LA, Jan. ... Hallyn, and D. Lezcano.Virtual Servers and Checkpoint/Restart in Mainstream Linux.SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 42(5), July 2008.[6] T. Boyd and P. Dasgupta. Process ... and P. Dasgupta. Process Migration: A GeneralizedApproach using a Virtualizing Operating System. . InProceedings of the 22nd International Conference onDistributed Computing Systems ... Orleans, LA, Mar. 2000.[9] P. Dasgupta and T. Boyd. Virtualizing Operating System forSeamless Disributed Environments. In Proceedings of theIASTED International Conference on ... Jose, CA, July1996.[15] Hackbench.[16] S. Ioannidis and S. Bellovin. Sub-Operating Systems: : A NewApproach to Application Security. Technical ReportMS-CIS-01-06, University of ... the System Interface. In Proceedings of the 14thACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP),Asheville, NC, Dec. 1993.[19] P.-H. Kamp and R. N. ...
... Laadan and J. Nieh. Transparent Checkpoint-Restart ofMultiple Processes on Commodity Operating Systems. . InProceedings of the 2007 USENIX Annual TechnicalConference, Santa Clara, ... the Denali Isolation Kernel. In Proceedings ofthe 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design andImplementation (OSDI), Boston, MA, Dec. 2002.[37] Microsoft Application Virtualization.[38] ...
Multifunction operating systems for microcomputers (panel session)
David Sachs,
Gig Graham,
Barry Goldstein
September 1985
ACM '85: Proceedings of the 1985 ACM annual conference on The range of computing : mid-80's perspective: mid-80's perspective
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 0
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3, Downloads (12 Months): 19, Downloads (Overall): 65
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microcomputer, operating systems
Operating systems
operating systems
Multifunction operating systems for microcomputers (panel session)
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
Full Text:
Panel Session: Multifunction Operating Systems for Microcomputers Chair: Daniel Farkas Pace University School of Computer ... session will discuss issues relating to the emergence of multifunction operating systems on personal and microcomputers. The sesaion will define the different ... With an understanding of what the different types of multifunction operating system featurea are emerging, the presentations which follow will address how ... examining whether and how features can be successfully incorporated in operating systems ... to support distributed environments. 4. "Design Issues for Multifunction Microcomputer Operating Systems" " Barry Goldstein - Given the growth in technology, it ... technology growth from microcomputers will have dramatic effects on their operating systems. . With technology comes sophistication and specifically the ability to ... facing us is to learn from the past large scale operating systems. . This includes the achievements as well as the mistakes. ... This includes the achievements as well as the mistakes. Microcomputer operating systems of this coming era should not be the result of ... person, but rather the end product of people who know operating systems. . The key aspect is to learn from the 20 ... is to learn from the 20 some odd years of operating systems experiences and not reproduce the complexity inherent in these systems: ...
Helios: heterogeneous multiprocessing with satellite kernels
October 2009
SOSP '09: Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd symposium on Operating systems principles
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 50
Downloads (6 Weeks): 9, Downloads (12 Months): 69, Downloads (Overall): 928
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Helios is an operating system designed to simplify the task of writing, deploying, and tuning applications for heterogeneous platforms. Helios introduces satellite kernels, which export a single, uniform set of OS abstractions across CPUs of disparate architectures and performance characteristics. Access to I/O services such as file systems are made ...
heterogeneous computing, operating systems
Operating systems
operating systems
Helios is an operating system designed to simplify the task of writing, deploying, and tuning ... affinity metric to developers. Affinity provides a hint to the operating system about whether a process would benefit from executing on the ... and for cache-coherent NUMA architectures. We offloaded several applications and operating system components, often by changing only a single line of metadata. ...
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems
BOYD-WICKIZER, S., CHEN, H., CHEN, R., MAO, Y., KAASHOEK, F., MORRIS, R., PESTEREV, A., STEIN, L., WU, M., DAI, Y., ZHANG, Y., AND ZHANG, Z. Corey: An operating system for many cores. In Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 08) (San Diego, CA, December 2008), pp. 43--58.
CHAKRABORTY, K., WELLS, P.M., AND SOHI, G.S. Computation spreading: employing hardware migration to specialize CMP cores on-the-fly. In ASPLOS-XII: Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems (New York, NY, USA, 2006), ACM, pp. 283--292.
CHAPIN, J., ROSENBLUM, M., DEVINE, S., LAHIRI, T., TEODOSIU, D., AND GUPTA, A. Hive: Fault containment for shared-memory multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (1995), pp. 12--25.
FIUCZYNSKI, M.E., BERSHAD, B.N., MARTIN, R.P., AND CULLER, D.E. Spine: An operating system for intelligent network adapters. Tech. Rep. UW-CSE-98-08-01, University of Washington, August 1998.
GAMSA, B., KRIEGER, O., APPAVOO, J., AND STUMM, M. Tornado: Maximizing locality and concurrency in a shared memory multiprocessor operating system. In Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (1999).
GOVIL, K., TEODOSIU, D., HUANG, Y., AND ROSENBLUM, M. Cellular disco: resource management using virtual clusters on shared-memory multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (1999).
MCILROY, R., AND SVENTEK, J. Hera-JVM: Abstracting processor heterogeneity behind a virtual machine. In The 12th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS 2009) (May 2009).
MUIR, S., AND SMITH, J. AsyMOS -- an asymmetric multiprocessor operating system. Open Architectures and Network Programming, 1998 IEEE (Apr 1998), 25--34.
MUIR, S., AND SMITH, J. Functional divisions in the Piglet multiprocessor operating system. In EW 8: Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGOPS European workshop on Support for composing distributed applications (New York, NY, USA, 1998), ACM, pp. 255--260.
PIKE, R., PRESOTTO, D., THOMPSON, K., TRICKEY, H., AND WINTERBOTTOM, P. The use of name spaces in Plan 9. Operating Systems Review 27, 2 (1993), 72--76.
SCHMUCK, F., AND WYLIE, J. Experience with transactions in QuickSilver. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (October 1991), pp. 239--53.
SCHÜPBACH, A., PETER, S., BAUMANN, A., ROSCOE, T., BARHAM, P., HARRIS, T., AND ISAACS, R. Embracing diversity in the Barrelfish manycore operating system. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Managed Many-Core Systems (June 2008).
SILVA, D.D., KRIEGER, O., WISNIEWSKI, R.W., WATERLAND, A., TAM, D., AND BAUMANN, A. K42: an infrastructure for operating system research. SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 40, 2 (2006), 34--42.
STEENSGAARD, B., AND JUL, E. Object and native code thread mobility among heterogeneous computers. In SOSP '95: Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles (New York, NY, USA, 1995), ACM, pp. 68--77.
WALKER, B., POPEK, G., ENGLISH, R., KLINE, C., AND THIEL, G. The locus distributed operating system. In SOSP '83: Proceedings of the ninth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles (New York, NY, USA, 1983), ACM, pp. 49--70.
WEINSBERG, Y., DOLEV, D., ANKER, T., BEN-YEHUDA, M., AND WYCKOFF, P. Tapping into the fountain of cpus: on operating system support for programmable devices. In
ASPLOS XIII: Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems (New York, NY, USA, 2008), ACM, pp. 179--188.
Full Text:
... McIlroy?University of Glasgow, UKChris HawblitzelMicrosoft ResearchGalen HuntMicrosoft ResearchABSTRACTHelios is an operating system designed to simplify the task of writ-ing, deploying, and tuning ... I/Ocard and for cache-coherent NUMA architectures. We offloadedseveral applications and operating system components, often bychanging only a single line of metadata. We ... automatically splitting the application amongmultiple NUMA domains.Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.4.4 [Operating Systems] ]: Communications Management; D.4.7[Operating Systems] ]: Organization and Design; D.4.8 [OperatingSystems]: PerformanceGeneral TermsDesign, Management, PerformanceKeywordsOperating ... functional-ity, instruction throughput, and cache-coherent access to memory.At most, an operating system must contend with a cache-coherentnon-uniform memory architecture (NUMA), which results ... for programming GPUs, con-tains an entire JIT compiler.Helios is an operating system designed to simplify the task ofwriting, deploying, and tuning applications ...
... manager,and code to coordinate communication between other kernels. Allother traditional operating system drivers and services (e.g., a filesystem) execute as individual processes. ... message-passing channels. A positive affinity pro-vides a hint to the operating system that two components will bene-fit from fast message passing, and ... programmable PCI ExpressI/O card and cache-coherent NUMA architectures. We offloadedseveral operating system components, including a complete net-working stack, a file system, and ...
... shows a general overview of the architecture of the Helios operating system executing on a machine with one general purposeCPU and a ... Webegin by providing a brief overview of Singularity.Singularity is an operating system written almost entirely in theSing# [6] derivative of the C# ...
... passing. Applications writtenfor Singularity are type and memory safe. The operating system re-lies on software isolation to protect processes from each other ...
... access latencies thatare 38% lower than remote memory.In a monolithic operating system, , the OS and applications mustbe carefully tuned to touch ...
... similar in spiritto the namespace provided by the Plan9 [25] operating system. . Ser-vices register in the namespace so that applications can ...
... the utility of kernel isolation on ourtwo-node NUMA machine. Many operating systems have had muchwork put into them to eliminate locking bottlenecks ...
... is the first operating systemto provide a seamless, single image operating system abstractionacross heterogeneous programmable devices.Helios treats programmable devices as part of ... [16, 31], and Quicksilver [27].Helios is derived from the Singularity operating system
... multiple versions of a process for each availablearchitecture.Multi-kernel systems. Other operating systems have been builtaround the premise of running multiple kernels within ...
... reserving certain cores forspecific system calls. Finally, the Corey [2] operating system op-timized multi-core execution by exposing APIs to applications toavoid unnecessary ... requests are always local to anapplication.More recently, the Barrelfish [28] operating system strives toimprove performance by using a mix of online monitoring ... advantage of new hardwareplatforms.6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKHelios is an operating system designed for heterogeneous pro-gramming environments. Helios uses satellite kernels to ... CPUs and memory be-tween satellite kernels.Third, Helios is an experimental operating system with a limitednumber of applications. In the future, we want ... want to determine how tocreate satellite kernels from a commodity operating system such asWindows, which supports a much larger API. A commodity ...
... for many cores. In Proceedings of the 8thUSENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design andImplementation (OSDI 08) (San Diego, CA, December2008), pp. 43?58.[3] ... containmentfor shared-memory multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the15th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles(1995), pp. 12?25.[5] CHIU, S. C., LIAO, W.-K., CHOUDHARY, A. ... B. N., MARTIN, R. P.,AND CULLER, D. E. Spine: An operating system forintelligent network adapters. Tech. Rep. UW-CSE-98-08-01,University of Washington, August 1998.[9] ... STUMM,M. Tornado: Maximizing locality and concurrency in ashared memory multiprocessor operating system. . InProceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Operating SystemsDesign and ... a virtual machine. In The12th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS2009) (May 2009).[22] MICROSOFT CORPORATION. Singularity RDK., 2008.[23] MUIR, S., ... 2008.[23] MUIR, S., AND SMITH, J. AsyMOS - an asymmetricmultiprocessor operating system. . Open Architectures andNetwork Programming, 1998 IEEE (Apr 1998), 25?34.[24] ... MUIR, S., AND SMITH, J. Functional divisions in the Pigletmultiprocessor operating system. . In EW 8: Proceedings ofthe 8th ACM SIGOPS European ... H.,AND WINTERBOTTOM, P. The use of name spaces in Plan 9.Operating Systems Review 27, 2 (1993), 72?76.[26] RIEDEL, E., FALOUTSOS, C., GIBSON, ...
... transactions in QuickSilver. In Proceedings of the 13th ACMSymposium on Operating Systems Principles (October1991), pp. 239?53.[28] SCH PBACH, A., PETER, S., BAUMANN, A., ... HARRIS, T., AND ISAACS, R. Embracingdiversity in the Barrelfish manycore operating system. . InProceedings of the Workshop on Managed Many-CoreSystems (June 2008).[29] ... W.,WATERLAND, A., TAM, D., AND BAUMANN, A. K42: aninfrastructure for operating system research. SIGOPS Oper.Syst. Rev. 40, 2 (2006), 34?42.[31] STEENSGAARD, B., ... G., ENGLISH, R., KLINE, C., ANDTHIEL, G. The locus distributed operating system. . In SOSP?83: Proceedings of the ninth ACM symposium on ... BEN-YEHUDA,M., AND WYCKOFF, P. Tapping into the fountain of cpus:on operating system support for programmable devices. InASPLOS XIII: Proceedings of the 13th ... of the 13th internationalconference on Architectural support for programminglanguages and operating systems
VIREOS: an integrated, bottom-up, educational operating systems project with FPGA support
Marc L. Corliss,
Marcela Melara
March 2011
SIGCSE '11: Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 2
Downloads (6 Weeks): 3, Downloads (12 Months): 16, Downloads (Overall): 100
Full text available:
In this paper, we present the VIREOS project, a new operating system designed specifically for the classroom. VIREOS is a simple, Unix-like, operating system, which runs on the Larc educational architecture. A VIREOS/Larc system can either be simulated or run on a pre-configured FPGA. The VIREOS project is well integrated ...
operating systems, VIREOS, education
VIREOS: an integrated, bottom-up, educational
operating systems project with FPGA support
Operating systems
operating systems
In this paper, we present the VIREOS project, a new operating system ... designed specifically for the classroom. VIREOS is a simple, Unix-like, operating system, , which runs on the Larc educational architecture. A VIREOS/Larc ... of adopting VIREOS. Finally, VIREOS has been used in one operating systems
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
M. D. Black. Build an operating system from scratch: a project for an introductory operating systems course. In SIGCSE '09: Proc. of the 40th ACM tech. symp. on computer science education, pages 448--452, 2009.
D. Brylow. An experimental laboratory environment for teaching embedded operating systems. In SIGCSE '08: Proc. of the 39th SIGCSE tech. symp. on computer science education, pages 192--196, 2008.
W. A. Christopher, S. J. Procter, and T. E. Anderson. The Nachos instructional operating system. Technical report, 1993.
R. Hess and P. Paulson. Linux kernel projects for an undergraduate operating systems course. In SIGCSE '10: Proc. of the 41st ACM tech. symp. on computer science education, pages 485--489, 2010.
D. A. Holland, A. T. Lim, and M. I. Seltzer. A new instructional operating system. In SIGCSE '02: Proc. of the 33rd SIGCSE tech. symp. on computer science education, pages 111--115, 2002.
O. Laadan, J. Nieh, and N. Viennot. Teaching operating systems using virtual appliances and distributed version control. In SIGCSE '10: Proc. of the 41st ACM tech. symp. on computer science education, pages 480--484, 2010.
B. Pfaff, A. Romano, and G. Back. The Pintos instructional operating system kernel. In SIGCSE '09: Proc. of the 40th ACM tech. symp. on computer science education, pages 453--457, 2009.
A. Schmidt, A. Polze, and D. Probert. Teaching operating systems: windows kernel projects. In SIGCSE '10: Proc. of the 41st ACM tech. symp. on computer science education, pages 490--494, 2010.
A. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin, and G. Gagne. Operating System Concepts. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 8th edition, 2008.
A. S. Tanenbaum. Modern Operating Systems. Pearson Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 2008.
A. S. Tanenbaum and A. S. Woodhull. Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. Pearson Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 2006.
Full Text:
VIREOS: an integrated, bottom-up, educational operating systems project with FPGA supportVIREOS: An Integrated, Bottom-Up, EducationalOperating Systems Project ... system designed specifically for the classroom. VIREOSis a simple, Unix-like, operating system, , which runs on theLarc educational architecture. A VIREOS/Larc system ... the feedback from students was gener-ally favorable.Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.4.7 [Operating Systems] ]: Organization and Design;K.3.2 [Computer and Information Science Educa-tion]: Computer ... Design;K.3.2 [Computer and Information Science Educa-tion]: Computer Science EducationGeneral TermsDesignKeywordsVIREOS, operating systems, , education1. INTRODUCTIONThe operating system (OS) is a core component in mod-ern computers and naturally ... perhaps more than any other course in computer sci-ence, an operating systems course ties together all aspects ofcomputer system design. After all, ... we explore the latter approach; we introduceand describe a new operating system designed specificallyfor the classroom.The operating system, ... , which we call VIREOS (a Vanilla,Introductory, but Realistic, Educational Operating System) ),is a simple, Unix-like OS written entirely in C. VIREOS ... it was designed forsimplicity, VIREOS includes many important features ofmodern operating systems such as a Unix-like file sys-tem (using i-nodes) and virtual ... approaches. One approach is to have students modifyan existing, commercial operating system rather than writeone from scratch [6, 9, 13]. Obviously, the ...
... which is taken in the VIREOSproject, is to build an operating system for a simpler, non-commercial machine; one that is designed specifically ... used.One aspect of VIREOS that is different from many educa-tional operating systems projects is the potential for integra-tion with other computer science ... assignment buildson top of previous work done by the student. Therefore,operating systems instructors can leverage student?s knowl-edge and experience gained in the ... On the one hand, Embedded XINU has thevirtue that the operating system runs on real hardware. Butat the same time, this hardware ... i-nodes),multi-processing, and virtual memory. We have foundfrom experience in teaching operating systems thatsome students have trouble fully understanding theseaspects of the OS ... still want students to feel that they arebuilding a ?realistic? operating system. . We have con-figured an FPGA to run the VIREOS ... on realhardware. In addition, we modeled parts of VIREOSafter *nix operating systems, , which students at our in-stitution use when doing their ...
... ourintroductory course in computer architecture. For thestudent, the study of operating systems is a naturalextension from their study of computer architecture.Consequently, we ... disk), it makes it much easierfor students to test their operating system implementation.(Note: these system calls could be disabled in a workingversion ...
... the new component(s). The studentis also given a compiled, reference operating system to seehow the test programs should behave with a working ...
... detailed write-ups for each assignment. Althoughthis manual does not cover operating systems theory, it is in-tended to be used alongside a traditional ... EXPERIENCESThe VIREOS project was used in the fall 2009 offeringof Operating Systems at Hobart and William Smith Col-leges (HWS). We had not ... and interesting, whether they had a better under-42standing of how operating systems work, and whether thetime allotted was reasonable (as well as ... that each assignment gave them a better under-standing of how operating systems work. For example, onestudent commented on the file system assignment:This ... also asked the 5 HWSstudents, who had taken both the operating systems
... debugger to the toolset to allow students to stepthrough their operating system code. We will also look forother tools and resources to ... games.7. CONCLUSIONSThe VIREOS project is a new, simple, Unix-like, class-room operating system running on the Larc educational ar-chitecture. The VIREOS project uses ...
... Board ? User Manual, 2006.[2] M. D. Black. Build an operating system from scratch:a project for an introductory operating systems course.In SIGCSE ?09: Proc. of the 40th ACM tech. symp. ... 448?452, 2009.[3] D. Brylow. An experimental laboratory environmentfor teaching embedded operating systems. . In SIGCSE?08: Proc. of the 39th SIGCSE tech. symp. ... Christopher, S. J. Procter, and T. E. Anderson.The Nachos instructional operating system. . Technicalreport, 1993.[5] M. L. Corliss and R. Hendry. Larc: ... R. Hess and P. Paulson. Linux kernel projects for anundergraduate operating systems course. In SIGCSE?10: Proc. of the 41st ACM tech. symp. ... Holland, A. T. Lim, and M. I. Seltzer. A newinstructional operating system. . In SIGCSE ?02: Proc.of the 33rd SIGCSE tech. symp. ... 2007.[12] B. Pfaff, A. Romano, and G. Back. The Pintosinstructional operating system kernel. In SIGCSE ?09:Proc. of the 40th ACM tech. symp. ... The Java APIDocumentation Generator, 2002. URL:[17] A. S. Tanenbaum. Modern Operating Systems. . PearsonPrentice Hall, 3rd edition, 2008.[18] A. S. Tanenbaum and ...
The home needs an operating system (and an app store)
October 2010
Hotnets-IX: Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 21
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8, Downloads (12 Months): 74, Downloads (Overall): 564
Full text available:
We argue that heterogeneity is hindering technological innovation in the home---homes differ in terms of their devices and how those devices are connected and used. To abstract these differences, we propose to develop a home-wide operating system. A HomeOS can simplify application development and let users easily add functionality by ...
operating systems, home networks
Operating systems security
operating systems
... To abstract these differences, we propose to develop a home-wide operating system. . A HomeOS can simplify application development and let users ...
The home needs an operating system (and an app store)
N. Gude, T. Koponen, J. Pettit, B. Pfaff, M. Casado, N. McKeown, and S. Shenker. NOX: towards an operating system for networks. SIGCOMM CCR, 38(3), 2008.
R. F. Rashid and G. G. Robertson. Accent: A communication oriented network operating system kernel. In SOSP, 1981.
S. VanDeBogart, P. Efstathopoulos, E. Kohler, M. Krohn, C. Frey, D. Ziegler, F. Kaashoek, R. Morris, and D. Mazieres. Labels and event processes in the asbestos operating system. TOCS, 25(4), 2007.
Full Text:
The home needs an operating system (and an app store)The Home Needs an Operating System (and an App Store)Colin Dixon? Ratul Mahajan Sharad AgarwalA.J. Brush ... used.To abstract these differences, we propose to develop a home-wide operating system. . A HomeOS can simplify applicationdevelopment and let users easily ...
... Pfaff, M. Casado, N. McKeown, andS. Shenker. NOX: towards an operating system for networks. SIGCOMM CCR,38(3), 2008.[16] H. M. Levy. Capability Based ... Morris, and D. Mazieres. Labels and event processes in theasbestos operating system.
Build an operating system from scratch: a project for an introductory operating systems course
Michael D. Black
March 2009
SIGCSE '09: Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 3
Downloads (6 Weeks): 8, Downloads (12 Months): 62, Downloads (Overall): 723
Full text available:
This paper describes a semester project where students design an operating system from the ground-up, capable of booting from a floppy disk on an actual machine. Unlike previous projects of this kind, this project was designed for students with only one semester of programming experience and no prior exposure to ...
education, operating systems
Also published in:
March 2009
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin - SIGCSE '09: Volume 41 Issue 1, March 2009
Build an
operating system from scratch: a project for an introductory
operating systems course
Operating systems
operating systems
This paper describes a semester project where students design an operating system from the ground-up, capable of booting from a floppy disk ...
Primary CCS:
Operating systems
Anderson C. L. and Nguyen M. 2005. A Survey of Contemporary Instructional Operating Systems for Use in Undergraduate Courses. In Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Northwest, 2005.
Christopher W. A., Procter S. J., Anderson T. E. 1993. The Nachos Instructional Operating System. Winter USENIX Conference.
Holland D. A., Lim A. T., and Seltzer M. I. 2002. A New Instructional Operating System. In Proceedings of SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.
Silberschatz A. and Galvin P. 1999. Applied Operating System Concepts. John Wiley and Sons.
Tanenbaum A. S. 2001. Modern Operating Systems. Prentice Hall.
Tanenbaum A. S., Woodhull A. S. 1997. "Operating Systems: Design and Implementation." Prentice Hall.
Full Text:
Microsoft Word - fp278-black3.docBuild an Operating System from Scratch: A Project for an Introductory Operating Systems Course Michael D. Black Department of Computer Science American University ... This paper describes a semester project where students design an operating system from the ground-up, capable of booting from a floppy disk ... completed by nearly every student. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.4.7 [Operating Systems] ]: Organization and Design; K.3.2 [Computer and Information Science Education]: ... Information Science Education]: Computer Science Education General Terms Design Keywords Operating systems, , education 1. INTRODUCTION Can a second-year computer science student ... 1. INTRODUCTION Can a second-year computer science student write an operating system from scratch? Furthermore, could a student complete this system in ... computer? This paper describes one such project developed for our operating systems course. The project is designed to give undergraduate students concrete, ... to give undergraduate students concrete, tangible experience in writing an operating system ... for an actual machine. Various projects have been designed for operating systems courses over recent years. Possibly the most ambitious projects have ... Possibly the most ambitious projects have been the so-called "bare-metal" operating systems [5], where students write a system to run directly on ... students at smaller liberal arts colleges which offer only one operating systems course. My objective, described in this paper, is to construct ... in this paper, is to construct a simple "bare-metal" teaching operating system suitable for a small computer science program. The operating system described in this paper is under 1/4 the size of ... GeekOS, making it one of the smallest and simplest teaching operating systems yet developed. There are several key advantages to such a ... POSIX routines and library functions, students realize how much support operating systems give them. Third, there is a thrill in booting a ... a system that is entirely one's own, making the often-abstract operating systems ... concepts much more tangible. Despite these advantages, of the many operating systems projects that have been designed, relatively few are truly "bare-metal." ... such as Nachos or OS/161 [3,5], or projects that simulate operating system components in Java or other high level languages [6]. Bare ... language is required. And many advanced concepts typically taught in operating systems courses, such as page replacement or thread management, cannot be ... to reproduce Unix in an introductory course. However, the first operating systems for personal computers tended to be very simple and lacked ... and lacked most of the advanced concepts taught in typical operating systems courses. CP/M, for example, provided little more than a rudimentary ... are still capable of emulating the IBM 5150, a bootable operating system need not be as complex as Windows Permission to make ...
... 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-183-5/09/03...$5.00. 448Vista. My project has students constructing an operating system with roughly the same complexity as CP/M [13]. The project ... complexity as CP/M [13]. The project is nevertheless ambitious. Our operating systems class is intended for sophomore-level students with only one semester ... booting on an actual computer and functioning as a recognizable operating system. . I tried to minimize the number of source files, ... that can only be easily accomplished in assembly. The resulting operating system consists of only five source files (bootload.asm, kernel.c, kernel.asm, shell.c, ... Although the project is intended to complement a standard undergraduate operating systems course and give students practical experience in a wide variety ... strongly emphasized because I found them critical to making the operating system behave realistically. The operating system, , when completed, consists of three components: a bootloader, a ... sets data segment to user E Figure 1. Screenshot of operating system at startup The file system is illustrated in Figure 2. ...
... Program execution is also very simple. All executables in this operating system consume less than 64kB of memory, have no segmentation, and ... days of DOS; they are typically not used in modern operating systems. . Using existing BIOS functions greatly simplifies my operating system because students do not have to write floppy or console ...
... Project D: Writing to Files Project D completes the single-process operating system. . No new assembly functions are provided. Using the functions ... students chose to do Project E, adding multiprocessing to their operating system. . Several new assembly functions had to be provided to ...
... 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK In a survey paper of operating systems ... projects, Anderson and Nguyen address the scarcity of bare-metal teaching operating systems [1]. Some of the well-known previous endeavors, themselves excellent designs, ... to be far too advanced for the typical undergraduate student. Operating systems projects on actual machines, Anderson and Nguyen found, are infrequently ... machines, Anderson and Nguyen found, are infrequently assigned in introductory operating systems courses. The consequence is that many computer science graduates lack ... The consequence is that many computer science graduates lack hands-on operating systems experience. I set out on this project as a personal ... project as a personal challenge to see if a bare-metal operating systems project could actually be programmed from the ground-up by undergraduates ... experience and no hardware background, and nevertheless successfully wrote an operating system. . From my experience, I believe that several factors were ...
... C.L. and Nguyen M. 2005. A Survey of Contemporary Instructional Operating Systems for Use in Undergraduate Courses. In Consortium for Computing Sciences ... Christopher W.A., Procter S.J., Anderson T.E. 1993. The Nachos Instructional Operating System. . Winter USENIX Conference. [3] Holland D.A., Lim A.T., and ... D.A., Lim A.T., and Seltzer M.I. 2002. A New Instructional Operating System. . In Proceedings of SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science ... Science Education. [6] Silberschatz A. and Galvin P. 1999. Applied Operating System ... Concepts. John Wiley and Sons. [7] Tanenbaum A.S. 2001. Modern Operating Systems. . Prentice Hall. [8] Tanenbaum A.S., Woodhull A.S. 1997. "Operating Systems: : Design and Implementation." Prentice Hall. [9] Bochs. February, ...
Implementation of threads as an operating systems project
John L. Donaldson
March 2008
SIGCSE '08: Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education
Publisher: ACM
Citation Count: 1
Downloads (6 Weeks): 6, Downloads (12 Months): 40, Downloads (Overall): 520
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In this paper the author describes a two-part programming assignment that has been used in an undergraduate operating systems course. The assignment is to write a user-level thread library, similar to the POSIX pthreads library, for a Unix or linux system.
threads, operating systems
Also published in:
February 2008
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin - SIGCSE 08: Volume 40 Issue 1, March 2008
Operating systems
operating systems
... two-part programming assignment that has been used in an undergraduate
operating systems course. The assignment is to write a user-level thread library, ...
Implementation of threads as an
operating systems project
Atkin, B., and Sirer, E. G., PortOS: An Educational
Operating System for the Post-PC Environment, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 34, 1 (Mar. 2002), 116--120.
Bennet, T., A Thread Implementation Project Supporting an
Operating Systems Course, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 22,5 (May, 2007), 111--118.
Dickinson, J.,
Operating Systems Projects Built on a Simple Hardware Simulator, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 32, 1 (Mar. 2000), 320--324.
Donaldson, J.,
Operating Systems from Assembler to C, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 22, 1 (Mar. 1990), 121--124.
Donaldson, J., An Architecture-Dependent
Operating Systems Project, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 33, 1 (Mar. 2001), 322--326.
Holland, D., Lim, A., and Seltzer, M., A New Instructional
Operating System, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 34, 1 (Mar. 2002), 146--148.
Lane, M., and Ghosal, A., MPX-PC: An
Operating System Project for the PC, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 21, 1 (Mar. 1989), 231--235.
Nieh, J., and Vaill, C., Experiences Teaching
Operating Systems using Virtual Platforms and Linux, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 37, 1 (Mar. 2005), 520--524.
Full Text:
Microsoft Word - sigcse186-donaldson.docImplementation of Threads as an
Operating Systems ProjectJohn L. Donaldson Oberlin College Oberlin, OH
[email protected] ABSTRACT In ... two-part programming assignment that has been used in an undergraduate
operating systems course. The assignment is to write a user-level thread library, ... a Unix or linux system. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.4.1 [
Operating Systems] ]: Process Management ? threads, concurrency. K.3.2 [Computers and Education]: ... Science Education ? computer science education. General Terms Design Keywords
Operating systems, , threads 1. INTRODUCTION The
operating systems projects that have been reported on at SIGCSE meetings are ... ambitious projects assigned in undergraduate courses. Many involve writing an
operating system kernel [1,3,4,5,7,8] or directly modifying the code of an existing ... system like linux [9], BSD Unix [10], or an instructional
operating system [6]. The platform may be an actual CPU [5,7,8,10], a ... of project sequence is clear: What better way to investigate
operating system concepts than to write your own
operating system? ? On the other hand, projects of this type can ... a large number of important concepts normally covered in an
operating systems course, such as synchronization and scheduling. These concepts are described ... arts curriculum tends to be less vertical; students in an
operating systems course are less likely to have taken a large number ... course in C or C++ programming is required before taking
operating systems. . ? There tend to be fewer courses offered in ... It is not likely that there are separate courses for
operating systems concepts and
operating systems implementation in the same curriculum. ? There tend to be ... required courses in the curriculum. In many computer science programs,
operating systems is a required course, but at most liberal arts colleges, ... it is not. To attract a large enough audience, the
operating systems course must be made attractive to students who don?t think ...
... concepts and implementation issues which are studied in a typical
operating systems course. Among these are: 1. Process or thread states. One ...
... also a good illustration of the fact that in every
operating system, , there is, lurking somewhere, some machine-dependent code. 5. Scheduling ...
... aspects of machine architecture that are designed to support the
operating system. . Implementing threads at the user level hides the interaction ... However, the implementation does utilize several aspects of the Unix
operating system that are analogous to hardware features. The use of the ...
... in this paper has been used successfully in the undergraduate
operating systems course at Oberlin College four times since 2000. In the ...
... could serve as a springboard to a discussion of object-oriented
operating systems and what the system call interface for such a system ... [1] Atkin, B., and Sirer, E. G., PortOS: An Educational
Operating System for the Post-PC Environment, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 34, 1 (Mar. ... 116-120. [2] Bennet, T., A Thread Implementation Project Supporting an
Operating Systems Course, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 22,5 (May, 2007), ... Sciences in Colleges, 22,5 (May, 2007), 111-118. [3] Dickinson, J.,
Operating Systems Projects Built on a Simple Hardware Simulator, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, ... SIGCSE Bulletin, 32, 1 (Mar. 2000), 320-324. [4] Donaldson, J.,
Operating Systems from Assembler to C, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 22, 1 (Mar. ... 22, 1 (Mar. 1990), 121-124. [5] Donaldson, J., An Architecture-Dependent
Operating Systems Project, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 33, 1 (Mar. 2001), 322-326. [6] ... Holland, D., Lim, A., and Seltzer, M., A New Instructional
Operating System, , ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 34, 1 (Mar. 2002), 146-148. [7] ... 2004), 315-319. [8] Lane, M., and Ghosal, A., MPX-PC: An
Operating System Project for the PC, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 21, 1 (Mar. ... 1989), 231-235. [9] Nieh, J., and Vaill, C., Experiences Teaching
Operating Systems using Virtual Platforms and Linux, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 37, 1 ...
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