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Non-Member Subscription Prices for Individuals

Pricing effective July 1, 2014

The following applies for non-member subscriptions for individuals:
  • Pricing applies to individuals using subscriptions to ACM Journals & Magazines for personal use (institutions are ineligible for non-member individual pricing)
  • Access is via ACM Web Account (username & password) and is not to be shared within an institutional environment
  • No post cancellation archival rights apply to a la carte subscriptions
For More information about A La Carte Subscriptions for individuals, please contact ACM Member Services Department at ACM Member Services Dept.

Magazines and Journals Issues per year Print Only Online Only
Online & Print

Expedited Air
Communications of the ACM 12 $249 $199 $299 $59
Computers in Entertainment (online only) 4 n/a $180 n/a n/a
Computing Reviews 12 $270 online online $40
Computing Surveys 4 $235 $188 $282 $33
Evolutionary Computation
4 $434 n/a n/a $31
ACM InRoads 4 $115 $92 $138 $59
interactions 6 $235 $188
$282 $36
International Journal on Very Large Databases 6 $283 $226 $340 $31
Journal on Computer & Cultural Heritage
4 $190 $152 $228
Journal on Data & Information Quality
$190 $152 $228 $26
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (online only) 12 n/a $194 n/a n/a
Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
4 $195 $156 $234 $24
Journal of the ACM 6 $295 $236 $354 $59
Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
6 $443 $354 $532 $31
XRDS: Crossroads
4 $180 n/a n/a $26
Transactions on:

Accessible Computing (TACCESS)
Algorithms (TALG) 4 $280 $224 $336 $24
Applied Perception (TAP) 4 $200 $160 $240 $24
Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 4 $200 $160 $240 $24
Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP) 4 $210 $168 $252 $26
Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASLP) - Prof 6 $145 $116 $174 $26
Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASLP) - Stu 6 $73 $58 $88 $26
Autonomous Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 4 $190 $152 $228 $24
Computational Biology and Bio Informatics (TCBB) 6 $455 $364
$546 $50
Computational Logic (TOCL) 4 $228 $182 $274 $26
Computation Theory (TOCT)
4 $190
Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 6 $205 $164 $246 $26
Computer Systems (TOCS) 4 $245 $196 $294 $26
Computing Education TOCE (formerly JERIC)
6 n/a
$180 n/a n/a
Database Systems (TODS) 4 $224 $195 $293 $26
Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) 4 $265 $212 $318 $26
Economics and Computation (TEAC) 4 $225 $180 $270 $24
Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 4 $210 $168 $252 $24
Graphics (TOG) 4 $245 $196 $294 $26
Information and System Security (TISSEC) 4 $230 $184 $276 $24
Information Systems (TOIS) 4 $245 $196 $294 $26
Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 4 $239 $191 $287 $73
Interactive Intelligent Systems (TIIS) 4 $185 $148 $222 $77
Internet Technology (TOIT) 4 $220 $176 $264 $24
Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)
4 $190 $152
Management Information Systems (TMIS)
4 $180 $144
Mathematical Software (TOMS) 4 $244 $195 $293 $26
Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 4 $235 $188 $282 $26
Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) 4 $195 $156 $234 $24
Networking (TON) (IEEE/ACM)
6 $850 $680 $1020 $53
Parallel Computing (TOPC) 4 $220 $176 $264 $26
Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 6 $300 $240 $360 $33
Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) 4 $190 $152 $228 $25
Sensor Networks (TOSN) 4 $195 $156 $234 $24
Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 4 $225 $180 $270 $26
Storage (TOS) 4 $195 $156 $234 $24
Web (TWEB)
4 $190

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