Welcome from the ACM-W Chair
- Valerie Barr, ACM-W Chair
Welcome to the summer issue of ACM-W Connections. Our hard working communications team is taking a well-deserved break by putting out only one issue for both July and August. We really appreciate the incredible effort they have put in since we launched this newsletter in January. In this issue we feature a piece by Audrey Gendreau about the challenge of work-life balance that ultimately, and unexpectedly, led her to complete a PhD. We also highlight an article from the July issue of Communications about ACM-W's efforts in Europe. We’ll be back on schedule in mid-September with information about new activities ACM-W will be working on during 2014-2015, the result of a wonderful Executive Meeting we had in May. Thanks for supporting ACM-W and women in computing.
News From ACM-W Europe
Don't miss the article in the July issue of Communications of the ACM about European Women in Computing.
News From Our Contributors
In pursuit of a balance between family and self, Audrey Gendreau encourages women to take chances and assume roles that are uncharacteristic of them, in turn, goals that were otherwise unconceivable can become attainable. Audrey Gendreau shares her story about earning an unanticipated Ph.D. by making career choices that were otherwise uncharacteristic of her, and because of that, unimaginable goals became attainable.
Read the full article here.
Would you like to contribute an article to the ACM-W Newsletter? With a distribution list reaching thousands of ACM-W members, contributing to the newsletter is a wonderful opportunity to share ideas and information across a wide audience. Submit a proposal for an article http://women.acm.org/submit.