Welcome from the ACM-W Chair

Welcome to ACM-W-Connections, our updated newsletter. In each issue we will bring you updates about ACM-W programs (celebrations, scholarships and awards, and chapters) as well as contributed articles and announcements of upcoming events. In this first issue you'll find news from India and Europe, and our regular AskJudy column, by Judy Olson, the 2011 ACM-W Athena Lecturer. We also have contributions from Jaime Teevan about child-friendly conferences and from Kimberly Oakes about her process of applying to graduate school. Please let us know what you think of ACM-W-Connections and what sorts of material you'd like to see here. I'd like to thank Yuqing Melanie Wu who has led our effort to revamp our website and set up this newsletter infrastructure, and thank Katie Siek and Sarah Loos who continue to solicit contributed articles and work with the authors. What you'll be seeing in each issue is the result of the efforts of those three.

News From Our Contributors

Ask Judy
Judy Olson, the 2011 ACM-W’s Athena Lecturer, puts forward her best advice about the ever-present issue of time management. How do you get so much done? This is the first of a special two part series in the Ask Judy column. Read it here.

Family Friendly Conferences
Jaime Teevan, Microsoft Research, shares thoughts on family friendly conferences, and the benefits for researchers. Read it here.

Surviving the In-between: Choosing a Graduate School
Kimberly Oakes shares her experiences visiting graduate schools, interviewing with professors, and choosing the best school. Read it here.

News from ACM-W India

ACM-W India aims to provide comprehensive support for the growth and empowerment of women in computing in India. ACM-W India organizes a range of programs to provide a platform for sharing of information, resources, ideas and experiences. Members from industrial, academic and government communities are invited to participate and contribute to the growth of women in technology. We look forward to seeing you at the following events.

Grace Hopper Conference India 2013 (http://gracehopper.org.in/2013)

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, presented by the Anita Borg Institute and ACM India, was held at The Lalit Ashok Hotel, Bangalore, India during November 13-15, 2013. Leading women researchers presented their work, and special sessions focused on the role of women in computer science, information technology, research and engineering. Registration included a FREE one-year membership to ACM, and we hoped everyone checked the box for ACM-W when they joined!

ACM India Annual Event (http://india.acm.org)

The 2014 annual flagship event is being held in February to discuss trends in science and technology, and to celebrate ACM’s spirit and India’s accomplishments in computing. This event is regularly attended by ACM Turing Award winners, ACM Office Bearers, ACM India members, leading researchers and IT professionals. The speakers this year include Radia Perlman, Dave Patterson, Shafi Goldwasser and other eminent speakers. Vint Cerf, ACM President, will be delivering the welcome address. More details are available at the ACM India website

News from ACM-W Europe

ACM-W Europe committee strives to increase support, visibility and encouragement of women in computing in Europe through networking, events and increasing the visibility of women in computing.

ACM womENcourage conference ( http://womencourage.acm.org).

Join students, industry professionals, academics and other leaders in computing to promote networking, visibility and technical discussion on March 1 2014. We invite poster submissions of original work by students (female and male) in all areas of computing and related disciplines. As the event attendees will be multidisciplinary, the poster should introduce the precise area in which the work is framed and should also emphasize the original work that has been performed by the student. The institute or group in which the student works should be mentioned in the poster.


  • ACM-W Communication launched the new ACM-W webpage.
  • ACM-W Student Chapters has formed a Facebook group. Search for "ACM-W Chapters" in FB.
  • Upcoming conferences:
    • AWiC, the Australasia Celebration of Women in Computing, Jan. 20-23, 2014
    • CWiC, the Carolinas Celebration of Women in Computing, Feb. 7-8, 2014
    • INWiC, the Indiana Celebration of Women in Computing, Feb. 7-8, 2014
    • TRIWiC, the Northern Kentucky Celebration of Women in Computing, Feb. 7-8, 2014
    • CCWiC, the first Caribbean Celebration of Women in Computing, Feb. 26-27, 2014
  • Upcoming deadlines:
    • scholarship application, Feb. 15. 2014
  • Seeking volunteer to help with ACM-W communication. Please contact Yuqing Melanie Wu at
    [email protected] and Rane Johnson at [email protected]