3DOR: 3D Object Retrieval |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
3DVP: 3D Video Processing |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
A-MOST: Advances in Model-Based Testing |
2005 (May 2005) - 2007 (July 2007) |
A2CWiC: Amrita ACM-W Celebration on Women in Computing in India |
2010 (September 2010) - 2010 (September 2010) |
AAA-IDEA: Advanced Architectures and Algorithms for Internet Delivery and Applications |
2006 (October 2006) - 2006 (October 2006) |
AADEBUG: Automated analysis-driven debugging |
2005 (September 2005) - 2005 (September 2005) |
AAMAS: Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems |
2002 (July 2002) - 2017 (May 2017) |
ACDC: Automated Control for Datacenters and Clouds |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
ACET: Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology |
2004 (September 2004) - 2014 (November 2014) |
ACISNR: Applications of Computer and Information Sciences to Nature Research |
2010 (May 2010) - 2010 (May 2010) |
ACL2: ACL2 Theorem Prover and its Applications |
2006 (August 2006) - 2009 (May 2009) |
ACM DEV: Computing for Development |
2010 (December 2010) - 2016 (November 2016) |
1998 (June 1998) - 1998 (June 1998) |
ACM SE: Annual Southeast Regional Conference |
1967 (June 1967) - 2017 (April 2017) |
2010 (April 2010) - 2010 (April 2010) |
ACM: ACM Annual Conference/Annual Meeting |
1952 (May 1952) - 1997 (March 1997) |
ACPIS: Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software |
2007 (March 2007) - 2009 (March 2009) |
ACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications Conference |
2010 (December 2010) - 2016 (December 2016) |
ACSE: Australasian Conference on Computing Education |
1996 (July 1996) - 2010 (January 2010) |
ACoM: Assessment of Contemporary Modularization Techniques |
2007 (May 2007) - 2007 (May 2007) |
ADAMUS: Adaptive and Dependable Mobile Ubiquitous Systems |
2009 (July 2009) - 2009 (July 2009) |
ADKDD: Data Mining and Audience Intelligence for Advertising |
2007 (August 2007) - 2014 (August 2014) |
ADPUC: Advanced Data Processing in Ubiquitous Computing |
2006 (November 2006) - 2006 (November 2006) |
AFFINE: Affective-Aware Virtual Agents and Social Robots |
2009 (November 2009) - 2010 (October 2010) |
1955 (March 1955) - 1984 (July 1984) |
AFM: Automated Formal Methods |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
AFRIGRAPH: Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa |
2001 (November 2001) - 2010 (June 2010) |
AGENTS: Autonomous Agents |
1997 (February 1997) - 2001 (May 2001) |
AH: Augmented Human |
2010 (April 2010) - 2017 (March 2017) |
1951 (December 1951) - 1962 (May 1962) |
AIEMPro: Automated Information Extraction in Media Production |
2010 (October 2010) - 2011 (December 2011) |
AIGC: Artificial Intelligence in Grid Computing |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
AINTEC: Asian Conference on Internet Engineering |
2008 (November 2008) - 2016 (November 2016) |
AIPACa: Applications of Private and Anonymous Communications |
2008 (September 2008) - 2008 (September 2008) |
AIRS: Asia Information Retrieval Symposium |
2008 (January 2008) - 2009 (October 2009) |
AIRWeb: Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web |
2007 (May 2007) - 2009 (April 2009) |
AISC/MKM/Calculemus: AISC/MKM/Calculemus Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics |
2010 (July 2010) - 2010 (July 2010) |
AISec: Artificial Intelligence and Security |
2008 (October 2008) - 2016 (October 2016) |
ALICE: Alice Symposium |
2009 (June 2009) - 2013 (June 2013) |
AM: Audio Mostly |
2010 (September 2010) - 2016 (October 2016) |
AMC: Ambient Media Computing |
2009 (October 2009) - 2009 (October 2009) |
AMCMM: Audio and Music Computing Multimedia |
2006 (October 2006) - 2006 (October 2006) |
ANCS: Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems |
2005 (October 2005) - 2016 (March 2016) |
AND: Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data |
2008 (July 2008) - 2010 (October 2010) |
ANNA: Analysis of Neural Network Applications |
1991 (May 1991) - 1991 (May 1991) |
ANSS: Annual Simulation Symposium |
1973 (June 1973) - 2015 (April 2015) |
AOM: Aspect-Oriented Modeling |
2007 (March 2007) - 2009 (March 2009) |
AOMD: Aspect Oriented Middleware Development |
2005 (November 2005) - 2005 (November 2005) |
AOSD: Aspect-Oriented Software Development |
2002 (April 2002) - 2015 (March 2015) |
APGV: Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization |
2004 (August 2004) - 2011 (August 2011) |
1969 (January 1969) - 2003 (June 2003) |
APLWACA: Analysis and Programming Languages for Web Applications and Cloud Applications |
2010 (June 2010) - 2010 (June 2010) |
APOS: Scrutinizing Agile Practices |
2008 (May 2008) - 2008 (May 2008) |
APS: Adaptive, Personalization & the Semantic Web |
2006 (August 2006) - 2006 (August 2006) |
APSys: Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems |
2010 (August 2010) - 2016 (August 2016) |
AREA: Analysis and Retrieval of Events |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
ARM: Adaptive and Reflective MIddleware |
2004 (October 2004) - 2016 (December 2016) |
ARTEMIS: Analysis and Retrieval of Tracked Events and Motion in Imagery Streams |
2010 (October 2010) - 2013 (October 2013) |
ASE: Automated Software Engineering |
1997 (November 1997) - 2016 (August 2016) |
ASIA CCS: Information, Computer and Communications Security |
2006 (March 2006) - 2017 (April 2017) |
ASIA-PEPM: Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation |
2002 (September 2002) - 2002 (September 2002) |
ASID: Architectural and System Support for Improving Software Dependability |
2006 (October 2006) - 2006 (October 2006) |
ASPDAC: Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference |
1995 (August 1995) - 2011 (January 2011) |
ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems |
1982 (March 1982) - 2017 (April 2017) |
AST: Automation of Software Test |
2006 (May 2006) - 2016 (May 2016) |
AUIC: User Interface |
2001 (January 2001) - 2010 (January 2010) |
AUPC: Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Challenges for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing |
2008 (July 2008) - 2009 (July 2009) |
AVI: Advanced Visual Interfaces |
1994 (June 1994) - 2016 (June 2016) |
AVSTP2P: Advanced video streaming techniques for peer-to-peer networks and social networking |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
AcessNets: Access Networks |
2006 (September 2006) - 2006 (September 2006) |
Ambi-Sys: Ambient Media and Systems |
2008 (February 2008) - 2008 (February 2008) |
Assets: Computers and Accessibility |
1994 (October 1994) - 2016 (October 2016) |
AusGrid: Grid Computing and e-Research |
2008 (January 2008) - 2009 (January 2009) |
AutomotiveUI: Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications |
2009 (September 2009) - 2016 (October 2016) |
Autonomics: Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems |
2007 (October 2007) - 2008 (September 2008) |
BADS: Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Distributed Systems |
2009 (June 2009) - 2011 (June 2011) |
BCB: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology |
2010 (August 2010) - 2016 (October 2016) |
BCS-HCI: British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers |
2007 (September 2007) - 2014 (September 2014) |
BELIV: Beyond Time and Errors: Novel evaluation Methods for Information Visualization |
2006 (May 2006) - 2016 (October 2016) |
BIOKDD: Bioinformatics |
2005 (August 2005) - 2013 (August 2013) |
BIONETICS: Bio Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems |
2006 (December 2006) - 2006 (December 2006) |
BM-FA: Behaviour Modelling |
2010 (June 2010) - 2014 (July 2014) |
BM-MDA: Behaviour Modelling in Model-Driven Architecture |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
BPAOSD: Best Practices in Applying Aspect-Oriented Software Development |
2007 (March 2007) - 2007 (March 2007) |
BQGT: Behavioral and Quantitative Game Theory |
2010 (May 2010) - 2010 (May 2010) |
BWAN: Broadband Wireless Access for Ubiquitous Networking |
2006 (September 2006) - 2006 (September 2006) |
Baltic Sea: Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research |
2006 (February 2006) - 2006 (February 2006) |
BiPi: Business Impact of Process Improvements |
2008 (May 2008) - 2008 (May 2008) |
BooksOnline: Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories |
2008 (October 2008) - 2012 (October 2012) |
BuildSys: Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Buildings |
2009 (November 2009) - 2016 (November 2016) |
C&C: Creativity and Cognition |
1999 (October 1999) - 2015 (June 2015) |
C&T: Communities and Technologies |
2009 (June 2009) - 2015 (June 2015) |
C3P: Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications |
1988 (January 1988) - 1988 (January 1989) |
C3S2E: C* Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering |
2008 (May 2008) - 2016 (July 2016) |
CAI: Context in Advanced Interfaces |
2006 (May 2006) - 2006 (May 2006) |
CAMA: Contextualized Attention Metadata |
2006 (November 2006) - 2006 (November 2006) |
CAMRa: Context-aware Movie Recommendation |
2010 (September 2010) - 2011 (October 2011) |
CAMS: Context-Aware Middleware and Services |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
CARPE: Continous Archival and Retrieval of Personal Experiences |
2004 (October 2004) - 2006 (October 2006) |
CARS: Critical Automotive Applications |
2010 (April 2010) - 2010 (April 2010) |
CASEMANS: Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems |
2008 (May 2008) - 2011 (September 2011) |
CASES: Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems |
2000 (November 2000) - 2016 (October 2016) |
CASTA: Context-Aware Software Technology and Application |
2009 (August 2009) - 2009 (August 2009) |
CAW: Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing |
1977 (January 1977) - 1980 (March 1980) |
CBHPC: Component-Based High Performance Computing |
2008 (October 2008) - 2009 (November 2009) |
CC: Critical Computing |
2005 (August 2005) - 2017 (February 2017) |
CCS: Computer and Communications Security |
1993 (December 1993) - 2016 (October 2016) |
CCSC: Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges |
1991 (May 1991) - 2001 (April 2001) |
CCSW: Cloud Computing Security Workshop |
2009 (November 2009) - 2016 (October 2016) |
CCU: Contemporary Computing in Ukraine |
2000 (February 2000) - 2000 (February 2000) |
CEA: Cooking and Eating Activities |
2009 (October 2009) - 2013 (October 2013) |
CF: Computing Frontiers |
2004 (April 2004) - 2016 (May 2016) |
CFI: Future Internet Technologies |
2009 (June 2009) - 2016 (June 2016) |
CFP: Computers, Freedom and Privacy |
1992 (April 1992) - 2002 (April 2002) |
CGI: Computer Graphics International |
1996 (June 1996) - 2016 (June 2016) |
CGO: Code Generation and Optimization |
2003 (March 2003) - 2017 (February 2017) |
CHANTS: Challenged Networks |
2006 (September 2006) - 2016 (October 2016) |
CHASE: Cooperative and Human Aspects on Software Engineering |
2008 (May 2008) - 2016 (May 2016) |
CHI EA: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems-Extended Abstracts |
1997 (March 1997) - 2017 (May 2017) |
CHI: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems |
1981 (May 1981) - 2017 (May 2017) |
CHINA HPC: High Performance Computing |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
CHINZ: ACM SIGCHI New Zealand Chapter's International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction |
2001 (July 2001) - 2015 (September 2015) |
CHiMiT: Computer Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology |
2007 (March 2007) - 2011 (December 2011) |
CIAA: Implementation and Application of Automata |
2003 (July 2002) - 2003 (July 2002) |
CIAO: Context, Information and Ontologies |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
CIKM: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management |
1993 (December 1993) - 2016 (October 2016) |
CIMS: CyberInfrastructure: Information Management in eScience |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
CIVR: Conference on Image and Video Retrieval |
2007 (July 2007) - 2010 (July 2010) |
CLADE: Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments |
2003 (June 2003) - 2009 (June 2009) |
CLIHC: Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction |
2003 (August 2003) - 2015 (November 2015) |
CLOUD: Software Engineering Challenges of Cloud Computing |
2009 (May 2009) - 2009 (May 2009) |
CMM: Connected Multimedia |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
CMSB: Computational Methods in Systems Biology |
2010 (September 2010) - 2011 (September 2011) |
CNIKM: Complex Networks Meet Information & Knowledge Management |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
CNS: Communications and Networking Simulation |
2008 (April 2008) - 2015 (April 2015) |
COCS: Conference on Organizational Computing Systems |
1984 (January 1984) - 1995 (August 1995) |
CODES: Hardware Software Codesign |
1994 (September 1994) - 2016 (October 2016) |
COLT: Computational Learning Theory |
1988 (December 1988) - 1999 (July 1999) |
COM.Geo: Computing for Geospatial Research & Application |
2010 (June 2010) - 2012 (July 2012) |
COMM: Communications Architectures and Protocols |
2000 (November 2000) - 2000 (November 2000) |
2008 (January 2008) - 2016 (October 2016) |
COMSWARE: Communication System Software and Middleware |
2009 (June 2009) - 2011 (July 2011) |
COP: Context-Oriented Programming |
2009 (July 2009) - 2016 (July 2016) |
CPR: Computers and People Research |
1962 (June 1962) - 2016 (June 2016) |
CQL: Computers and the Quality of Life |
1990 (August 1990) - 1996 (February 1996) |
CSAW: Computer Security Architectures |
2007 (November 2007) - 2008 (October 2008) |
CSC: Conference on Computer Science |
1973 (February 1973) - 1996 (February 1996) |
CSCW: Computer Supported Cooperative Work |
1986 (December 1986) - 2017 (February 2017) |
CSI-KDD: CyberSecurity and Intelligence Informatics |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
CSIIRW: Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research |
2008 (May 2008) - 2013 (January 2013) |
CSSSIA: Context Enabled Source and Service Selection, Integration and Adaption |
2008 (April 2008) - 2008 (April 2008) |
CSTST: Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
CUFP: Commercial Users of Functional Programming |
2007 (October 2007) - 2010 (October 2010) |
CUU: Conference on Universal Usability |
2000 (November 2000) - 2003 (November 2003) |
CVDB: Computer Vision Meets Databases |
2004 (June 2004) - 2005 (June 2005) |
CVE: Collaborative Virtual Environments |
2000 (September 2000) - 2002 (September 2002) |
CVSM: Comparison and Versioning of Software Models |
2008 (May 2008) - 2009 (May 2009) |
CWIT: Women and ICT |
2005 (June 2005) - 2005 (June 2005) |
CWNETS: Cognitive Wireless Networks |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
Casemans: Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems |
2009 (May 2009) - 2009 (May 2009) |
CloudDB: Cloud Data Management |
2009 (November 2009) - 2013 (October 2013) |
2005 (October 2005) - 2016 (December 2016) |
CoRoNet: Cognitive Radio Networks |
2009 (September 2009) - 2011 (September 2011) |
CommunicabilityMS: Communicability Design and Evaluation in Cultural and Ecological Multimedia System |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
CompBio: Computational biology |
2009 (May 2009) - 2009 (May 2009) |
CompFrame: Component and Framework Technology in High-Performance and Scientific Computing |
2007 (October 2007) - 2007 (October 2007) |
CompSysTech: Computer Systems and Technologies |
2000 (June 2000) - 2016 (June 2016) |
Companion: Middleware 08 Conference Companion |
2008 (December 2008) - 2008 (December 2008) |
Creating: Creating Out of the Machine |
2008 (June 2008) - 2008 (June 2008) |
DAC: Design Automation Conference |
1964 (January 1964) - 2016 (June 2016) |
DADC: Data-aware Distributed Computing |
2008 (June 2008) - 2009 (June 2009) |
DAMP: Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming |
2007 (January 2007) - 2012 (January 2012) |
DARE: Designing Augmented Reality Environments |
2000 (April 2000) - 2013 (November 2013) |
DAS: Document Analysis Systems |
2010 (June 2010) - 2010 (June 2010) |
DATACOMM: Data Communications and Data Networks |
1973 (January 1973) - 1973 (January 1973) |
DATE: Design, Automation and Test in Europe |
1998 (February 1998) - 2015 (March 2015) |
DBTest: Testing Database Systems |
2008 (June 2008) - 2013 (June 2013) |
DCOSS: Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems |
2007 (June 2007) - 2010 (June 2010) |
DD4LCCI: Data Dissemination for Large Scale Complex Critical Infrastructures |
2010 (April 2010) - 2010 (April 2010) |
DDDM: Domain Driven Data Mining |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
DEAS: Design and Evolution of Autonomic Application Software |
2005 (May 2005) - 2005 (May 2005) |
DEBS: Distributed Event-Based Systems |
2003 (June 2003) - 2016 (June 2016) |
DEECS: Data Enginering issues in E-commerce and Services |
2007 (June 2007) - 2007 (June 2007) |
DEFECTS: Defects in Large Software Systems |
2008 (July 2008) - 2009 (June 2009) |
DESIRE: Creativity and Innovation in Design |
2010 (August 2010) - 2010 (August 2010) |
DESRIST: Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology |
2009 (May 2009) - 2009 (May 2009) |
1999 (August 1999) - 2010 (September 2010) |
DIM: Digital Identity Management |
2005 (November 2005) - 2013 (November 2013) |
DIMEA: Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts |
2007 (September 2007) - 2008 (September 2008) |
DIN: Dynamic Interconnection of Networks |
2005 (September 2005) - 2005 (September 2005) |
DIS: Designing Interactive Systems |
1995 (August 1995) - 2016 (June 2016) |
DIWANS: Dependability Issues in Wireless and Ad-Hoc Networks and Sensor Networks |
2006 (September 2006) - 2006 (September 2006) |
DL: Digital Libraries |
1996 (April 1996) - 2000 (June 2000) |
DLS: Dynamic Languages |
2005 (October 2005) - 2016 (November 2016) |
DMG: Data Mining for Geoinformatics |
2010 (November 2010) - 2010 (November 2010) |
DMKD: Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
2003 (June 2003) - 2004 (June 2004) |
DMMT: Data Mining using Matrices and Tensors |
2001 (July 2001) - 2009 (June 2009) |
DMSN: Data Management for Sensor Networks |
2004 (August 2004) - 2010 (September 2010) |
DMSSP: Data Mining Standards, Services and Platforms |
2006 (August 2006) - 2006 (August 2006) |
DO: Distributed Objects |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
DOCPROCS: Document Processing Systems |
1988 (January 2000) - 1988 (January 2000) |
DOLAP: Data Warehousing and OLAP |
1998 (November 1998) - 2015 (October 2015) |
DOSTA: Domain Specific Approaches to Software Test Automation |
2007 (September 2007) - 2007 (September 2007) |
DPDS: Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems |
1990 (July 1990) - 1988 (January 2000) |
DPPI: Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces |
2003 (June 2003) - 2013 (September 2013) |
DRM: Digital Rights Management |
2003 (October 2003) - 2011 (October 2011) |
DS-RT: Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications |
2000 (August 2000) - 2015 (October 2015) |
DSAL: Domain-Specific Aspect Languages |
2007 (March 2007) - 2012 (March 2012) |
DSL: Domain-Specific Languages |
1999 (December 1999) - 1999 (December 1999) |
DSM: Doctoral Symposium on Middleware |
2004 (October 2004) - 2016 (October 2016) |
DSMM: Data-Intensive Software Management and Mining |
2009 (November 2009) - 2016 (June 2016) |
DTMBIO: Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics |
2008 (October 2008) - 2015 (October 2015) |
DUX: Designing for User eXperiences |
2003 (June 2003) - 2007 (November 2007) |
DYADEM-FTS: Dependeability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems |
2010 (April 2010) - 2010 (April 2010) |
DYNAMO: Dynamic and Adaptive Compilation and Optimization |
2000 (January 2000) - 2000 (January 2000) |
DaGreS: Data Grids for eScience |
2009 (May 2009) - 2009 (May 2009) |
DaMaP: Data Management in Peer-to-Peer Systems |
2008 (March 2008) - 2008 (March 2008) |
DaMoN: Data Management on New Hardware |
2005 (June 2005) - 2017 (May 2017) |
DataX: Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web |
2008 (March 2008) - 2008 (March 2008) |
DocEng: Document Engineering |
2001 (November 2001) - 2016 (September 2016) |
Dutch HCI: Dutch directions in HCI |
2004 (June 2004) - 2004 (June 2004) |
E-WIND: Experimental Approaches to Wireless Network Design and Analysis |
2005 (August 2005) - 2005 (August 2005) |
EA: Early Aspects |
2006 (May 2006) - 2011 (March 2011) |
EATIS: Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems |
2007 (May 2007) - 2014 (April 2014) |
EC: Electronic Commerce |
1999 (November 1999) - 2016 (July 2016) |
ECA: Ethics in the Computer Age |
1994 (November 1994) - 1994 (November 1994) |
ECCE: European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics |
2006 (September 2006) - 2016 (September 2016) |
ECHT: European Conference on Hypermedia Technology |
1992 (November 1992) - 1994 (September 1994) |
ECIR: European Conference on Information Retrieval |
2008 (March 2008) - 2012 (April 2012) |
ECMFA-TW: ECMFA Traceability Workshop |
2010 (June 2010) - 2010 (June 2010) |
ECOOP: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming |
2007 (July 2007) - 2013 (July 2013) |
ECSA: European Conference on Software Architecture |
2010 (August 2010) - 2012 (August 2012) |
EDBT: Extending Database Technology |
2008 (March 2008) - 2013 (March 2013) |
EDSER: Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research |
2005 (May 2005) - 2006 (May 2006) |
EDT: Emerging Displays Technologies |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
EDTC: European Conference on Design and Test |
1995 (March 1995) - 1997 (March 1997) |
EESR: End-to-end, Sense-and-respond Systems, Applications and Services |
2005 (June 2005) - 2005 (June 2005) |
EFTS: Engineering Fault Tolerant Systems |
2007 (September 2007) - 2007 (September 2007) |
EGPGV: Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization |
2002 (September 2002) - 2013 (May 2013) |
EGRW: Eurographics Workshop on Rendering |
2002 (July 2002) - 2002 (July 2002) |
EGVE: Virtual Environments |
2002 (May 2002) - 2007 (July 2007) |
EICS: Engineering Interactive Computing Systems |
2009 (July 2009) - 2016 (June 2016) |
ELW: European Lisp Workshop |
2009 (July 2009) - 2010 (June 2010) |
EMSOFT: Embedded Software |
2004 (September 2004) - 2016 (October 2016) |
EOMAS: Enterprises & Organizational Modeling and Simulation |
2009 (June 2009) - 2010 (June 2010) |
EPIA: Progress in Artificial Intelligence |
2007 (December 2007) - 2007 (December 2007) |
2002 (October 2002) - 2016 (September 2016) |
ESAIR: Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval |
2009 (February 2009) - 2015 (October 2015) |
ESC: Economics of Software and Computation |
2007 (May 2007) - 2016 (November 2016) |
ESEC/FSE: European Software Engineering Conference / Foundations of Software Engineering |
1997 (November 1997) - 2015 (August 2015) |
ESEM: Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement |
2007 (September 2007) - 2016 (September 2016) |
ESP: Empirical Studies of Programmers |
1997 (October 1997) - 1997 (October 1997) |
ESSPE: Engineering of Software Services for Pervasive Environments |
2007 (September 2007) - 2007 (September 2007) |
ESTMED: Embedded Systems for Real Time Multimedia |
2006 (October 2006) - 2006 (October 2006) |
ETOOS: Testing Object-Oriented Systems |
2010 (June 2010) - 2010 (June 2010) |
ETP: Effective Telepresence |
2003 (November 2003) - 2004 (October 2004) |
ETRA: Eye Tracking Research and Applications |
2000 (November 2000) - 2016 (March 2016) |
EURO-DAC: European Design Automation |
1990 (March 1990) - 1996 (September 1996) |
EUROSEC: European Workshop on System Security |
2008 (March 2008) - 2017 (April 2017) |
EUSAI: European Union symposium on Ambient intelligence |
2004 (November 2004) - 2004 (November 2004) |
EW: ACM SIGOPS European Workshop |
1985 (January 1985) - 2004 (September 2004) |
EiMM: Events in Multimedia |
2009 (October 2009) - 2010 (October 2010) |
EmNets: Embedded Networked Sensors |
2005 (April 2005) - 2007 (June 2007) |
Emme: Educational Multimedia and Multimedia Education |
2007 (September 2007) - 2007 (September 2007) |
Ergo'IA: Ergonomie et Informatique Avancee Conference |
2010 (October 2010) - 2014 (October 2014) |
EuroITV: Interactive TV & Video |
2007 (May 2007) - 2013 (June 2013) |
EuroSys: European Conference on Computer Systems |
2006 (April 2006) - 2017 (April 2017) |
ExpCS: Experimental Computer Science |
2007 (June 2007) - 2007 (June 2007) |
FAA: Facial Analysis and Animation |
2010 (October 2010) - 2015 (September 2015) |
FAST: File and Storage Technologies |
2005 (December 2005) - 2015 (February 2015) |
FDG: Foundations of Digital Games |
2009 (April 2009) - 2012 (May 2012) |
FDNA: Future Directions in Network Architectures |
2003 (August 2003) - 2004 (August 2004) |
FDPE: Functional and Declarative Progamming in Education |
2005 (September 2005) - 2008 (September 2008) |
FIT: Frontiers of Information Technology |
2009 (December 2009) - 2010 (December 2010) |
FLOSS: Emerging Trends in Free/Libre/Open Source Software Research and Development |
2007 (May 2007) - 2010 (May 2010) |
FMICS: Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems |
2005 (September 2005) - 2005 (September 2005) |
FMSE: Formal Methods in Security Engineering |
2003 (October 2003) - 2008 (October 2008) |
FMSP: Formal Methods in Software Practice |
1998 (March 1998) - 2000 (August 2000) |
FOAL: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages |
2007 (March 2007) - 2014 (April 2014) |
FOGA: Foundations of Genetic Algorithms |
2007 (January 2007) - 2017 (January 2017) |
FOIS: Formal Ontology in Information Systems |
2001 (October 2001) - 2001 (October 2001) |
1989 (January 1989) - 1992 (December 1993) |
FOSD: Feature-Oriented Software Development |
2009 (October 2009) - 2016 (October 2016) |
FOSE: Future of Software Engineering |
2007 (May 2007) - 2014 (May 2014) |
FOWANC: Foundations of Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networking and Computing |
2008 (May 2008) - 2009 (May 2009) |
FPCA: Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture |
1981 (October 1981) - 1995 (October 1995) |
FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Arrays |
1995 (February 1995) - 2017 (February 2017) |
FPGAworld: FPGAworld |
2009 (September 2009) - 2015 (September 2015) |
FSEDS: Foundations of Software Engineering Doctoral Symposium |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
FSEN: Fundamentals of Software Engineering |
2007 (April 2007) - 2007 (April 2007) |
FSM: Functional Size Measurement |
2010 (June 2010) - 2010 (June 2010) |
FTfJP: Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs |
2009 (July 2009) - 2016 (July 2016) |
FeBiD: International Workshop on Feedback Control Implementation and Design in Computing Systems and Networks |
2010 (April 2010) - 2010 (April 2010) |
FoSER: Future of Software Engineering Research |
2010 (November 2010) - 2010 (November 2010) |
Fun and Games: Fun and Games |
2010 (September 2010) - 2010 (September 2010) |
Future Play: Future Play |
2007 (November 2007) - 2010 (May 2010) |
GCE: Grid Computing Environments |
2009 (November 2009) - 2014 (November 2014) |
GCM: Green Computing |
2010 (November 2010) - 2011 (December 2011) |
GDCSE: Game Development in Computer Science Education |
2008 (February 2008) - 2008 (February 2008) |
GEC: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference |
1996 (July 1996) - 2016 (July 2016) |
GH: Graphics Hardware |
1997 (August 1997) - 2008 (June 2008) |
GI: Graphics Interface |
2004 (May 2004) - 2016 (June 2016) |
GIR: Geographic Information Retrieval |
2005 (November 2005) - 2016 (October 2016) |
GIS: Geographic Information Systems |
1996 (November 1996) - 2016 (October 2016) |
GLSVLSI: Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI |
1995 (March 1995) - 2017 (May 2017) |
GMAC: Grids Meets Autonomic Computing |
2009 (June 2009) - 2010 (June 2010) |
GMW: Grid Monitoring |
2007 (June 2007) - 2007 (June 2007) |
GPCE: Generative Programming and Component Engineering |
2002 (October 2002) - 2016 (October 2016) |
GPGPU: General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units |
2009 (March 2009) - 2017 (February 2017) |
GRAPHITE: Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australia and South East Asia |
2003 (February 2003) - 2007 (December 2007) |
GRID: Grid Computing |
2003 (November 2003) - 2008 (September 2008) |
GROUP: Supporting Group Work |
1997 (November 1997) - 2016 (November 2016) |
GRaMoT: Graph and Model Transformations |
2008 (May 2008) - 2008 (May 2008) |
GSD: Global Software Development for the Practitioner |
2006 (May 2006) - 2006 (May 2006) |
GTIP: Governance of Technology, Information, and Policies |
2010 (December 2010) - 2011 (December 2011) |
GaMMa: Global Integrated Model Management |
2006 (May 2006) - 2006 (May 2006) |
GameNets: Game Theory for Communications and Networks |
2006 (October 2006) - 2006 (October 2006) |
Green Networking: Green networking |
2010 (August 2010) - 2011 (August 2011) |
GridNets: Networks for Grid Applications |
2007 (October 2007) - 2007 (October 2007) |
HAS: Haptic User Interfaces in Ambient Media Systems |
2008 (February 2008) - 2008 (February 2008) |
HCC: Human-Centered Computing |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
HCM: Human-Centered Multimedia |
2006 (October 2006) - 2007 (September 2007) |
HCOMP: Human Computation |
2009 (June 2009) - 2010 (July 2010) |
HDP: Hardcopy Document Processing |
2004 (November 2004) - 2004 (November 2004) |
HIKM: Healthcare Information and Knowledge Management |
2006 (November 2006) - 2010 (January 2010) |
HLLCA: High-Level-Language Computer Architecture |
1973 (November 1973) - 1973 (November 1973) |
HLPP: High-level parallel programming and applications |
2010 (September 2010) - 2011 (September 2011) |
HOPL: History of Programming Languages |
1993 (April 1993) - 2007 (June 2007) |
HPCVirt: System-level Virtualization for High Performance Computing |
2008 (March 2008) - 2009 (March 2009) |
HPDC: High Performance Distributed Computing |
1995 (August 1995) - 2016 (May 2016) |
HPDGIS: High Performance and Distributed Geographic Information Systems |
2010 (November 2010) - 2011 (November 2011) |
HPG: High Perfomance Graphics |
2009 (August 2009) - 2016 (June 2016) |
HPRCTA: High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing Technology and Applications |
2007 (November 2007) - 2009 (November 2009) |
HPW: History of Personal Workstations |
1986 (January 1986) - 1986 (January 1986) |
HRI: Human-Robot Interaction |
2006 (March 2006) - 2017 (March 2017) |
HSCC: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control |
2010 (April 2010) - 2017 (April 2017) |
HSNC: History of Scientific and Numeric Computation |
1987 (October 1987) - 1987 (October 1987) |
HSSE: Human and Social Factors of Software Engineering |
2005 (May 2005) - 2005 (May 2005) |
HT: Hypertext and hypermedia |
1987 (November 1987) - 2016 (July 2016) |
Haskell: Haskell |
2002 (October 2002) - 2016 (September 2016) |
HealthNet: Networking Support for Health Care and Assisted Living Environments |
2007 (June 2007) - 2008 (June 2008) |
HetRec: Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems |
2010 (September 2010) - 2011 (October 2011) |
HeterSanet: Heterogeneous Sensor and Actor Networks |
2008 (May 2008) - 2008 (May 2008) |
HiPC: High Performance Computing |
2008 (December 2008) - 2008 (December 2008) |
HomeNets: Home Networks |
2010 (September 2010) - 2011 (August 2011) |
HotMobile: Mobile Computing Systems and Applications |
2008 (February 2008) - 2017 (February 2017) |
HotPlanet: Hot Topics of Planet-Scale Mobility Measurements |
2009 (June 2009) - 2015 (September 2015) |
HotSWUp: Hot Topics in Software Upgrades |
2008 (October 2008) - 2012 (June 2012) |
Hotnets: Hot Topics in Networks |
2010 (October 2010) - 2016 (November 2016) |
HuCom: Human Factors and Computational Models in Negotiation |
2009 (December 2008) - 2009 (December 2008) |
I-SEMANTICS: Semantic Systems |
2010 (September 2010) - 2013 (September 2013) |
I3D: Interactive 3D Graphics and Games |
1987 (January 1987) - 2017 (February 2017) |
IAT: Intelligent Agent Technology |
2006 (December 2006) - 2007 (November 2007) |
ICAC3: Advances in Computing, Communication and Control |
2009 (January 2009) - 2009 (January 2009) |
ICAC: Autonomic Computing |
2009 (June 2009) - 2012 (September 2012) |
ICAIL: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law |
1987 (December 1987) - 2015 (June 2015) |
ICAIT: Advanced Infocomm Technology |
2008 (July 2008) - 2008 (July 2008) |
ICAT: Augmented Tele-existence |
2005 (December 2005) - 2005 (December 2005) |
ICCAD: International Conference on Computer-Aided Design |
1992 (November 1992) - 2016 (November 2016) |
ICCPS: Cyber-Physical Systems |
2010 (April 2010) - 2017 (April 2017) |
ICDL: International Conference on Dynamic Languages |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
ICDSC: Distributed Smart Cameras |
2010 (August 2010) - 2016 (September 2016) |
ICDT: Database Theory |
2009 (March 2009) - 2013 (March 2013) |
ICE: Information and Computation Economies |
1998 (October 1998) - 2017 (January 2017) |
ICEC: International Conference on Electronic Commerce |
2003 (September 2003) - 2016 (August 2016) |
ICEGOV: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance |
2007 (December 2007) - 2017 (March 2017) |
ICER: International Computing Education Research Workshop |
2005 (October 2005) - 2016 (August 2016) |
ICFP: International Conference on Functional Programmuing |
1996 (June 1996) - 2016 (September 2016) |
ICHIT: International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology |
2009 (August 2009) - 2009 (August 2009) |
ICIC: Intercultural Collaboration |
2010 (August 2010) - 2012 (March 2012) |
ICIMCS: Internet Multimedia Computing and Service |
2009 (November 2009) - 2016 (August 2016) |
ICIS: International Conference on Computer and Information Science |
1989 (December 1989) - 2009 (November 2009) |
ICMI: International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces |
2002 (October 2002) - 2016 (October 2016) |
ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning |
2004 (July 2004) - 2009 (June 2009) |
ICOOOLPS: Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages and Programming Systems |
2009 (July 2009) - 2016 (July 2016) |
ICPS: Pervasive Services |
2008 (July 2008) - 2009 (July 2009) |
ICPW: International Conference on Pragmatic Web |
2007 (October 2007) - 2008 (November 2008) |
ICS: International Conference on Supercomputing |
1988 (June 1988) - 2016 (June 2016) |
ICSE: International Conference on Software Engineering |
1976 (October 1976) - 2016 (May 2016) |
ICSOC: International Conference on Service Oriented Computing |
2004 (November 2004) - 2004 (November 2004) |
ICTD: Information and Communication Technologies and Development |
2009 (April 2009) - 2016 (June 2016) |
ICUIMC: International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication |
2008 (January 2008) - 2014 (January 2014) |
ICVGIP: Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing |
2010 (December 2010) - 2016 (December 2016) |
ICWE: Web Engineering |
2006 (July 2006) - 2006 (July 2006) |
ICWET: Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology |
2010 (February 2010) - 2011 (February 2011) |
IDAR: Innovative Database Research |
2008 (June 2008) - 2010 (June 2010) |
IDC: Interaction Design and Children |
2003 (July 2003) - 2016 (June 2016) |
IDEAS: International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium |
2008 (September 2008) - 2016 (July 2016) |
IDL: Interface Definition Languages |
1994 (August 1994) - 1994 (August 1994) |
IDTRUST: Identity and Trust on the Internet |
2008 (March 2008) - 2010 (April 2010) |
IE: Interactive Entertainment |
2006 (December 2006) - 2014 (December 2014) |
IEA/AIE: Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems |
1988 (June 1988) - 2011 (June 2011) |
IFMT: Next-Generation Multicore/Manycore Technologies |
2008 (November 2008) - 2010 (June 2010) |
IH&MMSec;: Multimedia and Security |
2001 (October 2001) - 2016 (June 2016) |
IHC: Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems |
2006 (November 2006) - 2014 (October 2014) |
IHI: International Health Informatics Symposium |
2010 (November 2010) - 2012 (January 2012) |
IHIS: Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Systems |
2005 (November 2005) - 2005 (November 2005) |
IHM: International Conference on Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine |
2002 (November 2002) - 2016 (October 2016) |
IIES: Isolation and Integration in Embedded Systems |
2008 (April 2008) - 2009 (March 2009) |
IIiX: Information Interaction in Context |
2006 (October 2006) - 2014 (August 2014) |
ILC: International Lisp Conference |
2009 (April 2007) - 2014 (August 2014) |
IMC: Internet Measurement Conference |
2003 (October 2003) - 2016 (November 2016) |
IMCE: Interactive Multimedia for Consumer Electronics |
2009 (October 2009) - 2009 (October 2009) |
IMW: Internet Measurement Workshop |
2001 (November 2001) - 2002 (November 2002) |
INA-OCMC: Interconnection Network Architecture: On-Chip, Multi-Chip |
2011 (January 2011) - 2014 (January 2014) |
INM: Internet Network Management |
2006 (September 2006) - 2007 (August 2007) |
INT3: Intelligent Narrative Technologies |
2010 (June 2010) - 2010 (June 2010) |
INTERACT: Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architecture |
2010 (March 2010) - 2010 (March 2010) |
INTETAIN: Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment |
2007 (January 2008) - 2007 (January 2008) |
IOPADS: I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems |
1996 (May 1996) - 1999 (May 1999) |
IPSN: Information Processing in Sensor Networks |
2004 (April 2004) - 2017 (April 2017) |
IPT/EDT: Immersive Projection technologies/Emerging Display Technologies |
2008 (August 2008) - 2008 (August 2008) |
IPTComm: Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications |
2007 (July 2007) - 2015 (October 2015) |
IQIS: Information Quality in Information Systems |
2004 (June 2004) - 2005 (June 2005) |
IR: Intermediate Representations |
1995 (March 1995) - 1995 (March 1995) |
IRAL: Information Retrieval with Asian Languages |
2000 (November 2000) - 2000 (November 2000) |
1957 (February 1957) - 1961 (May 1961) |
IRTAW: Real-Time Ada |
1987 (October 1987) - 2007 (April 2007) |
IS: Guidelines for undergraduate degree programs on Model curriculum and guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in information systems |
1997 (December 1997) - 1997 (December 1997) |
ISA: Indoor Spatial Awareness |
2010 (November 2010) - 2016 (October 2016) |
ISAW: Software Architecture Workshop |
1996 (October 1996) - 1998 (November 1998) |
ISB: International Symposium on Biocomputing |
2010 (February 2010) - 2010 (February 2010) |
ISCA: International Symposium on Computer Architecture |
1973 (December 1973) - 2016 (June 2016) |
ISEC: India Software Engineering Conference |
2008 (February 2008) - 2017 (February 2017) |
ISESE: International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering |
2002 (October 2002) - 2006 (September 2006) |
ISLPED: International Symposium on Low Power Electronic Design |
1995 (April 1995) - 2016 (August 2016) |
ISMAR: Mixed and Augmented Reality |
2002 (September 2002) - 2009 (October 2009) |
ISMIS: International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems |
1986 (December 1986) - 1986 (December 1986) |
ISMM: Memory Management |
1998 (October 1998) - 2016 (June 2016) |
ISPA: Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications |
2003 (July 2003) - 2004 (December 2004) |
ISPD: Physical Design |
1997 (April 1997) - 2017 (March 2017) |
ISPW: International Software Process Workshop |
1988 (April 1988) - 1996 (June 1996) |
ISQED: Quality Electronic Design |
2006 (March 2006) - 2006 (March 2006) |
ISSAC: International Symposium of Symbolic and Algebraic Computation |
1989 (July 1989) - 2016 (July 2016) |
ISSS: International Symposium on System Synthesis |
1994 (May 1994) - 2002 (October 2002) |
ISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis |
1993 (August 1993) - 2016 (July 2016) |
ISTA: Information Science, Technology and Applications |
2009 (March 2009) - 2009 (March 2009) |
ISWSA: Intelligent Semantic Web — Services and Applications |
2010 (June 2010) - 2011 (April 2011) |
ITS: Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces |
2009 (November 2009) - 2015 (November 2015) |
ITiCSE: Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education |
1996 (June 1996) - 2016 (July 2016) |
IUCS: International Universal Communication Symposium |
2009 (December 2009) - 2009 (December 2009) |
IUI: Intelligent User Interfaces |
1993 (February 1993) - 2017 (March 2017) |
IVME: Interpreters, Virtual Machines and Emulators |
2003 (June 2003) - 2004 (June 2004) |
IW-SOSWE: Service Oriented Software Engineering |
2007 (September 2007) - 2007 (September 2007) |
IWAAPF: Application and Advances of Problem Frames |
2006 (May 2006) - 2008 (May 2008) |
IWACO: International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership in Object-Oriented Programming |
2009 (July 2009) - 2009 (July 2009) |
IWCMC: International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference |
2006 (July 2006) - 2010 (June 2010) |
IWCTS: Computational Transportation Science |
2009 (November 2009) - 2016 (October 2016) |
IWDE: Digital Engineering |
2010 (June 2010) - 2010 (June 2010) |
IWGS: International Workshop on GeoStreaming |
2010 (November 2010) - 2016 (October 2016) |
IWIC: Intercultural Collaboration |
2009 (February 2009) - 2009 (February 2009) |
IWICSS: Incorporating COTS Software into Software Systems |
2007 (May 2007) - 2007 (May 2007) |
IWMCP: Model Comparison in Practice |
2010 (July 2010) - 2011 (June 2011) |
IWMSE: Multicore Software Engineering |
2008 (May 2008) - 2011 (May 2011) |
IWOCE: Open Component EcoSystems |
2009 (August 2009) - 2009 (August 2009) |
IWPSE-EVOL: Software Evolution and Principles of Software Evolution |
2010 (September 2010) - 2011 (September 2011) |
IWPSE: Principles of Software Evolution |
2001 (September 2001) - 2015 (August 2015) |
IWQoS: Quality of Service |
2003 (June 2003) - 2012 (June 2012) |
IWRIDL: Research Issues in Digital Libraries |
2007 (December 2006) - 2007 (December 2006) |
IWSC: Software Clones |
2010 (May 2010) - 2013 (May 2013) |
IWSESS: Software Engineering for Secure Systems |
2009 (May 2009) - 2009 (May 2009) |
IWSSD: International Workshop on Software Specification and Design |
1989 (April 1989) - 2000 (November 2000) |
IWST: Smalltalk Technologies |
2009 (August 2009) - 2016 (August 2016) |
IWSTI: Satellite/Terrestrial Interworking |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
IWVS: Video Surveillance |
2003 (November 2003) - 2003 (November 2003) |
InfoScale: Scalable Information Systems |
2006 (May 2006) - 2007 (June 2007) |
InfoSecCD: Information Security Curriculum Development |
2004 (October 2004) - 2015 (October 2015) |
InfoSecu: Information Security |
2004 (November 2004) - 2004 (November 2004) |
Insider Threats: Insider Threats |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
InterSense: Integrated Internet Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks |
2006 (May 2006) - 2006 (May 2006) |
Internetware: Internetware |
2009 (October 2009) - 2016 (September 2016) |
Interperf: Interdisciplinary Systems Approach in Performance Evaluation and Design of Computer & Communications Systems |
2006 (October 2006) - 2006 (October 2006) |
JAVA: Java Grande |
1999 (June 1999) - 2000 (June 2000) |
JCDL: Joint Conference on Digital Libraries |
2001 (January 2001) - 2016 (June 2016) |
JGI: ACM-ISCOPE conference on Java Grande |
2001 (June 2001) - 2002 (November 2002) |
JTRES: Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems |
2006 (October 2006) - 2016 (August 2016) |
K-CAP: Knowledge Capture |
2001 (October 2001) - 2015 (October 2015) |
KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining |
1999 (August 1999) - 2016 (August 2016) |
KEYS: Keyword Search on Structured Data |
2009 (June 2009) - 2012 (May 2012) |
Koli Calling: Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research |
2010 (October 2010) - 2016 (November 2016) |
Koli: Computing Education Research |
2008 (November 2008) - 2008 (November 2008) |
LADIS: Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware |
2008 (September 2008) - 2010 (July 2010) |
LANC: Latin American Networking Conference |
2003 (October 2003) - 2016 (October 2016) |
LATE: Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution |
2007 (March 2007) - 2008 (March 2008) |
LBSN: Location Based Social Networks |
2009 (November 2009) - 2016 (October 2016) |
LCR: Languages, Compilers, and Run-time Support for Scalable Systems |
2004 (October 2004) - 2004 (October 2004) |
LCSD: Library-Centric Software Design |
2007 (October 2007) - 2007 (October 2007) |
LCTES: Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems |
1995 (November 1995) - 2016 (June 2016) |
LDTA: Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications |
2010 (March 2010) - 2012 (March 2012) |
LFMTP: Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages |
2009 (August 2009) - 2016 (June 2016) |
LFP: LISP and Functional Programming |
1980 (August 1980) - 1994 (July 1994) |
LISP: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Lisp |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
LMSA: Leadership and Management in Software Architecture |
2008 (May 2008) - 2009 (May 2009) |
LOCWEB: Location and the Web |
2008 (April 2008) - 2014 (November 2014) |
LS-MMRM: Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval and Mining |
2009 (October 2009) - 2009 (October 2009) |
LSAD: Large-Scale Attack Defense |
2006 (September 2006) - 2007 (August 2007) |
LSAP: Large-scale System and Application Performance |
2009 (June 2009) - 2011 (June 2011) |
LSDS-IR: Large-Scale Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval |
2008 (October 2008) - 2015 (October 2015) |
LUV: LISP Users and Vendors |
1992 (August 1992) - 1995 (August 1994) |
LinkKDD: Link Discovery |
2005 (August 2005) - 2005 (August 2005) |
M-MPAC: Middleware for Pervasive Mobile and Embedded Computing |
2009 (November 2009) - 2011 (December 2011) |
MACS: Modeling and Analysis of Concerns in Software |
2005 (May 2005) - 2005 (May 2005) |
MAI: Middleware Application Interaction |
2007 (March 2007) - 2009 (June 2009) |
MASPEGHI: MechAnisms for SPEcialization, Generalization and inHerItance |
2010 (June 2010) - 2007 (July 2015) |
MAW: Memory Access on Future Processors |
2008 (May 2008) - 2008 (May 2008) |
MB: Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research |
2010 (August 2010) - 2010 (August 2010) |
MC: Middleware Companion |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
MCMC: Mobile Cloud Media Computing |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
MCPS: Contents Protection and Security |
2006 (October 2006) - 2006 (October 2006) |
MCS: Mobile Cloud Computing and Services |
2010 (June 2010) - 2015 (September 2015) |
MD: Massive Datasets |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
MDAC: Massive Data Analytics on the Cloud |
2010 (April 2010) - 2010 (April 2010) |
MDI: Model-Drive Interoperability |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
MDM: Mobile Data Management |
2005 (May 2005) - 2010 (May 2010) |
MDMKDD: Multimedia Data Mining |
2010 (July 2010) - 2013 (August 2013) |
MDS: Middleware Doctoral Symposium |
2006 (November 2006) - 2016 (December 2016) |
MEDEA: Memory Performance: Dealing with Applications, Systems and Architecture |
2003 (September 2003) - 2009 (September 2009) |
MEDES: Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems |
2009 (October 2009) - 2016 (November 2016) |
MELT: Mobile Entity Localization and Tracking in GPS-Less Environment |
2008 (September 2008) - 2015 (November 2015) |
MEMOCODE: Formal Methods and Models for Co-Design |
2003 (June 2003) - 2015 (September 2015) |
MERLIN: Mechanized Reasoning about Languages with Variable Binding |
2003 (August 2003) - 2005 (September 2005) |
MG: Mardi Gras Conference |
2008 (January 2008) - 2008 (January 2008) |
MGC: Middleware for Grids, Clouds and e-Science |
2004 (October 2004) - 2012 (December 2012) |
MHC: Multimedia for Human Communication |
2005 (November 2005) - 2005 (November 2005) |
MICNET: Mobile Internet Through Cellular Networks |
2009 (September 2009) - 2009 (September 2009) |
MICRO: Microarchitecture |
1972 (September 1972) - 2015 (December 2015) |
MIIT: Model Inference In Testing |
2010 (July 2010) - 2010 (July 2010) |
MIR: Multimedia Information Retrieval |
2003 (November 2003) - 2010 (March 2010) |
MIS: Metainformatics |
2005 (November 2005) - 2005 (November 2005) |
MISE: Modeling in Software Engineering |
2007 (May 2007) - 2009 (May 2009) |
ML: ML |
2006 (September 2006) - 2009 (August 2009) |
MLG: Mining and Learning with Graphs |
2010 (July 2010) - 2010 (July 2010) |
MLPA: Modules and Libraries for Proof Assistants |
2009 (August 2009) - 2009 (August 2009) |
MMDB: Multimedia Databases |
2003 (November 2003) - 2004 (November 2004) |
MML: Machine Learning and Music |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
MMSys: Multimedia Systems |
2010 (February 2010) - 2016 (May 2016) |
MNCNA: Middleware for Next-Generation Converged Networks and Applications |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
MOBILWARE: Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems, and Applications |
2007 (February 2008) - 2007 (February 2008) |
MOCR: Multilingual OCR |
2009 (July 2009) - 2013 (August 2013) |
MODDM: Model Driven Development for Middleware |
2006 (November 2006) - 2006 (November 2006) |
MOMPES: Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software |
2010 (September 2010) - 2010 (September 2010) |
MPAC: Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing |
2004 (October 2004) - 2008 (December 2008) |
MPEC: Models and Processes for the Evaluation of Off-the-Shelf Components |
2005 (May 2005) - 2005 (May 2005) |
MPVA: Multimodal Pervasive Video Analysis |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
MRDM: Multi-Relational Mining |
2005 (August 2005) - 2005 (August 2005) |
MS: Multimedia Semantics |
2007 (September 2007) - 2008 (October 2008) |
MSC: Multimedia Service Composition |
2005 (November 2005) - 2005 (November 2005) |
MSFP: Mathematically Structured Functional Programming |
2010 (September 2010) - 2010 (September 2010) |
MSIADU: Media Studies and Implementations that Help Improving Access to Disabled Users |
2009 (October 2009) - 2009 (October 2009) |
MSM: Modeling Social Media |
2010 (June 2010) - 2015 (April 2015) |
MSPC: Memory System Performance and Correctness |
2002 (June 2002) - 2014 (June 2014) |
MSR: Mining Software Repositories |
2005 (May 2005) - 2016 (May 2016) |
MSWiM: Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems |
1999 (August 1999) - 2016 (November 2016) |
MTAGS: Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers |
2009 (November 2009) - 2016 (November 2016) |
MTDL: Multimedia Technologies for Distance Learning |
2009 (October 2009) - 2011 (December 2011) |
MUCS: Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
MULTIMEDIA: Multimedia |
1993 (September 1993) - 2016 (October 2016) |
MUM: Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia |
2004 (October 2004) - 2016 (December 2016) |
MV: Mobile Video |
2007 (September 2007) - 2007 (September 2007) |
MW: Multimedia Middleware |
2001 (October 2001) - 2012 (September 2012) |
MWSOC: Middleware for Service Oriented Computing |
2006 (November 2006) - 2011 (December 2011) |
MetriSec: Security Measurements and Metrics |
2010 (September 2010) - 2012 (September 2012) |
MiFor: Multimedia in Forensics |
2009 (October 2009) - 2011 (November 2011) |
MiNEMA: Middleware for Network Eccentric and Mobile Applications |
2008 (April 2008) - 2008 (April 2008) |
MiSE: Models in Software Engineering |
2008 (May 2008) - 2016 (May 2016) |
MidSec: Middleware Security |
2008 (December 2008) - 2008 (December 2008) |
MidSens: Middleware Tools, Services and Run-Time Support for Sensor Networks |
2006 (November 2006) - 2012 (December 2012) |
Middleware Industrial Track: Middleware Industrial Track |
2010 (November 2010) - 2016 (December 2016) |
Middleware: Middleware |
2000 (April 2000) - 2016 (November 2016) |
MindTrek: Mind Trek |
2008 (October 2008) - 2016 (October 2016) |
MineNet: Mining Network Data |
2005 (August 2005) - 2007 (June 2007) |
MoDELS: Models in software engineering |
2005 (October 2005) - 2016 (October 2016) |
MoDeVVa: Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation |
2009 (October 2009) - 2012 (October 2012) |
MoMM: Mobile Computing and Multimedia |
2008 (November 2008) - 2016 (November 2016) |
MoMeTools: Models, Methods and Tools for Reproducible Network Research |
2003 (August 2003) - 2003 (August 2003) |
MoSE+DQS: Model Driven Service Engineering and Data Quality and Security |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
MoViD: Mobile Video Delivery |
2010 (October 2010) - 2016 (May 2016) |
MobConQoE: Mobile Content Quality of Experience |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
MobMid: Mobile Middleware |
2008 (December 2008) - 2008 (December 2008) |
MobiArch: Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture |
2006 (December 2006) - 2016 (October 2016) |
MobiCom: Mobile Computing |
1995 (December 1995) - 2016 (October 2016) |
MobiDE: Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access |
1999 (August 1999) - 2013 (June 2013) |
MobiEval: System Evaluation for Mobile Platforms |
2007 (June 2007) - 2007 (June 2007) |
MobiHeld: Networking, Systems, and Applications for Mobile Handhelds |
2009 (August 2009) - 2011 (October 2011) |
MobiHoc: Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing |
2000 (November 2000) - 2016 (July 2016) |
MobiMedia: Mobile Multimedia Communications |
2006 (September 2006) - 2016 (June 2016) |
MobiOpp: Mobile Opportunistic Networking |
2007 (June 2007) - 2012 (March 2012) |
MobiShare: Decentralized Resource Sharing in Mobile Computing and Networking |
2006 (September 2006) - 2006 (September 2006) |
MobiSys: Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services |
2003 (May 2003) - 2016 (June 2016) |
MobiVirt: Virtualization in Mobile Computing |
2008 (June 2008) - 2008 (June 2008) |
MobiWac: Mobility Management and Wireless Access |
2002 (October 2002) - 2016 (November 2016) |
MobileHCI: Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services |
2005 (September 2005) - 2016 (September 2016) |
Mobility: Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems |
2006 (October 2006) - 2009 (September 2009) |
MobilityModels: Mobility Models |
2008 (May 2008) - 2008 (May 2008) |
NAOMI: Next Generation Aspect Oriented Middleware |
2008 (April 2008) - 2008 (April 2008) |
NDA: Network Data Anonymization |
2008 (October 2008) - 2017 (May 2017) |
NETFLIX: Large-Scale Recommender Systems and the Netflix Prize Competition |
2008 (August 2008) - 2008 (August 2008) |
NICELI: Network-I/O Convergence |
2003 (August 2003) - 2003 (August 2003) |
NIME: New Interfaces for Musical Expression |
2007 (June 2007) - 2007 (June 2007) |
NOSSDAV: Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video |
2001 (January 2001) - 2016 (May 2016) |
NOTERE: New Technologies in Distributed Systems |
2008 (June 2008) - 2008 (June 2008) |
NPAR: Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering |
2000 (June 2000) - 2015 (June 2015) |
NPIV: New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation |
1997 (November 1997) - 1998 (November 1998) |
1999 (November 1999) - 1999 (November 1999) |
NRBC: Next-Generation Residential Broadband Challenges |
2004 (October 2004) - 2004 (October 2004) |
NSDI: Networked Systems Design & Implementation |
2005 (May 2005) - 2014 (April 2014) |
NSDR: Networked Systems for Developing Regions |
2007 (August 2007) - 2011 (June 2011) |
NSEC: National Software Engineering Conference |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
NSPW: New Security Paradigms and Workshop |
1993 (August 1993) - 2016 (September 2016) |
Nanoarch: Nanoscale Architectures |
2007 (October 2007) - 2014 (July 2014) |
NetEcon: Economics of Networked Systems |
2008 (August 2008) - 2010 (October 2010) |
NetGames: Network and Systems Support for Games |
2002 (April 2002) - 2015 (December 2015) |
NetT: Network Troubleshooting |
2004 (September 2004) - 2004 (September 2004) |
NoCArc: Network on Chip Architectures |
2009 (December 2009) - 2016 (October 2016) |
NordiCHI: Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction |
2002 (October 2002) - 2016 (October 2016) |
OBI: Ontology-supported Business Intelligence |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
OM: Optimization of Middleware and Distributed Systems |
2001 (August 2001) - 2001 (August 2001) |
ONISW: Ontologies and Information Systems for the Semantic Web |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
OODS: Object-Oriented Database Systems |
1986 (September 1986) - 1986 (September 1986) |
1986 (June 1986) - 1986 (June 1986) |
OSDI: Operating Systems Design and Implementation |
1994 (November 1994) - 2016 (November 2016) |
OSDM: Open Source Data Mining |
2005 (August 2005) - 2005 (August 2005) |
OZCHI: Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group: Design |
2006 (November 2006) - 2016 (November 2016) |
P2PECON: Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems |
2005 (August 2005) - 2005 (August 2005) |
2005 (November 2005) - 2006 (November 2006) |
PACT: Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques |
1993 (January 1993) - 2016 (September 2016) |
PADD: Parallel and Distributed Debugging |
1988 (November 1988) - 1993 (December 1993) |
PADS: Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation |
1993 (July 1993) - 2017 (May 2017) |
PADTAD: Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging |
2006 (July 2006) - 2012 (July 2012) |
PAIS: Privacy and Anonymity in Information Society |
2008 (March 2008) - 2011 (March 2011) |
PASCO: Parallel Symbolic Computation |
1997 (July 1997) - 2015 (July 2015) |
PASTE: Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering |
1998 (July 1998) - 2013 (June 2013) |
PAVLAD: Privacy and Anonymity for Very Large Databases |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
PCAR: Practical Cognitive Agents and Robots |
2006 (November 2006) - 2010 (May 2010) |
PCGames: Procedural Content Generation in Games |
2010 (June 2010) - 2011 (June 2011) |
PCK: Principles of Computing & Knowledge |
2003 (June 2003) - 2003 (June 2003) |
PCS: Personal Computer Security |
1986 (September 1986) - 1986 (September 1986) |
PDC: Participatory Design |
2004 (July 2004) - 2016 (August 2016) |
PDSW: Petascale Data Storage |
2007 (November 2007) - 2016 (November 2016) |
PE-WASUN: Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad hoc Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks |
2004 (October 2004) - 2016 (November 2016) |
PEICS: Pattern-Driven Engineering of Interactive Computing Systems |
2010 (July 2010) - 2011 (June 2011) |
PEPM: Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation |
1991 (May 1991) - 2017 (January 2017) |
PERFORMANCE: Computer Performance Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation |
1980 (May 1980) - 1980 (May 1980) |
PESOS: Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems |
2009 (May 2009) - 2015 (May 2015) |
PETRA: Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments |
2008 (July 2008) - 2016 (June 2016) |
PGAS: Partitioned Global Address Space Programing Models |
2009 (October 2009) - 2014 (October 2014) |
PIKM: Ph.D. Students in Information and Knowledge Management |
2007 (November 2007) - 2015 (October 2015) |
PINS: Practice and Theory of Incentives in Networked Systems |
2004 (September 2004) - 2004 (September 2004) |
PLAS: Programming Languages and Analysis for Security |
2006 (June 2006) - 2016 (October 2016) |
PLATE: Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution |
2009 (March 2009) - 2009 (March 2009) |
PLDI: Programming Language Design and Implementation |
1988 (June 1988) - 2016 (June 2016) |
PLEASE: Product Line Approaches in Software Engineering |
2010 (May 2010) - 2015 (May 2015) |
PLOS: Programming Languages and Operating Systems |
2006 (October 2006) - 2015 (October 2015) |
PLPV: Programming Languages Meets Program Verification |
2007 (October 2007) - 2014 (January 2014) |
PLoP: Pattern Languages of Programs |
2006 (October 2006) - 2011 (October 2011) |
PMHWN: Performance Monitoring and Measurement of Heterogenous Wireless and Wired Networks |
2006 (October 2006) - 2013 (November 2013) |
PODC: Principles of Distributed Computing |
1982 (August 1982) - 2016 (July 2016) |
PODS: Principles of Database Systems |
1982 (March 1982) - 2017 (May 2017) |
POMC: Principles of Mobile Computing |
2002 (October 2002) - 2002 (October 2002) |
POOSC: Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing |
2009 (July 2009) - 2010 (October 2010) |
POPL: Principles of Programming Languages |
1973 (October 1973) - 2017 (January 2017) |
PP-TV: Peer-to-Peer Streaming and IP-TV |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
PPDP: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming |
2000 (September 2000) - 2016 (September 2016) |
PPEALS: Parallel Programming: Experience with Applications, Languages and Systems |
1988 (January 1988) - 1988 (January 1988) |
PPMMS: Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming |
2005 (November 2005) - 2005 (November 2005) |
PPPJ: Principles and Practice of Programming in Java |
2006 (August 2006) - 2016 (August 2016) |
PPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming |
1990 (February 1990) - 2017 (January 2017) |
PRESTO: Programmable Routers for Extensible Services of Tomorrow |
2008 (August 2008) - 2010 (November 2010) |
PROCAMS: Projector Camera Systems |
2008 (August 2008) - 2008 (August 2008) |
PROMISE: Predictor Models in Software Engineering |
2005 (May 2005) - 2016 (September 2016) |
PRS: Parallel Rendering |
1993 (November 1993) - 1997 (October 1997) |
PST: Privacy, Security and Trust |
2006 (October 2006) - 2006 (October 2006) |
PUI: Perceptive User Interfaces |
2001 (November 2001) - 2001 (November 2001) |
PVG: Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics |
2001 (October 2001) - 2003 (October 2003) |
PVGS: Parallel Visualization and Graphics |
1999 (October 1999) - 1999 (October 1999) |
PaIR: Patent Information Retrieval |
2008 (October 2008) - 2011 (October 2011) |
PerMIS: Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems |
2007 (August 2007) - 2012 (March 2012) |
Persuasive: Persuasive Technology |
2009 (April 2009) - 2009 (April 2009) |
Ph.D.: EDBT Ph.D. workshop |
2008 (March 2008) - 2008 (March 2008) |
QSWinet: Quality of Service and Security for Wireless in Mobile Networks |
2005 (October 2005) - 2016 (November 2016) |
QShine: Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness |
2006 (August 2006) - 2008 (July 2008) |
QTNA: Queueing Theory and Network Applications |
2009 (July 2009) - 2016 (December 2016) |
QUASOSS: Quality of Service-Oriented Software Systems |
2009 (August 2009) - 2010 (October 2010) |
QUOVADIS: Quantitative Stochastic Models in the Verification and Design of Software Systems |
2010 (May 2010) - 2010 (May 2010) |
QUTE-SWAP: Quantitative Techniques for Software Agile Process |
2004 (November 2004) - 2004 (November 2004) |
QoP: Quality of Protection |
2006 (October 2006) - 2008 (October 2008) |
RAM-SE: Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution |
2009 (July 2009) - 2012 (June 2012) |
RAOOL: Relationships and Associations in Object-Oriented Languages |
2009 (July 2009) - 2009 (July 2009) |
RBAC: Role-Based Access Control |
1996 (December 1996) - 2000 (July 2000) |
REALMAN: Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks |
2006 (May 2006) - 2006 (May 2006) |
REALWSN: Real-world Wireless Sensor Networks |
2008 (April 2008) - 2008 (April 2008) |
REBSE: Realising Evidence-Based Software Engineering |
2005 (May 2005) - 2007 (May 2007) |
RECOMB: Resaerch in Computational Molecular Biology |
1997 (January 1997) - 2004 (March 2004) |
RIPQoS: Revisiting IP QoS |
2003 (August 2003) - 2003 (August 2003) |
RKRAS: Research In Knowledge Representation For Autonomous Systems |
2005 (November 2005) - 2005 (November 2005) |
ROA: Role of Abstraction in Software Engineering |
2006 (May 2006) - 2008 (May 2008) |
ROSATEA: Role of Software Architecture for Testing and Analysis |
2006 (July 2006) - 2006 (July 2006) |
RSSE: Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering |
2008 (November 2008) - 2014 (June 2014) |
RT: Randon Testing |
2006 (July 2006) - 2007 (November 2007) |
RULE: Rule-Based Programming |
2002 (October 2002) - 2002 (October 2002) |
ReArch: Re-architecting the Internet |
2009 (December 2009) - 2010 (November 2010) |
RecSys: Recommender Systems |
2007 (October 2007) - 2016 (September 2016) |
Resilience: Resilience in High Performance |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
S&D4RCES;: Security and Dependability for Resource Constrained Embedded Systems |
2010 (September 2010) - 2010 (September 2010) |
S3: Wireless of the Students, by the Students, for the Students |
2008 (February 2008) - 2016 (October 2016) |
SAC: Symposium on Applied Computing |
1986 (October 1986) - 2016 (April 2016) |
SACLA: Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
SACMAT: Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies |
2001 (May 2001) - 2016 (June 2016) |
SADPI: Semantically Aware Document Processing and Indexing |
2007 (May 2007) - 2007 (May 2007) |
SAICSIT: South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists |
2004 (October 2004) - 2016 (September 2016) |
SAM: Software Architectures and Mobility |
2008 (May 2008) - 2015 (May 2015) |
SAME: Semantic Ambient Media Experiences |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
SANET: Sensor and Actor Networks |
2007 (September 2007) - 2007 (September 2007) |
SAPMIA: Social, Adaptive and Personalized Multimedia Interaction and Access |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
SAS: Static Analysis |
2003 (June 2003) - 2003 (June 2003) |
SASN: Security of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks |
2003 (October 2003) - 2006 (October 2006) |
SAVCBS: Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems |
2005 (September 2005) - 2009 (August 2009) |
SAW: Static Analysis |
2008 (June 2008) - 2008 (June 2008) |
SBCCI: Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design |
1998 (January 1998) - 2015 (August 2015) |
SBIM: Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling |
2007 (August 2007) - 2015 (June 2015) |
SC: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis |
1988 (November 1988) - 2016 (November 2016) |
SCA: Symposium on Computer Animation |
2002 (July 2002) - 2016 (July 2016) |
SCC: Services Computing |
2009 (September 2009) - 2017 (April 2017) |
SCCG: Spring Conference on Computer graphics |
2001 (April 2001) - 2016 (April 2016) |
SCE: Summit on Computing Education |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
SCESM: Scenarios and State Machines |
2005 (May 2005) - 2007 (May 2007) |
SCM: Software Configuration Management |
1989 (October 1989) - 2005 (September 2005) |
SCN: Simulation of Computer Networks |
1987 (August 1987) - 1987 (August 1987) |
SCOPES: Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems |
2005 (September 2005) - 2016 (May 2016) |
SCORE: Software Metrics |
1982 (August 1982) - 1982 (August 1982) |
SCSC: Summer Computer Simulation Conference |
2007 (July 2007) - 2013 (July 2013) |
SDDDM: Dependable Distributed Data Management |
2008 (April 2008) - 2009 (March 2009) |
SDE: Software Development Environments |
1984 (April 1984) - 1992 (November 1992) |
SDG: Software Development Governance |
2008 (May 2008) - 2010 (May 2010) |
SDSOA: Systems Development in SOA Environments |
2007 (May 2007) - 2008 (May 2008) |
SE-HPC: Software Engineering for High Performance Computing Applications |
2005 (May 2005) - 2007 (May 2007) |
SEAMS: Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems |
2006 (May 2006) - 2016 (May 2016) |
SEAS: Software Engineering for Automotive Systems |
2005 (May 2005) - 2007 (May 2007) |
SECSE: Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering |
2009 (May 2009) - 2011 (May 2011) |
SEESE: Software Engineering in East and South Europe |
2008 (May 2008) - 2008 (May 2008) |
SEEUP: Software Engineering Foundations for End User Programming |
2009 (May 2009) - 2009 (May 2009) |
SEHC: Software Engineering in Health Care |
2009 (May 2009) - 2013 (May 2013) |
SEKE: Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering |
2002 (July 2002) - 2002 (July 2002) |
SELMAS: Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems |
2005 (May 2005) - 2006 (May 2006) |
SEM: Software Engineering and Middleware |
2005 (September 2005) - 2014 (September 2014) |
SEMSEARCH: Semantic Search |
2010 (April 2010) - 2010 (April 2010) |
SEPCASE: Software Engineering for Pervasive Computing Applications, Systems, and Environments |
2007 (May 2007) - 2007 (May 2007) |
SEPS: Software Engineering for Pervasive Services |
2008 (July 2008) - 2016 (October 2016) |
SERENE: Software Engineering for Resilient Systems |
2008 (November 2008) - 2008 (November 2008) |
SESENA: Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications |
2010 (May 2010) - 2012 (June 2012) |
SESS: Software Engineering for Secure Systems |
2005 (May 2005) - 2011 (May 2011) |
SETA: Symposium on Environments and Tools for Ada |
1991 (April 1991) - 1994 (September 1994) |
SETMDM: Software Engineering for Tailor-Made Data Management |
2008 (March 2008) - 2008 (March 2008) |
SGP: Symposium on Geometry Processing |
2003 (June 2003) - 2016 (June 2016) |
SHARK: Sharing and Reusing Architectural Knowledge |
2007 (May 2007) - 2011 (May 2011) |
1972 (October 1972) - 1973 (October 1973) |
SIGAda: SIGAda International Conference on Ada |
1985 (May 1985) - 2011 (November 2011) |
SIGBDP: SIGBDP Conference on Trends and Directions in Expert Systems |
1990 (September 1990) - 1990 (September 1990) |
SIGCOMM LA: Data Communication in Latin America and the Caribbean |
2001 (April 2001) - 2001 (April 2001) |
1977 (September 1977) - 2016 (August 2016) |
SIGCSE: Computer Science Education |
1970 (January 1970) - 2017 (March 2017) |
SIGDOC: Design of Communication |
1982 (January 1982) - 2016 (September 2016) |
SIGFIDET: Data Description, Access and Control |
1970 (November 1970) - 1975 (January 1975) |
SIGGRAPH Asia: Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference - Asia |
2008 (December 2008) - 2016 (November 2016) |
SIGGRAPH: Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference |
1974 (July 1974) - 2016 (July 2016) |
SIGIR: Information Retrieval |
1971 (April 1971) - 2016 (July 2016) |
SIGITE: Information Technology Education |
2003 (October 2003) - 2016 (September 2016) |
SIGME: SIGME Symposium |
1973 (January 1973) - 1973 (January 1973) |
SIGMETRICS: Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems |
1974 (January 1974) - 2016 (June 2016) |
SIGMINI: SIGMINI Symposium on Small Systems |
1976 (March 1976) - 1978 (August 1978) |
SIGMOD: Management of Data |
1975 (May 1975) - 2017 (May 2017) |
1973 (November 1973) - 1987 (July 1987) |
SIGSMALL: SIGSMALL/PC Symposium on Small Systems |
1979 (October 1979) - 1991 (May 1991) |
SIGSOFT: Foundations of Software Engineering |
1983 (January 1983) - 2016 (November 2016) |
SIGUCCS: User Services |
1972 (January 1972) - 2016 (November 2016) |
SIMPLEX: Simplifying Complex Network for Practitioners |
2009 (July 2009) - 2012 (April 2012) |
SIMUTools: Simulation Tools and Techniques |
2010 (March 2010) - 2016 (August 2016) |
SIN: Security of Information and Networks |
2009 (October 2009) - 2016 (July 2016) |
SINTER: Software Integration and Evolution at Runtime |
2009 (August 2009) - 2009 (August 2009) |
SIPE: Services Integration in Pervasive Environments |
2008 (July 2008) - 2009 (July 2009) |
SISAP: Similarity Search and Applications |
2008 (April 2008) - 2011 (June 2011) |
SLIP: System Level Interconnect Prediction |
2000 (April 2000) - 2016 (June 2016) |
SLIPE: Symposium on Language Issues in Programming Environments |
1985 (June 1985) - 1985 (June 1985) |
SM: Solid Modelling and Applications |
1991 (May 1991) - 2004 (June 2004) |
SMARTGRAPH: Smart Graphics |
2002 (June 2002) - 2002 (June 2002) |
SMCtools: Tools for Solving Structured Markov Chains |
2006 (October 2006) - 2006 (October 2006) |
SMT: Satisfiability Modulo Theories |
2008 (July 2008) - 2009 (August 2009) |
SMUC: Search and Mining User-generated Contents |
2010 (October 2010) - 2011 (October 2011) |
SMVC: Surreal Media and Virtual Cloning |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
SNA-KDD: Social Network Mining and Analysis |
2009 (June 2009) - 2014 (August 2014) |
SNAPI: Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os |
2003 (September 2003) - 2004 (September 2004) |
SNC: Symbolic-Numeric Computation |
2007 (July 2007) - 2014 (July 2014) |
SNS: Social Network Systems |
2010 (April 2010) - 2012 (April 2012) |
SOAR: Self-organizing Architectures |
2010 (June 2010) - 2010 (June 2010) |
SOCP: Service-oriented Computing Performance |
2007 (June 2007) - 2007 (June 2007) |
SODA: Symposium on Discrete Algorithms |
1990 (January 1990) - 2017 (January 2017) |
SOMITAS: Software Organisation and Monitoring of Ambient Systems |
2008 (February 2008) - 2008 (February 2008) |
SOQUA: Software Quality Assurance |
2006 (November 2006) - 2007 (September 2007) |
SOSE: Service-Oriented Software Engineering |
2006 (May 2006) - 2006 (May 2006) |
SOSOC: Security in Opportunistic and Social networks |
2008 (September 2008) - 2008 (September 2008) |
SOSP: Symposium on Operating Systems Principles |
1967 (January 1967) - 2015 (October 2015) |
SOUPS: Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security |
2005 (July 2005) - 2013 (July 2013) |
SP: Security and Privacy |
1996 (May 1996) - 1996 (May 1996) |
SPAA: Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures |
1989 (March 1989) - 2016 (July 2016) |
SPDT: Parallel and Distributed Tools |
1996 (January 1996) - 1998 (August 1998) |
SPIMACS: Security and Privacy in Medical and Home-Care Systems |
2009 (November 2009) - 2010 (October 2010) |
SPIN: SPIN workshop on Model Checking of Software |
2001 (May 2001) - 2014 (July 2014) |
SPLASH: Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications |
1986 (June 1986) - 2016 (October 2016) |
SPLAT: Software Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies |
2007 (March 2007) - 2008 (March 2008) |
SPM: Geometric and Physical Modeling |
2005 (June 2005) - 2010 (September 2010) |
SPRINGL: Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS |
2008 (November 2008) - 2011 (November 2011) |
SRMC: Story Representation, Mechanism and Context |
2004 (October 2004) - 2008 (October 2008) |
SSCS: Searching Spontaneous COnversational Speech |
2009 (October 2009) - 2010 (October 2010) |
SSEE: Summit on Software Engineering Eductation |
2006 (May 2006) - 2006 (May 2006) |
SSM: Search in Social Media |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
SSPS: Scalable Stream Processing System |
2008 (March 2008) - 2008 (March 2008) |
SSPW: Social Signal Processing |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
SSR: Symposium on Software Reusability |
1995 (August 1995) - 2001 (May 2001) |
SSRS: Survivable and Self-Regenerative Systems |
2003 (October 2003) - 2003 (October 2003) |
STC: Scalable Trusted Computing |
2006 (November 2006) - 2012 (October 2012) |
STOC: Symposium on Theory of Computing |
1969 (May 1969) - 2016 (June 2016) |
STOP: Script to Program Evolution |
2009 (July 2009) - 2009 (July 2009) |
STOV: Software Test Output Validation |
2010 (July 2010) - 2010 (July 2010) |
SUITE: Search-driven Development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation |
2009 (May 2009) - 2011 (May 2011) |
SVR: SIGGRAPH Video Review |
2001 (August 2001) - 2003 (July 2003) |
SWS: Secure Web Services |
2004 (October 2004) - 2009 (November 2009) |
SWSM: Social Web Search and Mining |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
SYANCO: Synthesis and Analysis of Component Connectors |
2007 (September 2007) - 2007 (September 2007) |
SYMSAC: Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation |
1966 (January 1966) - 1986 (October 1986) |
SYSTOR: Experimental Systems Conference |
2009 (May 2009) - 2016 (June 2016) |
SafeConfig: Assurable and Usable Security Configuration |
2009 (November 2009) - 2016 (October 2016) |
Sandbox: Symposium on Video Games |
2006 (July 2006) - 2011 (August 2011) |
SecPerU: Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing |
2008 (July 2008) - 2008 (July 2008) |
SecuCode: Secure Execution of Untrusted Code |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
SecureComm: Security and Privacy in Communication Netowrks |
2008 (September 2008) - 2008 (September 2008) |
SenSys: Embedded Networked Sensor Systems |
2003 (November 2003) - 2016 (November 2016) |
SensorKDD: Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data |
2009 (June 2009) - 2012 (August 2012) |
SoCC: Cloud Computing |
2010 (June 2010) - 2016 (October 2016) |
SoCG: Computational Geometry |
1985 (June 1985) - 2014 (June 2014) |
SoD: Science of Design |
2007 (March 2007) - 2007 (March 2007) |
SoICT: Information and Communication Technology |
2010 (August 2010) - 2016 (December 2016) |
SoSEA: Social Software Engineering Applications |
2009 (August 2009) - 2009 (August 2009) |
SocialNets: Social Network Systems |
2008 (April 2008) - 2009 (March 2009) |
SoftVis: Software Visualization |
2003 (June 2003) - 2010 (October 2010) |
SpringSim: Spring Simulation Multiconference |
2007 (March 2007) - 2013 (April 2013) |
StReBio: Statistical and Relational Learning in Bioinformatics |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
StorageSS: Storage Security and Survivability |
2005 (November 2005) - 2008 (October 2008) |
StreamKDD: Novel Data Stream Pattern Mining Techniques |
2010 (July 2010) - 2010 (July 2010) |
TAMODIA: Task Models and Diagrams |
2004 (November 2004) - 2005 (September 2005) |
TAPAS: Technology and Policy for Accessing Spectrum |
2006 (August 2006) - 2006 (August 2006) |
TAPIA: Diversity in Computing |
2003 (October 2003) - 2009 (April 2009) |
TAPP: Theory and Practice of Provenance |
2010 (February 2010) - 2013 (April 2013) |
TARK: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge |
1986 (March 1986) - 2009 (July 2009) |
TAU: Timing Iissues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems |
2002 (December 2002) - 2002 (December 2002) |
TAV: Testing, Analysis and Verification |
1989 (November 1989) - 2008 (July 2008) |
TEFSE: Traceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering |
2005 (November 2005) - 2011 (May 2011) |
TEI: Tangible and Embedded Interaction |
2007 (February 2007) - 2017 (March 2017) |
TG: TeraGrid |
2010 (August 2010) - 2011 (July 2011) |
TINLAP: Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing |
1975 (June 1975) - 1975 (June 1975) |
TLDI: Types in Language Design and Implentation |
2003 (January 2003) - 2012 (January 2012) |
TMBIO: Text Mining in Bioinformatics |
2006 (November 2006) - 2006 (November 2006) |
TMR: Tagging, Mining and Retrieval |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
TRI-Ada: TRI-Ada |
1989 (January 1989) - 1997 (November 1997) |
TSA: Topic-Sentiment Analysis for Mass Opinion |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
TT: Software Technology Transfer in Software Engineering |
2006 (May 2006) - 2006 (May 2006) |
TVS: TRECVid Video Summarization |
2007 (September 2007) - 2008 (October 2008) |
TridentCom: Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities |
2008 (March 2008) - 2008 (March 2008) |
U-NET: User-Provided Networking |
2009 (December 2009) - 2009 (December 2009) |
U: Knowledge Discovery from Uncertain Data |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
UBDM: Utility-Based Data Mining |
2005 (August 2005) - 2005 (August 2005) |
UCHPC-MAW: UnConventional High Performance Computing Workshop plus Memory Access Workshop |
2009 (May 2009) - 2009 (May 2009) |
UCVP: Use of Context in Vision Processing |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
UIST: User Interface Software and Technology |
1988 (January 1988) - 2016 (October 2016) |
ULSSIS: Ultra-Large-Scale Software-Intensive Systems |
2008 (May 2008) - 2008 (May 2008) |
UML: Unified Modeling Language |
1999 (October 1999) - 2000 (October 2000) |
UODIGS: User-Oriented Design of Interactive Graphics Systems |
1977 (October 1976) - 1977 (October 1976) |
UP: Useful Patterns |
2010 (July 2010) - 2010 (July 2010) |
UPGRADE: Use of P2P, GRID and Agents for the Development of Content Networks |
2007 (June 2007) - 2009 (June 2009) |
UXTV: Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV and Video |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
UbiComp: Ubiquitous Computing |
2001 (September 2001) - 2016 (September 2016) |
UbiMob: Mobility and Ubiquity Computing |
2004 (June 2004) - 2009 (July 2009) |
UltraVis: Ultrascale Visualization |
2009 (November 2009) - 2013 (November 2013) |
VAKD: Visual Analytics and Knowledge Discovery |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
VANET: VehiculAr InterNETworking |
2004 (October 2004) - 2013 (June 2013) |
VAST: Visual Analytics Science and Technology |
2001 (November 2001) - 2009 (September 2009) |
VDTS: Virtualization Technology for Dependable Systems |
2009 (March 2009) - 2009 (March 2009) |
VEE: Virtual Execution Environments |
2005 (June 2005) - 2017 (April 2017) |
VG: Volume Graphics |
2003 (July 2003) - 2005 (June 2005) |
VIS: Visualization |
1990 (October 1990) - 2004 (October 2004) |
VISA: Virtualized Infrastructure Systems and Architectures |
2009 (August 2009) - 2010 (September 2010) |
VISSYM: Symposium on Data Visualisation |
2003 (May 2003) - 2004 (May 2004) |
VLDB: Very Large Data Bases |
1975 (September 1975) - 2007 (September 2007) |
VLS-MCMR: Very-Large-Scale Multimedia Corpus, Mining and Retrieval |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
VMIL: Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages |
2007 (March 2007) - 2016 (October 2016) |
VMSec: Virtual Machine Security |
2008 (October 2008) - 2009 (November 2009) |
VNBA: Vision Networks for Behaviour Analysis |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
VRCAI: Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry |
2004 (June 2004) - 2016 (December 2016) |
VRML: Virtual Reality Modeling Language |
1995 (January 1995) - 2000 (February 2000) |
VRST: Virtual Reality Software and Technology |
1997 (September 1997) - 2016 (November 2016) |
VSSN: Video Surveillance and Sensor Networks |
2004 (October 2004) - 2006 (October 2006) |
VTDC: Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing |
2006 (November 2006) - 2015 (June 2015) |
VVS: Symposium on Volume Visualization |
1989 (May 1989) - 2002 (October 2002) |
ValueTools: Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools |
2007 (October 2007) - 2013 (December 2013) |
Valuetools: Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools |
2006 (October 2006) - 2011 (May 2011) |
VizSEC: Visualization for Computer Security |
2004 (October 2004) - 2006 (November 2006) |
VizSec: Visualization for Cyber Security |
2010 (September 2010) - 2014 (November 2014) |
WA: Web Accessibility |
2004 (May 2004) - 2016 (April 2016) |
WACC: Work Activities Coordination and Collaboration |
1999 (March 1999) - 1999 (March 1999) |
WADAS: Washington Ada symposium on Ada |
1984 (March 1984) - 1994 (July 1994) |
WADS: Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems |
2005 (May 2005) - 2005 (May 2005) |
WBIA: Workshop on Binary Instrumentation and Applications |
2009 (December 2009) - 2009 (December 2009) |
WBMA: Biometrics Methods and Applications |
2003 (November 2003) - 2003 (November 2003) |
WCAE: Computer Architecture Education |
1995 (January 1995) - 2015 (June 2015) |
WCCCE: Computing Education |
2009 (May 2009) - 2016 (May 2016) |
WCFLP: Workshop on Curry and Functional Logic Programming |
2005 (September 2005) - 2005 (September 2005) |
WDTN: Delay-Tolerant Networking |
2005 (August 2005) - 2005 (August 2005) |
WEASELTech: Empirical Assessment of Software Engineering Languages and Technologies |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
WEH: Exception Handling |
2008 (November 2008) - 2012 (June 2012) |
WESS: Workshop on Embedded Systems Security |
2009 (October 2009) - 2015 (October 2015) |
WETSoM: Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics |
2010 (May 2010) - 2016 (May 2016) |
WEUSE: Workshop on End-User Software Engineering |
2005 (May 2005) - 2008 (May 2008) |
WEWST: Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies |
2009 (November 2009) - 2011 (September 2011) |
WGP: Workshop on Generic Programming |
2006 (September 2006) - 2015 (August 2015) |
WH: Wireless Health |
2010 (October 2010) - 2015 (October 2015) |
WHPCF: High Performance Computational Finance |
2009 (November 2009) - 2015 (November 2015) |
WI-IATW: Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology |
2006 (December 2006) - 2014 (August 2014) |
WI: Web Intelligence |
2003 (October 2003) - 2007 (November 2007) |
WICON: Wireless internet |
2006 (August 2006) - 2007 (October 2007) |
WICOW: Information Credibility on the Web |
2008 (October 2008) - 2010 (April 2010) |
WIDM: Web Information and Data Management |
1999 (November 1999) - 2012 (November 2012) |
WIESS: Industrial Experiences with Systems Software |
2000 (October 2000) - 2002 (December 2002) |
WINITS: Wireless Networking for Intelligent Transportation Systems |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
WINTECH: Exerimental Evaluation and Characterization |
2009 (September 2009) - 2009 (September 2009) |
WISER: Workshop on Interdisciplinary Software Engineering Research |
2004 (November 2004) - 2006 (May 2006) |
WISG: Workshop on Information Security Governance |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
WISTP: Information Security Theory and Practices |
2007 (May 2007) - 2008 (May 2008) |
WITS: Issues in the Theory of Security |
2005 (January 2005) - 2005 (January 2005) |
WMASH: Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots |
2003 (September 2003) - 2006 (September 2006) |
WMC: Workshop on Mobile Commerce |
2001 (July 2001) - 2002 (September 2002) |
WMI: Wireless Mobile Internet |
2001 (July 2001) - 2001 (July 2001) |
WMISI: Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces in Semantic Interaction |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
WMPI: Memory Performance Issues |
2004 (June 2004) - 2004 (June 2004) |
WMUPS: Middleware for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Systems |
2009 (June 2009) - 2009 (June 2009) |
WMuNeP: Wireless Multimedia and Performance Modeling |
2005 (October 2005) - 2011 (October 2011) |
WNS: Workshop on NS-2: the IP Network Simulator |
2006 (October 2006) - 2017 (June 2017) |
WOCCI: Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
WODA: Workshop on Dynamic Analysis |
2005 (May 2005) - 2015 (October 2015) |
WORKS: Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science |
2007 (June 2007) - 2015 (November 2015) |
WORM: Workshop on Recurring Malcode |
2003 (October 2003) - 2007 (November 2007) |
WOSN: Online Social Networks |
2008 (August 2008) - 2012 (August 2012) |
WOSP: Software and Performance |
1998 (October 1998) - 2015 (January 2015) |
WOSS: Self-Managed Systems |
2002 (November 2002) - 2004 (October 2004) |
WOSSE: Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering |
2005 (May 2005) - 2005 (May 2005) |
WOWMOM: Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia |
1998 (October 1998) - 2006 (June 2006) |
WPES: Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society |
2002 (November 2002) - 2016 (October 2016) |
WRAITS: Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems |
2008 (April 2008) - 2008 (April 2008) |
WRASQ: Workshop on Automating Service Quality |
2007 (November 2007) - 2007 (November 2007) |
WREFT: Workshop on Radiation Effects and Fault Tolerance in Nanometer Technologies |
2008 (May 2008) - 2008 (May 2008) |
WREN: Research on Enterprise Networking |
2009 (August 2009) - 2009 (August 2009) |
WRT: Refactoring Tools |
2008 (October 2008) - 2013 (October 2013) |
WS-REST: RESTful Design |
2010 (April 2010) - 2012 (April 2012) |
WSC: Winter Simulation Conference |
1971 (January 1971) - 2016 (December 2016) |
WSCD: Web Search Click Data |
2009 (February 2009) - 2009 (February 2009) |
WSDM: Web Search and Data Mining |
2008 (February 2008) - 2017 (February 2017) |
WSM: Social Media |
2009 (October 2009) - 2011 (November 2011) |
WSMC: Web-Scale Multimedia Corpus |
2009 (October 2009) - 2009 (October 2009) |
WSNA: Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications |
2002 (September 2002) - 2003 (September 2003) |
WTAOP: Workshop on Testing Aspect-Oriented Programs |
2006 (July 2006) - 2007 (March 2007) |
WUAUC: Universal Accessibility of Ubiquitous Computing |
2001 (May 2001) - 2001 (May 2001) |
WUP: Warm Up Workshop for ACM/IEEE ICSE 2010 |
2009 (April 2009) - 2009 (April 2009) |
WWW: World Wide Web |
2001 (April 2001) - 2017 (April 2017) |
Wands: Workflow Approaches to New Data-centric Science |
2010 (June 2010) - 2010 (June 2010) |
Web3D: 3D Web Technology |
2001 (February 2001) - 2016 (July 2016) |
WebDB: Web and Databases |
2004 (June 2004) - 2017 (May 2017) |
WebKDD/SNA-KDD: Web Mining and Social Network Analysis |
2007 (August 2007) - 2007 (August 2007) |
WebMedia: Multimedia and the Web |
2005 (December 2005) - 2016 (November 2016) |
WebSE: Workshop on Web 2.0 for Software Engineering |
2010 (May 2010) - 2011 (May 2011) |
WebScience: Collaborative and Collective Intelligence |
2008 (June 2008) - 2008 (June 2008) |
WiMD: Medical Grade Wireless Networks |
2009 (May 2009) - 2009 (May 2009) |
WiNS-DR: Wireless Networks and Systems for Developing Regions |
2008 (September 2008) - 2008 (September 2008) |
WiNTECH: Wireless Network Tesbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization |
2006 (September 2006) - 2016 (October 2016) |
WiSE: Wireless Security |
2002 (September 2002) - 2006 (September 2006) |
WiSec: Wireless Network Security |
2008 (March 2008) - 2016 (July 2016) |
WiTMeMo: Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling |
2005 (June 2005) - 2006 (August 2006) |
WikiSym: International Symposium on Wikis |
2005 (October 2005) - 2013 (August 2013) |
WoSQ: Workshop on Software Quality |
2005 (May 2005) - 2011 (September 2011) |
WuWNeT: UnderWater Networks |
2006 (September 2006) - 2015 (October 2015) |
XIME-P: XQuery Implementation, Experience and Perpectives |
2007 (June 2007) - 2007 (June 2007) |
XMLSEC: XML Security |
2002 (November 2002) - 2003 (October 2003) |
dg.o: Digital Government Research |
2000 (May 2000) - 2016 (June 2016) |
e-Energy: Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking |
2010 (April 2010) - 2017 (May 2017) |
e-Forensics: Forensic Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, Information, and Multimedia |
2008 (January 2008) - 2008 (January 2008) |
eConf: e-Services and e-Systems |
2009 (November 2009) - 2009 (November 2009) |
eCrime: eCrime Researchers Summit |
2007 (October 2007) - 2007 (October 2007) |
eHeritage: eHeritage and Digital Art Preservation |
2010 (October 2010) - 2010 (October 2010) |
eclipse: eclipse Technology eXchange |
2003 (October 2003) - 2007 (October 2007) |
i-CREATe: Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology |
2007 (April 2007) - 2009 (April 2009) |
iNEWS: Improving Non English Web Searching |
2008 (October 2008) - 2008 (October 2008) |
iiWAS: Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services |
2008 (November 2008) - 2016 (November 2016) |
mmCom: mmWave communications |
2010 (September 2010) - 2010 (September 2010) |
sOc-EUSAI: Smart Objects and Ambient Intelligence |
2005 (October 2005) - 2005 (October 2005) |
years of DAC: Years of DAC |
1988 (June 1988) - 1988 (June 1988) |