Journal of Data and Information Quality
JDIQ publishes high quality articles that make a significant and novel contribution to the field of data and information quality. JDIQ issues are available online and in print.
- Special Issue on Provenance and Quality of Data and Information: The term provenance refers broadly to information about the origin, context, derivation, lineage, ownership or history of some artifact. The provenance of data is more specifically a form of structured metadata that records the activities involved in data production. The notion applies to a broad variety of data types, from database records, to scientific datasets, business transaction logs, web pages, social media messages, and more. At the same time, different definitions and measures of quality apply to each of these data types, in different domains.
The JDIQ guest editors are Paolo Missier (Newcastle University, UK, [email protected]) and Paolo Papotti (Qatar Computing Research Institut, Qatar, [email protected]).
- New Editor-in-Chief: Louiqa Raschid (UMD) (University of Maryland) became editor in chief in December 2012. She follows founding Editors-in-Chief Yang Lee (Northeastern University) and Stuart Madnick (MIT), who served as JDIQ's Editors-in-Chief for four years.
- New Senior Associate Editor: A long-time associate editor of JDIQ, Felix Naumann (HPI, Germany) will now assist the Editor-in-Chief in strategic and organizational matters as a senior associate editor.
- ICIQ 2014, the International Conference on Information Quality, will be held in August in Xi'An, China
JDIQ archive at ACM's Digital Library
Upcoming Issue: Volume 5 Issue 4
A Model-Based Approach for developing Data Cleansing Solutions Mirko Cesarini, Mario Mezzanzanica, Roberto Boselli, Fabio Mercorio |
What Are The Most Important Factors For Accounting Information Quality
And Their Impact On AIS Data Quality Outcomes? Hongjiang Xu |
Upcoming Issue: Volume 5 Issue 3 - Special Issue on Data Provenance
Guest editors: Paolo Missier, Newcastle University, UK and Paolo Papotti, Qatar Computing Research Institute, QatarQUAL: A Provenance-Aware Quality Model C. Baillie, P. Edwards and E. Pignotti |
Self-Identifying Data for Fair Use S. Chong, C. Skalka, J. A. Vaughan |
A Hybrid Approach to Answering Why-Not Questions on Relational Query Results M. Herschel |
Provenance Quality Assessment Methodology and Framework Y. Cheah and B. Plale |
Current Issue: Volume 5 Issue 1-2
Information Quality Research Challenge: Predicting and Quantifying the Impact of Social Issues on Information Quality Programs John Talburt, Therese Williams, Thomas Redman, Davod Becker |
Discovering product counterfeits in online shops: a big data integration challenge Erhard Rahm |
Challenges for privacy preservation in data integration Peter Christen, Dinusha Vatsalan, and Vassilios Verykios |
Reach for Gold: An Annealing Standard to Evaluate Duplicate Detection Results Tobias Vogel, Arvid Heise, Uwe Draisbach, Dustin Lange, and Felix Naumann |
Conflict Resolution with Data Currency and Consistency Nan Tang, Wenfei Fan, Floris Geerts, Wenyuan Yu |
Process-driven data quality management: a critical review on the application of process modeling languages Ali Sunyaev, Paul Glowalla |
Previous Issue: Volume 4 Issue 4
Value-based File Retention: File Attributes as File Value and Information Waste Indicators Fons Wijnhoven, Chintan Amrit, and Pim Dietz |
Interaction between Record Matching and Data Repairing Wenfei Fan, Shuai Ma, Nan Tang, and Wenyuan Yu |
A Methodology and Architecture Embedding Quality Assessment in Data Integration Nigel Martin, Alexandra Poulovassilis, and Jianing Wang |
Special Issues
In addition to its regular issues, from time to time JDIQ publishes special issues devoted to specific topics in the Data and Information Quality field. For more information about a special issues, please contact the JDIQ Editor-In-Chief. To suggest a special issue please provide a description, a topic list, and a timeline. Please also copy the co-editors you would like to work with for that special issue.Last change: January 27, 2015