Interviews are organized by the month and year in which they first appeared. To find an interviewee by name, use the search bar (at upper right).
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An Interview with Quint Studer: Hardwiring Excellence
by Ubiquity staff
December 2005
An Interview with Scott McKinley: Project-Based Learning: The Neumont University story
by Ubiquity staff
November 2005Neumont University co-founder and CEO Scott McKinley says the most innovative aspect of the Neumont curriculum is its focus on student projects: "Our freshmen are on project teams from the ...
An Interview with William P. Dunk: On Collaboration
by Ubiquity staff
October 2005Management consultant and futurist William P. Dunk says, "What collaboration is about is distributed intelligence, and I think that systems and governments and companies are all in such a degree ...
An Interview with Alan Lenton: On Games
by Ubiquity staff
October 2005Noted U.K. game designer Alan Lenton talks about his award-winning multi-player game Federation and discusses the sociology and psychology of gaming. ...
A Ubiquity interview with Thomas H. Davenport
by Ubiquity staff
September 2005
An Interview with John Markoff: What the dormouse said
by Ubiquity staff
August 2005John Markoff is author of the new best-seller "What the Dormouse Said: How the 60s Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry," and is a senior writer for The New York ...
Richard Field on Technology and Commerce
by Ubiquity staff
June 2005
An Interview with F-H Hsu: Chess, China, and Education
by Ubiquity staff
July 2005Feng-Hsiung Hsu, whose book "Behind Deep Blue" told the story of world chess champion Garry Kasparov was defeated by the IBM computer known as Deep Blue, is now a senior ...
An Interview with Leonard Kleinrock on nomadic computing
by Ubiquity staff
July 2005Leonard Kleinrock developed the mathematical theory of packet-switching, the technology underpinning the Internet, while a graduate student at MIT a decade before the birth of the Internet which occurred when ...
Immersed in the future: Randy Pausch on the future of education
by Ubiquity staff
June 2005
Building smarter: an interview with Jerry Laiserin
by Ubiquity staff
May 2005Architect and industry analyst Jerry Laiserin is an advocate for "building smarter" - the application of information technology to transform the way the built environment is designed, constructed and operated. ...
You should use both sides of your brain, right?
by Ubiquity staff
May 2005Author Dan Pink argues that "nowadays, the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn't is going to be mastery of these abilities that are more characteristic of the ...
Cerf's up again!: a new ubiquity interview with Vint Cerf
by Ubiquity staff
April 2005
Joseph Konstan on Human-Computer Interaction: Recommender Systems, Collaboration and Social Good
by Ubiquity staff
March 2005An interview with Joseph Konstan: Konstan is an associate professor of computer science at the University of Minnesota. His background includes a bachelor's degree from Harvard College and a PhD ...
Microsoft's Hong-Jiang Zhang: the process of product innovation
by Ubiquity staff
March 2005"If you're working on actual products you can't say that 90 percent is good enough and just move to something else." ...
Ken Sevcik on Performance Evaluation
by Ubiquity staff
February 2005Ken Sevcik is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Toronto. He received his B.S. in 1966 from Stanford University and his PhD in 1971 from the University of ...
Ken Robinson on Telecom Policy
by Ubiquity staff
February 2005Ken Robinson is a communications attorney in Washington, having worked at the Departments of Justice and Commerce, the FCC, and the Office of Telecommunications Policy during the Nixon Administration. ...
Anita McGahan on Industry Evolution
by Ubiquity staff
February 2005Anita M. McGahan is author of the new book 'How Industries Evolve: Principles for Achieving and Sustaining Superior Performance' (Harvard Business School Press). She is the Everett V. ...
Leonard and Swap on 'Deep Smarts'
by Ubiquity staff
February 2005An interview with Dorothy Leonard and Walter Swap: The first issue that any organization has to face is the identification of the deep smarts. Dorothy Leonard and Walter Swap are ...
Mihai Nadin on Anticipatory Systems
by Ubiquity staff
January 2005What is the difference between a falling stone and a falling cat? Mihai Nadin, who directs the newly established Institute for Research in Anticipatory Systems at the University of Texas ...
Czerwinski on Vizualization
by Ubiquity staff
January 2005Mary Czerwinski is Senior Researcher and Group Manager Visualization and Interaction Research Group at Microsoft Research. ...