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ACM Tech Packs are innovative, authoritative learning packages developed by subject experts for serious computing professionals.

ACM Tech Packs are an ongoing project of the ACM Professional Development Committee. Please use the links above to visit the home pages for Software as a Service and Security to check out who's heading the effort and sign up to be notified when these Tech Packs become available.


The collaborative products of leaders in computer science and technology, Tech Packs are:

  • meticulously researched and compiled by subject matter experts
  • peer reviewed for relevance and usability by practitioners
  • periodically refreshed to keep content current

The Tech Pack Annotated Bibliography brings together the three most valuable ACM assets:

  • The vast ACM Digital Library (ACM DL)
  • The cutting-edge ACM Learning Center
  • Trusted experts who select content and add insights on cited material


Patricia Cupoli

Pat has been an IT professional for over 25 years, concentrating in the areas of Data Governance and Warehousing, Metadata Solutions and Repositories, Enterprise Architecture, Project Management, IT Strategic Planning, Online Course Development & Education, and Librarianship/Information Science. She's editor of the DAMA-DMBOK2 and DAMA International ICCP Director.READ MORE

James Lapalme
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) Assistant Director
Numerix Research Laboratory

James’ primary research interest include enterprise architecture and engineering, organizational transformation, innovation, and information management. READ MORE

John Mitchell
Mary and Gordon Crary Family Professor Department of Computer Science, Stanford University

John’s research focuses on web security, network security, privacy, programming language analysis and design, formal methods, and applications of mathematical logic to computer science..READ MORE

Stephen Petschulat
Senior Architect SAP Research

Stephen is a Senior Architect at SAP Research. Prior to joining the Research group he was the lead architect for the Advanced Analytics product area within SAP BusinessObjects. His interests include data analysis, information visualization, UI technologies, and distributed computing. Stephen is a member of the ACM Professions Board.READ MORE

Doug Terry
Microsoft Research Microsoft Research
Silicon Valley lab

His research focuses on the design and implementation of novel distributed systems and addresses issues such as information management, fault-tolerance, and mobility. READ MORE

Roy Want
Research Scientist Google

Roy Want is currently a research scientist at Google, with prior roles at Intel and Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). His research interests include mobile, ubiquitous, and pervasive computing. READ MORE