Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology

The Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) is part of the family of journals produced by the ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery.

TOSEM publishes one volume yearly. Each volume is comprised of four issues, which appear in January, April, July and October.

  • Titles to appear in future issues [+]

  • Titles that have appeared in current and past issues

For further information about the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology contact ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology.


ACM Author-Izer Service

You can generate and post links on either your home page or institutional repository for visitors to download the definitive version of your articles from the ACM Digital Library at no charge! For further information, please visit ACM Author-Izer web page.

New Options for ACM Authors to Manage Rights and Permissions

ACM introduces a new publishing license agreement, an updated copyright transfer agreement, and a new author-pays option which allows for perpetual open access through the ACM Digital Library. For more information, visit the ACM Author Rights webpage at

TOSEM submissions are now integrated with the ORCID registry

The ACM is one of several institutions that is starting to use the ORCID identification system of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars in order to improve the accuracy of bibliographic databases. For more about ORCID, visit

Distinguished Referees for 2013-2014

The Editorial Board of TOSEM gratefully recognizes the contributions of the following referees, who distinguished themselves in 2013-2014 by both the quantity and quality of the reviews they provided for TOSEM. Their contribution to the software engineering research community is greatly appreciated.

Di Penta, Massimiliano
McCamant, Stephen
Briand, Lionel
Cataldo, Marcelo
Counsell, Steve
Egyed, Alexander
Halfond, William
McMinn, Phil
Menzies, Tim
Yoo, Shin
Anand, Saswat
harrison, rachel
Herbsleb, James
Lu, Shan
Nierstrasz, Oscar
Rayadurgam, Sanjai
Rothermel, Gregg
Smaragdakis, Yannis
Zhang, Sai