XRDS: Resources
Looking to make the most of your academic career? The editors and readers of XRDS represent the brightest and most successful computer science and engineering students on the planet. Here, they share tips, advice, and straightforward how-to articles that will help you navigate your student life.
How to Write a Research Poster
Guide to creating and presenting a research poster.
Recommended for undergraduates and first-year graduate students.
How to Learn Programming Languages
New to programming? No-nonsense tips to empower you to start learning your first (or third) programming language.
Recommended for new programming students and teens interested in computer science at university.
The Academic Job Search: How to Prepare Key Documents
Tips for putting together the right documents when applying for academic jobs.
Recommended for aspiring professors.
The Academic Job Search: The Job Talk
What is a job talk? Tips for preparing.
Recommended for aspiring professors.
The Academic Job Search: Interviewing
Questions to ask and answer.
Recommended for aspiring professors.
Additional resources available to all ACM student members:
SOFTWARE Highlight
Did you know that Microsoft has full versions of software available for you to download for FREE? Downloads include Visual Studio 2010, Server 2003, XNA Developer Studio, and loads more. All you need is a valid ACM student member email address.
Visit DreamSpark to get started
With your ACM student membership, you can also download full versions of many Microsoft products. Login to your membership page for details.
Useful Links
- ACM student member benefits
- ACM Learning Center Student member benefits include online books, courses, and webinars (the latter open to all).
- BCS Student Membership (U.K.)
- Conference Alerts for conferences in any field, including Engineering and Technology
- Easy Chair conference list for computing events
- Elsevier's Computer Science Call for Papers RSS feed
- IEEE Digital Library
- Reviews.com, database of reviews for technology-focused books, articles, and tools.
- RIT's paid internship list
- SemreX Calls for Papers
- University of Wisconsin-Madison Computer Science department's Call for Papers list
- Wiki CFP, a wiki for calls for papers
Quick Links
Events Listing
Calendar of submission deadlines, conferences, scholarships, fellowships, and more for computer science and engineering students.
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