Resources/Tools :

ACM DL Alerting Services

Table of Contents (TOC) Alerts by RSS or Email

Any individual is able to set up an RSS or email alert when a new Table of Contents for a particular publication within the ACM Digital Library is made available. To do so a person must have an ACM Web Account. ACM Web Accounts are free and easy to set up. To create a Web Account click on the ‘SIGN UP’ link which can be found on the upper right handle corner of any page within the Digital Library.

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Binders are personal collections of articles established by individual users of the ACM Digital Library and are available to anyone with an ACM Web Account (sign up here). Both the binders and articles within the binders can be annotated and shared with other users of the DL. These collections can be exported in a variety of bibliographic formats, including BibTex, Endnote, and ACM Ref formats. An on-the-fly pdf of a collection can be generated allowing the user to build “custom publications”, however, access to the full text of these materials is controlled by your library or personal subscription.

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