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MentorNet Matches Students with ACM Professionals

ACM Student Members:
Are you looking for a mentor to encourage you in your studies and career?

Then explore MentorNet, a social network for mentoring tailored to students pursuing degrees in scientific, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, including computer science. Be mentored in a unique one-on-one relationship with professionals working in these fields.


Find out more about how MentorNet works by watching this 2-1/2 minute video.

By joining MentorNet, you will have an opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and tips about challenges you face in your education or future career. Your mentor's advice and perspectives will help increase your self-confidence and support your success. MentorNet will also provide you with the ability to develop a personal network of professional contacts that will support you throughout your career and make job hunting easier when the time comes.

Join MentorNet and Experience the Power of 2!

Benefits for Protégés and Mentors:

By sharing personal and professional experiences, a MentorNet mentor can empower a student pursuing a STEM degree to persist in their education, graduate, and experience a better future. Because our mentorships are one-to-one, MentorNet protégés receive personalized guidance that supports their individual success.

MentorNet provides mentors and protégés with training before their mentorship and guides their relationship with weekly discussion topics that help pairs to address common challenges, explore shared interests, and grow professionally. Concerns of women, under-represented minorities and first-generation college attendees in STEM fields are key areas of focus.

Although protégés and mentors engage for an average of 15 minutes weekly over several months, MentorNet surveys demonstrate that their relationships often last a lifetime.

MentorNet protégés are positioned for life-long employment in high-wage STEM professions. To date, 92% of MentorNet's protégés graduate with a STEM degree. Historically, 50% of MentorNet protégés have explored internships or employment opportunities with their mentor's company.

MentorNet’s social network for mentoring makes it easy for you to join and to be matched with a mentor or protégé whose profile and interests are similar to your own. MentorNet leverages mentors' interests, experience and expertise in support of the protégé's educational success. Mentors report that they are motivated by a desire to give back, experience deep satisfaction in sharing their experience and expertise, and gain a deeper understanding of their personal accomplishments while building management and leadership skills.

MentorNet has many "master" mentors who repeatedly mentor protégés, and many MentorNet protégés become mentors themselves.

MentorNet’s ultimate goal is to foster a pervasive culture of mentoring in STEM fields that encourages the persistence and success of individuals throughout every stage of their higher education and career.

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