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The Digital Library :

The ACM Guide to Computing Literature

The ACM Guide to Computing Literature is the most comprehensive bibliographic database in existence today focused exclusively on the field of computing, making this A&I service—which seamlessly integrates with ACM’s full-text articles—a true starting point for anyone looking to search and access computing’s rapidly growing archive.

  • 2,237,215 Bibliographic Records
  • 1,406,570 Abstracts
  • 231,000 Distinct Titles
  • 6,000+ Publishers' Content
  • 1,037,013 Conference Proceedings records
  • 882,391 Journals & Magazines
  • 183,538 Books
  • 73,689 Theses
  • 25,398 Technical Reports
  • 3,771 RFC Documents

More than an index, the Guide to Computing Literature serves as the engine that drives the most exciting functionality of the ACM Digital Library, including features such as ACM Author Profile Pages, which includes bibliographic and bibliometric data for over 1,500,000 authors in the field of computer science, and the ACM Institutional Profile Pages, which includes bibliographic and bibliometric data for every academic, government, and industry organization publishing articles in the field.