Information for Authors

ACM Inroads is a magazine for professionals working toward or interested in advancing computing education. The publication reaches a global audience; therefore, it is imperative that authors writing for ACM Inroads prepare manuscripts in a clear, crisp voice that professionals and educators from a wide variety of backgrounds and disciplines will appreciate.

Please note that ACM Inroads as well as all ACM publications expect new, unpublished material, unless specifically reprinting an item from another publication with attribution. In support of this goal, ACM Inroads uses iThenticate to develop a similarity index for all submissions. As a first step after an initial submission, iThenticate compares the text to published material (at least 43 billion web pages and over 130 million content items). It provides editors with a set of similarity indices and helps them identify original material, including prior publications of authors. 

Submission Procedure

Authors must submit manuscripts to the ACM Inroads portal:

At the home page under “Resources” / “Instructions & Forms” you will find author Instructions, a submission template, and a reviewer scorecard that specifies the criteria by which reviewers judge articles. Manuscripts not conforming to the specified template and instructions will be returned to the author. 

Remember that ACM Inroads is a magazine, not a journal. Therefore, ACM encourages the use of appropriate and relevant images to accompany articles. An appropriate communication of permission and source citation must accompany any artwork derived from sources other than the author’s own material. It is the author's responsibility to obtain such copyright permission and credit wording. For more information on handling third party materials, please see guidelines as published by ACM.