
The Digital Library :


Members of the Library Advisory Board

Xan Arch

Reed College

Allan Bell

University of British Columbia

Dominic Benson

Brunel University

Carol A. Brach

University of Notre Dame

Kathy Brost

Mentor Graphics Corporation

Diane Cass 

University of Rochester

Vicki Coleman

North Carolina A&T State University

Sharon Dyas-Coreia

University of Toronto

Ana Lucía Macías Chiu  

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico

Dianne Dietrich

Cornell University

Willow Dressel

Princeton University

Zofia Brinkman Dzwig

TU Delft Library

Lee Cheng Ean

National University of Singapore

Diane Geraci 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Nancy Gibbs

Duke University

Christine Hasemann

Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universitaetsbibliothek Hannover

Carol Hutchins

New York University

Dr. Daulat Jotwani

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Burcu Keten

Middle East Technical University Library

Catherine Kwok

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Sarah Lester

Stanford University

George Meerburg

University of Amsterdam

PJ Purchase

University of Phoenix

Victoria Reich


Irina Rezumova


Sally Rumsey

Oxford University Library

Greg Sorini

Qualcomm Library & Information Services

Dr. V.D. Shrivastava

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Dr. J.K. Vijayakumar

King Abdullah Univ of Science & Technology

Ed Wickersham

IBM Corporation