Esther Dyson is the chairman of EDventure Holdings, which publishes an
influential monthly computer-industry newsletter and sponsors two
high-profile technology conferences. She was founding chairman of ICANN, the
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the international
agency charged with setting policy for the Internet's core infrastructure
(technical standards and the Domain Name System) independent of government
UBIQUITY: How might you explain who you are to somebody you met on an
ESTHER DYSON: It would depend on the day of the week. And on who the person
was and what country we were flying to. I would probably mention computers
in there, somewhere. To some people, I'm a journalist. To others, I'm a
writer. To others, I'm a venture capitalist. To others, I'm an industry
analyst. It really does vary.
UBIQUITY: Do all those things interweave?
DYSON: Yes, they interweave. I'm somebody who still likes to figure
out what's going on, and still likes to look out the window of the airplane
-- metaphorically and actually.
UBIQUITY: In the note about you on your Web site, it says: "She has
devoted her life to discovering the inevitable, and promoting the possible."
That's a nice phrasing.
DYSON: Thanks! I made it up myself.
UBIQUITY: Tell us more about the inevitable. What is inevitable?
DYSON: You can figure out an awful lot about the future just by
understanding the present. What are people actually doing? Does what
seems to be going on make sense? Last year, for example, I thought
the stock market was too high. It didn't make sense. I was wrong on
the timing, because I thought it was too high for about two years before it
finally went down; still, its sharp decline was clearly inevitable to anyone
used to asking the right questions, the kinds of questions you learn to ask
as a journalist. You can sit there and listen to somebody who can tell you
all this great stuff: how brilliant he is, and how brilliant his company is,
and how they're going to do this, that, and the other thing. But then, when
you go back home to write it up, you think, "Does this make sense?" And a
lot of the time you say, "No, it doesn't." That sort of skepticism helps you
get at the truth. What makes sense? What would you feel comfortable
asserting to somebody else?
UBIQUITY: Have you personally been wrong about anything in a way that
has caught your attention?
DYSON: I was overly optimistic on privacy issues. I expected that
people would be more interested in understanding what was going on, and in
being active, in terms of managing their own privacy. I still don't think
government regulation is the answer, but I have been disappointed in what
individuals in the market have done. I think one of the important components
there is having the financial community -- both insurance companies and
investors -- pay more attention. Unlike individuals, they have the time and
resources devoted to finding out more about companies' privacy policies, and
of course also have the financial incentives to do so. If the U.S.
government wants to do something about the protection of individual privacy,
I think it should limit itself to disclosure requirements.
UBIQUITY: You think that people aren't interested enough in their own
DYSON: They're interested, but they just don't think straight.
They're concerned, but they don't know what to do about it.
UBIQUITY: What's an example of that?
DYSON: Okay. I mentioned that someone registered ""
and someone else said to me about that: "So they've invaded your privacy!" I
said, "No, they haven't invaded my privacy. They're just using my name.
They're not publishing information about me." People are paranoid about
privacy, but don't really think about things enough to fix them. Just today,
for example, I read an editorial saying we should have a privacy button to
protect personal data, and that's a fine idea, but most of the privacy
issues are not about whether you give out the data; they're about
your being able to control what people do with the data you give
them. You want your bank to know how much money you have, and you
want the airline to know where you flew -- but you want control over
who else they give or sell that information to. You can't manage that
by denying them the information. You want them to have it; you just don't
want them to sell it to someone else. Or you may have preferences: they can
give it to this group but not to that group. Privacy is not like automobile
safety, where a car crash is a car crash; in the case of privacy, different
people have different preferences for what happens to their data and who has
access to it, and it extends beyond the people they deal with directly.
UBIQUITY: Though, as you say, it's not a privacy issue, the
registration by someone else of "" presumably caught your
DYSON: Well, he sent me a letter, and offered to sell it to me for $1
UBIQUITY: And you didn't take it?
DYSON: I said I was very flattered at the price.
UBIQUITY: Describe yourself philosophically, in a few words.
DYSON: "Curious. Tries very hard to be open-minded."
UBIQUITY: Are you an idealist or a pragmatist?
DYSON: I flatter myself that I'm an idealistic pragmatist. I want
things to be better, but I'm pretty realistic about things. I have no
illusions that I can fix the world; I just think it's worth trying to do
what I can in the parts of the world I'm involved in. Some people think
about the enormity of the world's problems, and then just give up. I'm
optimistic because I am accomplishing small things in some places. I believe
in working from the bottom up, and doing what you can. I don't think you've
failed if you haven't fixed the entire world before you die.
UBIQUITY: Expand a little on your comment about what the government
ought not to do. Did you say it ought not to overreach in terms of privacy
DYSON: I don't know what "privacy enforcement" is. You can enforce
contracts concerning people's control of their data, but the word "privacy"
has a different meaning for each person using it. If someone promises to do
X with your data, and then does Y, they've broken their promise. If it's a
legally broken promise like a contract or a statement on a Web site, then
they can be sued for breaking it. So, and again, to the extent that the
government requires something, they should require disclosure, and
disclosure that's clear enough that people can understand it.
UBIQUITY: Continuing for a moment on the question of the role of
government, a statement on your Web site says: "Indeed, one reason Russia's
press is so unreliable, i.e., biased, is that most of it relies on
government support." How would you expand on that, in terms of what
government ought to do, or not do, in the U.S. as far as the press -- or as
far as the Web -- is concerned?
DYSON: The government should leave the press alone. That's it. I
think the government should also leave most of the Web alone, but the press
(online or offline) is even more special, and I think should be even more
free. If you start having the government paying for the press or even
subsidizing it -- as in content for schools, for example, well, you know the
saying, "He who pays for lunch gets to choose the menu." First they say
they'll pay for it, and then they make you use a filter.
UBIQUITY: Let's go back to your point about making a difference
wherever you can. You're very knowledgeable about Russia and the Eastern
European countries. What have you learned from those countries?
DYSON: I've learned a lot from them -- but not just about them
-- simply because they've made me look closely at everything we take for
granted in the U.S. Such as: What does a free market mean? What does growing
up knowing you're going to have to fend for yourself, pick your own job,
mean? What does assuming you're free to say what you believe, mean? I've
also learned a lot about the intricacies of privatization, and stuff like
that, which came in handy with ICANN.
UBIQUITY: Are you optimistic about the future of Russia and the
Eastern European countries?
DYSON: Well, they're very different. Poland, Hungary, and the Czech
Republic are easy to be optimistic about. Things are getting better at
different rates, with different issues continuing, but fundamentally,
they're on their way to flourishing.
In contrast, Russia is much more troubled, though I'm optimistic about some
of the things I do there. I'm optimistic about people I know in the computer
industry, who are different from your typical big business, which in Russia
was somehow "acquired" from government hands, because the government owned
everything until recently. Whereas, the computer companies, especially the
software companies, were all created out of somebody's own head and own work
-- so that the computer guys tend to be honest, and to have the dignity and
self-esteem that comes from actually having created something. They
are, by-and-large, great guys, and smart, hardworking, and courageous. These
parts of the economy are expanding faster than the rest of Russia, and
that's good. In Russia there's still a big shortage of commercial and
technical talent, and project management skills are in short supply.
UBIQUITY: Is there still much corruption in Russia?
DYSON: It's everywhere, and if you are not talking about the computer
industry, there's a lot of it. Wherever somebody controls too much, and
isn't really responsible for it, and doesn't own it -- in other words, when
you have government officials or business managers who aren't compensated
for results, and who can make money by giving favors -- you have corruption.
UBIQUITY: Do you see that on a day-to-day basis?
DYSON: I personally see very little of it, because I hang out with
computer people. Also, I don't drive, so I don't even get stopped by the
traffic cops. But I'm well aware of it. You see it every day in the Russian
UBIQUITY: You're heavily invested in those countries? Does the
corruption there concern you?
DYSON: No. I invest in people I know and trust. I've never been
cheated in Russia -- except maybe in a restaurant. It's like investing
anywhere. I do VC-direct investing. I know the people I invest in, whether
it's here or in other countries. That's why I think I can do better than
somebody just investing in the stock market who doesn't know the managements
of the companies. Some people can do that, but I'm not very good it. I
prefer to make people judgments.
UBIQUITY: Did you start out as an economist?
DYSON: No. I started out as a student who didn't go to economics
classes, at Harvard.
UBIQUITY: You didn't go to classes?
DYSON: No. I went to a lot of movies and I wrote for the Harvard
Crimson. Then, I really started my business education as a reporter for
Forbes, which was the equivalent of going to business school, except
you got to interview the principals. It was doing case studies, but
producing articles instead of term papers. It was a lot of fun and I learned
a bunch. I also learned fact-checking. Again, a very valuable tool. You go
back, and you say, "This doesn't make sense. Where is the evidence?" before
you print something. That's something that few publications do any more,
which is really sad.
UBIQUITY: Your own publication, Release 1.0, thrives. Can you
say something about that?
DYSON: I own and edit it. It's written by Kevin Werbach, and the best
way to describe it is that it is to software reviews what literary criticism
is to book reviews. In other words, our focus is not on questions of "Should
you buy a particular software product?" but rather on "What are the overall
trends? What are these new companies an example of? What are the new
business models? What is the new technology?" My column, Release 3.0, is
written for a broad non-techie audience. It's more international in spirit,
in the computer realm. It's also about new ideas, but in a much less techie
way, with, ideally, concrete examples.
UBIQUITY: You say that at Harvard you spent more of your time going
to movies than to economics classes. Were you disappointed with Harvard?
DYSON: No, I loved it! I just was lazy in those years. But once I
eventually started working at something I thought was relevant, I became
very hard-working.
UBIQUITY: So what did you learn from all those movies?
DYSON: A ton about human nature. Of course, somewhat fictionalized
human behavior. But it was a valuable part of growing up, and Harvard was
where I grew up.
UBIQUITY: Growing up there, did you find it strange to be the
daughter of such prominent people?
DYSON: No. For one thing, nobody knew who my father was. Though he's
"famous," his name is known only within a small circle of people. At home,
we never felt we were the kids of a famous scientist. We were kids who were
expected to do well in school, but our parents were really great. They were
not always talking about Einstein. They were always very interested in what
happened in the third grade, or whatever. We had a very unpretentious
UBIQUITY: You enjoyed Harvard?
DYSON: Oh, I loved it. It was a great place to be a kid, at that
time. I did actually go to a few classes and had some very good teachers. I
probably had other very good teachers I didn't know about.
UBIQUITY: Were you ever tempted to go to graduate school?
DYSON: No. In fact, I was even tempted not to go back to Harvard to
finish my undergraduate degree, after taking two half-years off. As I said,
I was really lazy in college because I didn't think what I was doing was
very useful. Once I found something to do that I thought was useful,
I loved working. With all due respect, I never thought of grad school as
being very useful. I mean, it's certainly educational, and it produces great
research, but I wanted to get out into the world, plus, I needed to make
some money.
UBIQUITY: Did your early interest in movie-going lead to an eventual
interest in investing in media?
DYSON: I don't think media is a terribly profitable place to be. I
did invest in Feed [now part of], and I'm an investor in a
company called Internet Publishing Group. But frankly, most media ventures
are fairly big, or at least needy, at this point and I don't have that much
money to play with. I'm invested in a couple of others that are also
media-related but I do not invest, by-and-large, in content Web sites
because I don't see much financial prospect for that. There is one called
Newspaper Direct that prints out newspapers from PDF files and distributes
them to hotels and corporate customers, and on cruise ships (and we hope
someday on airplanes), so you have a physical, paper newspaper, often days
faster than it could be delivered. Then, there's one called Pressflex, which
is an application software provider for newspapers to be online. And by the
way, it's worth noting the distinction between "media," which these days
mostly means entertainment, and the press, or journalism, which I still hold
in some awe.
UBIQUITY: What makes a good press venture?
DYSON: The most important thing to say on that point is that the best
press has to be commercial. If it can't support itself, somebody can always
shut it down. There's no reason to say that freedom of speech and being
commercial should not go together. Even something like the Internet
Publishing Group, which publishes trade newsletters. It's very valuable to
have a trade newsletter that tells the truth about the products and the
people. The press isn't only about politics. There are lots of other spheres
that need good information and disclosure.
UBIQUITY: Are you an enormous fan of any particular set of
DYSON: George Orwell's books. I'm a fan of Kay Graham's. I'm a big
fan of the Wall Street Journal.
UBIQUITY: Anything else?
DYSON: Well, yes, for different purposes. It's sort of like your
friends. Nobody's perfect, but you love them all. I read a lot of things. I
read The Industry Standard. I read the New York Times,
obviously, and the Financial Times. None of them is perfect. But
unfortunately, neither am I or my friends.
UBIQUITY: Let's talk about ICANN, the Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers. You were the founding chairman.
DYSON: Right, but I'm no longer officially involved. If they have new
at-large registration, I will become an at-large member.
UBIQUITY: What were the inner workings of that group like? Was it a
completely harmonious group? Certainly, various outsiders criticized it for
different reasons.
DYSON: Well, it was criticized for a lot of things, some of which
were valid, and some of which weren't. It was not quite as mysterious as
people said it was. It did have its board meetings in the open. It was not
always entirely harmonious, but the people got along reasonably well. There
were some people with fairly different points of view. We began with closed
board meetings, which was a mistake, so we changed to open board meetings,
and you could see how we thought and how we interacted.
UBIQUITY: What were the basic philosophical differences within the
DYSON: Oh, I was probably more free-market than quite a few people on
there, and those kinds of things. Also, the Americans were quite different
from the non-Americans, in reality and also in perception. There were also
personality things. I'm more used to being a public person than quite a few
people on the board, and that was one reason they were less accustomed to
the glare and the criticism. Mostly I didn't take it personally, though some
of what was said about us was pretty nasty. Again, some of it was
justifiable. But a lot wasn't.
UBIQUITY: Give an example of something that was justified and an
example of something that wasn't.
DYSON: Well, originally, it was justified that we should have our
meetings in the open. Later on, it was not justified, because
we did. There were also, for example, some accusations that I was getting
rich off ICANN -- but those were only from a few people, and they applied to
most of the board, though I got the greatest visibility. Believe me, if I
wanted to get rich, I know better ways to do that (and for what it's worth,
better ways than to invest in Eastern Europe). But getting rich is not what
drives me.
UBIQUITY: Why in the world did they think you were getting rich off
DYSON: I can't tell you why they thought so, but probably they just
thought it ought to be true. For example, I appeared in an IBM commercial
once and they thought that must be some kind of deal. There were similar
charges against other people and there was also just unpleasant stuff. But
you could dismiss that because it was so blatantly -- how should we say? --
UBIQUITY: You must be glad to be out of it.
DYSON: I am, but I'm also very glad I did it. I think it was
worthwhile, and I still take an interest in it. I don't want to just walk
away from all this. I think it's important that ICANN work, and it's also
important that it do what it's supposed to do, and not expand. I have a lot
of strong opinions about freedom of speech and privacy, which are not ICANN
UBIQUITY: Do you foresee that ICANN will become increasingly
DYSON: Well, it's important, but in some sense, it should matter less
and less, because its purpose is to leave more and more to the market, and
to interacting organizations. The more registrars you have, the less power
each one of them has. In the same way, when a government privatizes and
fosters the creation of five telecom companies, the less power each telecom
has, and the less power the government has. So ICANN's job is to keep
reducing its power and decentralizing it, not by giving it to someone else,
but by creating a marketplace where there are lots of competing actors. If
you don't like NSI's policies, go to some other registry. ICANN should set
only the minimum policies.
UBIQUITY: Can we pause for a moment to consider a narrower question
that seems confusing: what is the difference between the .biz and .com
DYSON: Indeed, that's a troubling question. I'm not sure what the
value of .biz is if it's just going to duplicate .com.
UBIQUITY: Presumably, would have to protect itself by
getting the rights to
DYSON: You just hope that not everybody's going to do that, because
otherwise you haven't created a new space, you've duplicated the old one.
There was huge demand to do it, and to some extent, ICANN reflects the
consensus. I think things like .aero and .coop in the long run will be much
more useful. That's why I personally love things like .md, and .tv. I want
diversity and variety, not duplication.
UBIQUITY: I guess we probably should conclude with some more general
thoughts on the maturity -- if that's the right word -- of the Internet. Do
you feel that it's reached a certain kind of maturity, now?
DYSON: No. What is the Internet itself? The interesting part is the
people on it and their interactions. There's billions more people waiting to
come on it, so I'd say it's pretty early. Things like ICANN are just the
beginning. Creating just seven new top-level domains is a pitifully small
start. There's a long way to go. We need a lot more social infrastructure.
Not necessarily regulation, but affordances, directories, reputation
systems, mapping systems, better search tools, better ideas for avoiding
spam without abridging senders' rights to freedom of speech, and so forth.
There's a lot of very useful and important and interesting work still to be