About ACM Interactions

ACM Interactions magazine is a mirror on the human-computer interaction and interaction design communities and beyond. It is a multiplicity of conversations, collaborations, relationships, and new discoveries focusing on how and why we interact with the designed world of technologies. Interactions has a special voice that lies between practice and research with an emphasis on making engaging human-computer interaction research accessible to practitioners and on making practitioners voices heard by researchers.

The magazine is published bi-monthly by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the largest educational and scientific computing society in the world. Interactions is the flagship magazine for the ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), with a global circulation that includes all SIGCHI members.

ACM Interactions is a publication of great influence in the fields that envelop the study of people and computers. To have your work or research published here can make a difference.

ACM Interactions' Editorial Team


Ron Wakkary
Ron Wakkary is an Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Arts & Technology at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia and co-Editor-in-Chief of ACM Interactions. His primary research is in interaction design, particularly design methods, design theory, and applied experiments in ubiquitous computing and tangible computing systems, and the study of everyday design in which we all contribute to the ongoing design of artifacts and surroundings. Wakkary is a principal network investigator in the GRAND Network Centres of Excellence, a Canadian network of researchers and research institutions investigating multidisciplinary research in digital media.
Erik Stolterman
Erik Stolterman is Professor of Informatics, Professor in Cognitive Science, and Department Chair at the School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington. Along with his co-Editor-in-Chief duties for ACM Interactions magazine, he is also Editor for the Design Thinking/Design Theory book series by MIT Press, and on several editorial boards for international journals. Stolterman's main work is within interaction design, philosophy and theory of design, information technology and society, and philosophy of technology. Stolterman has published a large number of articles and five books, including Thoughtful Interaction Design (2004, MIT Press) and The Design Way (2nd Edition to be published in 2012, MIT Press).
  • Scott E. Delman
    Director of Group Publishing
  • Diane Crawford
    Executive Editor
  • John Stanik
    Managing Editor

  • Andrij Borys
    Art Director
  • Lynn D'Addesio Kraus
    Production Manager
  • Jennifer Ruzicka
    Director of Media Sales

  • Kate Crane
    Copy Editor
  • Audrey Desjardins
    Assistant to the Editors-in-Chief

Forum Editors

  • Christopher Le Dantec
    Community +
  • David Siegel
    Evaluation & Usability
  • Susan Dray
    Evaluation & Usability

  • Gillian R. Hayes
    Health Matters
  • Jonathan Lazar
    Interacting with Public Policy
  • Eva Hornecker
    LetÂ’'s Get Physical

  • Elisa Giaccardi
    On Heritage
  • Shelly Farnham
    Social Media
  • Albrecht Schmidt
    Interaction Technology

  • Elaine M. Huang
    Sustainability in
  • Daniel Rosenberg
    The Business of UX
  • Juan Pablo

  • Eli Blevis
    Visual Thinking Gallery
  • Audrey Desjardins
    Demo Hour


  • Jon Kolko
    and Beer
  • Elizabeth Churchill
    Ps and Qs
  • Daniela Rosner
    Make It Work

  • Jonathan Bean
    Make It Work

Founding Editors

  • John Rheinfrank
  • Bill Hefley