The Digital Library :ACM Computing ReviewsACM Computing Reviews is an ACM monthly journal produced in collaboration with Thinkcloud. The ACM Computing Reviews database is the largest and most comprehensive database of reviews covering the computing literature, providing practitioners, researchers, educators, and students with an unparalleled resource that provides a unique roadmap to the vast ocean of scholarly and practical information in one of the fastest moving fields of knowledge today. Every year, over 8,000 books, 2,500 dissertations, 20,000 journal articles from over 750 journal titles and over 30,000 conference papers from over 500 conferences are published in the field of computing. This does not include the thousands of master's theses, technical reports, technical manuals, working papers, blog entries, presentations, or other materials published each year. Filtering this vast quantity of information is difficult and there are very few high quality resources available to help individuals to do this well. ACM Computing Reviews is such a resource. The ACM Computing Reviews database is an essential companion product to the ACM Digital Library. Both databases are closely related and have been integrated to connect reviews to full text wherever possible. The ACM Computing Reviews contains the following:
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